Do you actually *hate* Mexicans?

Do you actually *hate* Mexicans?

I mean Mexicans as an individual people, a culture, a nationality. What is about the Mexican way of life that disturbs or frustrates you?

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They way they laugh. I hate it.

No. Why would I?


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I like it when they make Mexican food. Now make me some Mexican food pedro. I said MAKE ME SOME MEXICAN FOOD PEDRO!!

mexicans and argentines are kind of at odds with each other, but i know a couple of friendly ones
i hate the fact they kill each other constantly and claim to represent all the fucking spanish-speaking peoples south of the US, and gives us a bad image


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they're fat, stupid, and vote to take away gun rights. yes i hate them.

I also know friendly ones, but living in Mexico is like living in hell.


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I don't hate them when they stay in Mexico

I don't hate them but many of the ones I know tend to be overly wanna-be macho (to the point that it comes off as insecure) pricks. Puerto Ricans are really chill, though.

You have to go back. You aren't going back. I hate you.

Thufferin' thukatash, I hate how fatht they run.

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How about some music?

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Right after high school I worked as an underground sprinkler tech. Had plenty of wet back laborors work with me. Some worked well some were dogshit. Some of them are good people. They would not be shit on around here as much if they STAYED IN THEIR OWN FUCKING COUNTRY AND FIXED IT.

>Puerto Ricans are really chill, though.

I asked you about Mexicans.

Bringing up PR when I asked you about Mexico is like talking about Syria when I asked you about Switzerland.

No. I might be one of the few anons who have been to Mexico, and they are a lazy, yet friendly, and mostly fun people, which I can certainly get with, and the wrestling shows they do in Mexico City are top notch.

Many legal Mexican immigrants are actually a little based, and for the wall, since they did it the right way.

But the criminal element is huge, and many are both lazy and greedy, easily manipulated by Dem operatives as well, although maybe the see it as a means to an end.

Certainly a mixed bag, but not as bad as they are made out to be. Highly inferior to whites, but better to be around than niggers and Jews, which isn't saying much.

Digits confirm.

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I miss speedy gonsalez cartoons

>I asked you about Mexicans.
And I already answered you, illiterate retard.

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let me guess, you're one of those racist rewards who think countries that are thousands of miles way from each other are identical because the people in them are brown? lol

ah fuck that was a saudi whoops i confirm the rest are mexican hold up dont wanna be racist. this ones mexican. clicked wrong image

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I'm mexican and I hate mexicans.
These godless monsters are worse than orcs or goblins, they breed evil and they would torture you for sport.


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Yes all of you brown shirt squat Indio bastards should be culled by the castizo and mestizo using Aztec brutality. That goes for Central American border jumpers too. If you are legal or a citizen then I'll judge you by how you act like any other color of shithead. I hate all immigrants fairly. I like your Mexican food but have no use for your culture because I am not a Mexican. Every culture has assholes and yours is less shittier than it could be for a neighboring country, I mean at least you aren't a leaf , right?

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>racist rewards
You're retarded, dude. Learn to type. And I brought up PR because of what user posted here: Mexicans tend to be shitty people and the ones that live in the USA pretend to be the spokesperson for everything Hispanic.

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>come illegal to my country
>declare it's stolen land and theirs
>say I owe them, literally nigger tier

so imagine someone coming over to your house uninvited, decided he wants to live there and then tells you it isn't your house it's his and you're a racist if you don't like it .

no, they're good hardworking people


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>What is about the Mexican way of life that disturbs or frustrates you?
It disturbs me that they come over here to be Mexicans. Fuck Mexicans and fuck Chicanos like you OP.

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Nah. Mexicans have always been bros to me and my dad had a kid with a chicana so my sister is half.

The same place?

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Reminder that all what youposted were work from Los Zetas, a paramilitary group trained by americans, just a little reminder

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with every fucking fiber of my being.

thank you for confirming my suspicions and getting extremely mad in a very funny way because an anonymous stranger wrote sixteen words on the internet

surely this is an indication that your genes will survive

They defected from the Mexican military after being trained by the US because they wanted money.

Listen here pal. First of all, Mexicans are people not a bunch of savages pretending to be civilized. Second, I just love tacos, fucking love them. Mexicans make the best tacos and if a couple 1,000 or so people have to die at the hands of illegal immigrants every year so I can get my cheap, peasant food then so be it. Third, who cares if everything is gonna be in Spanish it's not THAT hard to learn I mean it's not like Japanese or something. Also, yeah our country is gonna resemble Mexico in a couple of years, crime and corruption included, but who CARES. Just stop caring bro, stop being racist, just stop caring. It's not THAT important jeez.

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>they wanted money
sure glowie

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I hate them because I can't tell if they are white or not.

There's just a little.... something-something... about this post that's telling me that you have to go back.

no and infact, they arent even really that bad on the whole. Sure they kind of stink, and are loud, but on the whole, they just want to make money and dont want to bother anyone else. The problem is their government is encouraging their poorest and dumbest to come here, and that is a fucking problem.

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videoade by people trained in US bases, just a reminder

Mexican culture needs to be fucking erased.

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I hate Mexican Americans. The ones that speak broken English despite being a couple generations in the US. The kind that live in places where all the billboards and shop names are in Spanish.
I don't hate actual Mexicans nor some family next door with the last name Lopez. It's the lack of effort to adapt that pisses me off.

Because it is poor Mexican trash flooding the USA. It isn't nice, law-abiding middle class Mexicans. White trash & black trash & Native trash are enough. We have plenty of trash already. We don't need yet another nation's trashy folks.

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I hate anyone with even a minute amount of Amerindian blood, so yes I hate Meximutts.

Wrong, the cartels hire american ex military to train their miniins

Yeah, every single person who committed these crimes is a CIA and FBI operative and not mexican.

Not all of these images are even that group there are multiple cartels.

I like mexicans. Fuck the haters.
>inb4 spic
I am whiter than you and I will gladly prove it

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leave spic

they ruin every city they touch. so yes

Yet is growing in your nation

and the genocide of whites in america and europe is being done by your own people, why blame the jews? lmao you are pathetic

fuck you traitor

We are winning the demograpgic war faggots

It makes no sense to live on this continent if you feel that way

People create culture. Culture shapes society.
Mexico is a corrupt violent shithole.
Bad people, bad culture

I don't really hate anyone except the pit vipers. I just wish Mexicans would understand just how irritating and paradoxical it is to Americans that Mexicans come here illegally and do underhanded shit to stay here like identity theft, and then fuck around and still have the nerve to saw Mexican Pride, La Raza, Reconquista, and all that shit. Mexicans that come her legally tend to take pride in being an American and Mexicans that come to America illegally do not. I just want all the 'do nots' back in Mexico. Make Mexico Great so Mexicans don't feel the need to come here in the first place because all their needs are met there.

Mexicans are half European though

Here's a song for the Texans and Mexicans:

God that sucks
That was merely a kid and his dad getting slaughtered by spics

I dont remember suggesting that it wasnt first of all, and its not. The Jews arent responsible for white genocide in south africa, but the jews are responsible for the democratic media and feeding lies to the country leading to increased immigration. The Jews are also responsible for 9/11 and Iran. The mexicans kill their own people sorry sandnigger

At what point will the parasite kill the host.

Which means everyone is LOSING, beaner

>We are winning the demograpgic war faggots

I hope your cousins, I mean, "cia operatives" turn you into an extra grande sized taco Pablo.

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>What is about the Mexican way of life that disturbs or frustrates you?
I don't want to be beheaded

What are you going to do when the white man isn't around to pay you anymore?

I took the time to sift through this entire list and pick out only name brands and very easily recognisable brands for you


There are current Jewish ceos and founders in every company in this list:
Columbia Picures
20th Century Fox
Warner Brothers
Walt Disney
Sony (Chairmen only)
Tristar Pictures
Bad Hat Harry
Motion Picture Association of America
Academy of Motion Picture arts and sciences
New Line Cinema
AMC Theatres
USA Network
AMC Networks
Home Shopping Network
Saturday Night Live
The Food Network
Home Depot
Family Dollar
Golds Gym
Nu Image
Hyatt Hotels
Yellow Cab Company
Rodan + Fields (Proactiv)
Burts Bees
Q-tips (Hold patent)
Victorias Secret
Bath & Body works

>Do you actually *hate* Mexicans?
>What is about the Mexican way of life that disturbs or frustrates you?
Not being in Mexico

Urban Decay makeup
Founded NYSE Stock exchange
Chase Bank
Goldman Sachs
City National bank
XPO Logistics
Ben and Jerrys ice cream
Baskin Robbins
Pabst beer
FIJI water
Monster Energy Drinks
Rockstar Energy Drinks
Mr Coffee
Dunkin Donuts
Mcdonalds (Canada & Russia and meat supplier)
Burger King (Restaurant Brands International)
Tommy Hillfiger
Calvin Klein
Levi Strauss
Ralp Lauren
Spanx underwear
American Apparel
Ecko Unlimited Footwear
Porsche GmbH
RCA Records
Sony Music
Ariana grande and Justin Biebers managers
Warner Music Group
Def Jam
Columbia Records
RIAA Certification board
Atlantic Records
Universal Music Publishing Group
Ruthless Records
Manager of Rolling stones
Republic Records
Warner Bro studios
CBS Records
DC Comics
Pulitzer Prize (invented)
New york times
Wall street Journal
Mens Fitness
National Enquirer

US Weekly
Rolling stone
Hudson Reporter
TED Talks
H&R Block
Family Tree DNA
Hotels dot com
match dot com
Getty images

Creators of OxyContin Purdue Pharma
Every last one of these companies has a Jewish CEO, founder, co-founder or chairmen.

Sports Teams owned by Jewish People

Los Angeles Dodgers
Golden State Warriors
Los Angeles Clippers
Miami Heat
Indiana Pacers
Atlanta Hawks
New York Knicks
Detroit Pistons
San Francisco Giants (CEO)
Chicago White Sox
Boston Red Sox
Seattle Mariners
Anaheim Ducks
Tampa Bay Lightning
Manchester United
New York jets
Dallas Mavericks
New York Yankees
Milwaukee Bucks
Cleveland Browns
Brooklyn Nets
New England Patriots
Chicago White Sox
Philadelphia 76ers

Larry Silverstein owned the world trade center its the worlds biggest example of insurance fraud in history
Forgot Viacom which has BET, Comedy Central, Nickelodeon, etc.

No person is illegal on stolen ground, goy

>germany is your friend

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Even ISIS are better than Mexicans when it comes to killing others.
Fucking barbaric jungle niggers

I know for sure they hate us more than we hate them.

Puerto Ricans are extremely stupid, beautiful woman tho but extremely retarded.


Argentina 1938

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I just don't understand how he's still alive like look at all that blood. I mean they're cutting open his throat and shit what a fucking beast

Crime Rate

Again, a small price to pay for the gift of vibrant diversity. Just think that what you're seeing now will eventually be perfectly normal like it is in Mexico. When people say that our differences are purely superficial and that race doesn't matter I just know they aren't full of shit. I believe every word. I just FEEL like It's true you know? and that's all that matters.

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The ones I know are pretty chill and easy to get along with. I don't care if they're stupid. I'm a dumb faggot and so is 99% of this board.

>Do you hate your neighbor that keeps dumping his trash in your yard?

Shame cause we're both proud Christians who value tradition

Coming from a Mexican family I came to hate everything Mexican. They are petty cowards that wont fix their shit but will think up clever ways to fuck eachother over. Their machismo is being alcoholic by the age of 15, beating their family, and never taking advice. They are incapable of planning 10 years into the future. Everyone is in on the corruption to some extent since they rather get some free shit when they vote for more corruption rather than thinking it through. I do however like some of their food, female figure, and geography.

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I don't HATE hate them, but I do want them to GTFO of my country.