Real or Fake quote?

Been trying to fact check this,
and all google finds is kikes saying its fake.
but they say everything is fake, if it damages their narrative.

Does Jow Forums have a solid source for this quote?
Particularly "we slaughtered the wrong pig"

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Other urls found in this thread:

Yes, it's fake. Churchill was a bankrupt neocon that was paid off by zogs.

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He was very sympathetic to Fascism and National Socialism at first and at many points had very good relations with Mussolini and Hitler and sent letters to them praising their regimes. He was an open white nationalist and always advocated eugenics and the sterillisiation of degenerate Britons. He also warned about the internationalist Jewish plot for the enslavement of mankind. However, by the outbreak of the second world war he came under the control of the 'Focus' group, a group of internationalist zionist bankers that basically had him in their pocket for the rest of his career (they paid off his gambling debts) and in the end thought that their interests were more important than the interests of the British or European peoples so whilst he was very agreeable to a Jow Forums worldview he was generally not /ourguy/ it must be said.

Germany is your friend

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It's fake. Most stuff pol faps over is fake.

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t. tranny

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Churchill was a based white nationalist who intervened to help stop kike Hitler from killing white russians and ukranians.

I know he was a kike puppet. But its possible with the increasing threat & crimes of the soviet union, he could have shifted his opinion on the russia.

Here's what i've found so far
It WAS published in a book "Propaganda in the Next War"
>This quote appears to have been invented in 2001 and inserted into the foreword to a new edition of a book first written in 1938, Propaganda in the Next War. Since the book is out of copyright and the original author is dead, the new foreword could've been written by any lunatic with an account on a self-publishing site.
They try to explain the quote away as "invented" in 2001.

I then found this
>The earliest statement I've come across attributed to Churchill is "It is clear to me now that we have slaughtered the wrong pig". In the news journal The New Statesman and Nation, volume 35, page 373, dated 28th August 1948.
Anyone know if there is a copy of " The New Statesman and Nation, volume 35" somewhere online?


>attacks white nation
>britain and america help! I need help to kill and enslave white people

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Russia was invested with JEWISH Controlled government

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>they have jews in the government so let me genocide the people

genius. with a guy as smart as Hitler it's shocking the war was lost

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Soviet manpower was just too overwhelming for the Germans, and also the Germans had simply stretched themselves way thin.

Jews WERE already genociding the ethnic Russian people (as im sure you know kike).

After Hilter liberated regions from (((bolshivik))) oppression, MANY joined and fought with the Nazis, because they hated their jewish oppressors so much.

I am pretty sure the Ukrainians were for the Germans, but then they started going against them when the Germans started treating them like shit. Yea, I am aware the Soviets did too before then but I guess they were for the Soviets again idk.

yeah. not like they killed 15 million civilians or anything

Churchill was burger, of course he was a kike plaything.

stop making shit up you inbred buffoon

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>from a book called "Hitler's table talk"
>citing a letter written by Eduard Wagner to his wife
>LOOOK LOOK i found the official German master plan
he also said in that letter,
>"What exists beyond that will be another world, in which we mean to let the Russians live as they like."
still 100x better than living under jewish communist tyranny.

Eduard Wagner became a conspirator against Adolf Hitler.
>After the failure of the coup attempt, he feared that his arrest by the Gestapo was imminent and that he might be forced to implicate other plotters. He committed suicide by shooting himself in the head at noon on 23 July 1944.

so fuck this TRAITOR,
he didnt represent Hitler or his plans.

Source for this claim memeflagging gaslighting kike shill rat?

Ha Ha you would not eat the Jew pill and go to clown world.

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