Socialism is shit, capitalism is shit, communism is shit, etc. I used to be hardcore into Austrian Economics but now I realize all of these corporations and franchises are a cancer that we let spread and turn us into cattle for consumerism. Maybe the industrial age was a mistake. Is there a system that doesn't destroy the fabric of society anymore? I want to go back to when communities were owned by the people who lived there. Before corporations like Walmart ran off all the mom and pops stores.
I don't know what to believe about economics anymore
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Ah, there is still hope my friend. Mainstream economics is bullshit, Austrian economics is bullshit and Marxian economics are bullshit. Time to study post Keynesian economics and MMT
Industrialism was a Jewish trick. We need to go back to agrarian societies, but I don't think that will happen.
You lost me at "Social Democracy".
You can implement post Keynesian economics anywhere. It doesn't have to be a democracy.
I think we just need to cap the number of businesses you can have or something. I'm done with these bullshit ideologies when it comes to economics.
Capitalism is literally the best option objectively
You need balance. Each system has it’s weakness. Each attribute has it’s consequences, too much freedom and you end up with a single group collecting all of the influence and power, no one is able to grow as big and challenge them. Too much strict rules and then people are unhappy and the one’s in power abuse it.
You need to sacrifice the extreme benefits if you want to avoid extreme downsides.
the boomer society and economy needs to die. we need to go back to the 1890s.
oh fuck off
Won't work. Evil owns the world because evil works 24/7 to ensure being in a position of power. Eradicate the mind virus, and now we're talking.
>time to study the most mainstream type of economics
Take the Feudalism pill.
if you remove central banking units which work towards funding a globalist economy then everything works.
globalization destroys local jobs.
if I can get my pencils from iran, for 5 cents vs 20 cents here yet their economy gains a job and ours loses, then I win and you lose. economics is pretty simple. I went to school for finance and econ.. my money and banking professor was in with the federal reserve meetings and shit.. the jews run deep on this shit. the banking system needs to go back to per state. not this globalist bullshit. the only reason the EURO still exists is the NWO has a huge strong hold over Europe. Rothchild's need to find their way to the guillotine.
Centrism is for faggots
not an argument.
Every system works perfectly on paper. It's the human element that corrupts and ruins the system. The best systems are the ones most resilient to corruption, but even then, they need the occasional hard reboot before they turn into utter shit.
Its a problem with people. As long as there is a single person who is willing to take more than they need at someone else's expense, no system will ever truly work. And that will never occur because people are by nature self-interested.
>Holler If Ya Hear Me
Sweet, the Big Poppa Pump biopic is finally out.
You can't make a pencil from local materials user.
the current system of "central banks" "usury" and fractional banking is the fucking problem. the world worked fine prior to the existence of central banking.. "central banks" are just jews creating nothing out of thin air and charging you for it. the federal reserve act set this united states up for control beyond our democracy.. and if you've been here long enough, you know which terrorist false state controls it.
You can't make a man out of a jew either.
> the jews are to blame
God damn it, you're a fucking idiot. I knew there couldn't actually be a self aware person on Jow Forums
our econ professor showed us this. the fact is I don't need a central bank to make this pencil. I just need investors and people willing to work for an agreed apon price. the problem is these central banks control politics and ideals.. there is a real SHADOW GOVT. it isn't a conspiracy or bullshit. it is real.
National Socialism is the solution.
It provides the innovation and prosperity of capitalism without having Jewish systems like the banks and other unearned income. It also protects against Jews and traitors importing lesser species for cheap labour.
here you go user
capitalism is great, but the government needs to run it like those pet shelters that put down pets that nobody wants
we should call it decapitalism---because the intention is to decapitate companies that become corrupted by power
I heard he's played by Trump.
lesser species should be removed. I do not want to live next to you. nigger.
i know your a shill because you take time to use proper gramer and shit. kill yourself kike. you see everything here is gone in minutes.. why waste a high type speed for errors and grammar bullshit when my anons get my point.
There's nothing wrong with capitalism. The fault lies with humanity.
NOTHING is going to work as long as mankind is made up of 95% useless trash. You can't expect good function out of defective parts. If there is a single fault in capitalism, it's that it does not kill off the trash in our society fast enough.
The people in power are in power because morons want them in power. The kikes kike because the trash in our world love being kiked.
National socialism has some great 3rd position aspects but it's a hive minded, totalitarian, anti-liberty, Ideology and the state actually invests in major businesses. Also, you'll never get another Hitler and even if you did you'll have to worry about the next guy.
free trade without taxation would be nice
> you don't agree with me so you're a shill
Are you 16 or something, underage faggot? Because that's the age you'd have to be to not have learned that other people can have valid worldviews that are not yours.
It turns out, when you take a step back from ideology and try to look at the world in an objective way, the answers get a little more complex than "the people I hate ruin everything".
Also, some of us take pride in our work. You're the only one typing like a mongoloid.
Within one scroll, according to your logic, everyone but you must be a goddamn shill.
people need to realize there is no perfect system. There will be downsides in every single system. Capitalism, while not perfect, is the best option.
Most of you aren't shills. You're just fucking stupid.
>Socialism is shit, capitalism is shit, communism is shit,
Capitalism is inherent to functional society. You're probably mistaking corporatism for capitalism. Like socialism and communism, corporatism strangles the free market, which is the only just market.
Who's objective are we talking about? The banking oligarchy?
we live in economy based on wageslavery
so ya we can't do anything about it
The best economic policy would be a low percentage deflation, I would even go with say a 0.5 %deflation. And no central bank of course. People don't believe in the free market because it's never been left alone someone always thinks they are smart enough to control stupid ppl who can't think.
That's not what corporatism is but I understand what you're saying. You can't have a free market because all of these people will lobby your government for regulations that take out their competition and even if they didn't they still destroy local buisnesses.
Then stop crying about extreme downsides. You can’t have your cake and eat it too.
Anarcho-syndicalism my man. Or a marxist utopia via UBI.
We dont argue with words, we argue with our rifles.
Distributism is the best for the economy
For me I see capitalism as a stepping stone to get us into a robotism. A new economic system based upon the input and output of a advanced machinery and A.I. As items can be produced 24/7 at maximum efficiency and capacity, you will get a large supply which will lower the cost of everything to the point of being free. A universal basic income of any amount would allow for the purchasing of these near 0 prices and a lot of brain power would be freed to pursue the betterment of humanity in whatever way that is.
good goy
You're literally describing distributism, which has a lot of flaws but it's outdated. It could in theory be re-adapted with automation in mind though.
Thanks for introducing me to that. What are the flaws? I agree with the core principle that the means of production should be as widely distributed as possible.
viva la npc utopia amirite
Ita biggest problem is that its not a very fleshed out theory and is more so socially defined than economically, since nobody aside from a handful of conservative catholics have worked on it. Distributism lacks a more solid economic plan, with real numbers, to properly back it up. I think its a great starting point, anyway. If people were interested we could adapt core Distributist principles into the modern age, and back it up with sound economic theory, it'd have more relevancy and legitimacy.
Read muqaddimah by Ibn Khaldun
Ancient Economy works better
Top Goy. "Liberty" and "freedom" are meaningless platitudes meant to distract you from the rot around you. "Freedom" in 2019 means injecting yourself with poz loads to own the bigoted white Christian nazis. "Freedom" is legalizing drugs so everyone can be sedated at all times and ignore the world around them. "Freedom" is taking your children to see drag queens so they can be "educated" about LGBT issues.
Pic fucking related. If that is the world "freedom" and "liberty" have created, then fuck freedom. People do not know what's good for them if they will accept such disgusting standards, and therefore should not be allowed the opportunity to choose. Not that they are choosing anyway, because they are constantly propagandized to support this degenerate behavior. Choice itself is a fraudulent concept, so "freedom" and "democracy" are necessarily fraudulent as well.
Most people are too stupid to critically examine anything around them, they just go along with whatever is presented to them. Why do you think so few people have ever made amazing discoveries or become leaders or invented new technologies? It's because very few people have actual agency. Most people are just NPCs and will go along with anything so long as they can have their basic living needs fulfilled. Most Americans would go along with communism or fascism or any "undemocratic" system so long as it gave them a place to sleep and food to eat.
Most people's "choices" are not actually choices and do not actually matter, it is only the actions and will of the few who steer the course of society. Do not delude yourself with this BS about "freedom"
yeah, for the corporate oligarchy
Hitler was a vegan social justice warrior. The founding fathers where white nationalist slave owners that would consider him a far left pussy. maybe you should rethink some things user.
People say we're living in "1984", I disagree. 1984 was based upon Orwells experiences in mid century Myanmar... Huxley's "Brave New World" is much more accurate... You said it all in your post.
My theory is that capitalism will reign supreme until we achieve a "star trek replication" level of technology.
I'm dead serious. We're seeing the beginnings of it now with 3D printing. Someday you'll be able to stick a rock in your 'microwave' and it will turn it into a steak dinner. When we reach that level, where everything the human race needs can be produced for nothing, then - and only then - will socialism work.
true economics is truly vague.
all you can say is what is and is not efficient and what could or could not happen based on that, economics is a tool for achieving your goals the goals are important. And throughout all of history there has been one real constant in the health and longevity of a nation and that is nationalism.
the market should serve the nation, economics should be utilized the best it can be to achieve this. it's that simple silly.
we need to go back to slavery user it's the only way
except this time it won't be racial. we need to enslave the leftists
It is, but the problem with it and all political and economic systems is the effectivness of over sight to eliminate corruption, open and democratic systems have been better at that but what the US has now isnt capitalism anymore, its crony capitalism and is absolutely uber jew fucked and why idealized socialism sounds appealing to people without a fucking clue
This logic could be used to defend any economic system. You aren’t as smart as you think.
incorrect somewhat. "capitalism" is a strawman invented by communists. there exists only a natural event of human's interacting for distributing resources call a market. The problem with the market is it is somewhat a natural occurence and so this makes it efficient, but also subject somewhat manmade. this makes it subject to the flaws of humanity you could say. there are many ways to explain why there could never be uniform mass cooperation for the beneifit of everyone automatically done by everyone, a prisoners dilemma is one, and another is simply the fact that psychopaths and sociopaths exist and that being greedy, being cutthroat is still a viable strategy for survival and resource gathering, and always will be. if little beetles rolling dung will steal each others dung balls, people will steal from each others because its a strategy that pays off.
Thats a post-scarcity scenario, and I agree. Scarcity is what makes Capitalism the most viable currently.. However once the scarcity issue is solved, capitalist systems will likely dissolve.
because business is expensive for small business when you have a shit ton of niggers to pay into welfare for and big business that can pay whatever they like
>capitalism is shit
If you're not a lazy POS and have goals it's pretty good.
We use that right now you low iq ape
Found the boomer
OP you are in luck
study the economy of eusocial organisms
thats a very small part of it, but its the nexus of money and influence on laws and politics that create this and many more problems within the economy if you could eliminate have true honest players and the laws that exist actually enforced the US would thrive again as it did in its golden age but how you do that is a little trickier since this consolidation of power now lies in so few hands they're not going to just give it up.
Not entirely true. Central planning is entire doable now with computers able to solve the economy as an exercise in linear programming taking resources & all manufacturing costs as inputs & spitting out pricing & allocation. So you could actually create a centrally planned economy if some sort. No reason it'd have to be Communism either of course, NatSoc would work just fine too.
found the lazy POS without goals.
your pay is going to be shit when boomers who pay out their ass in taxes goes to niggers on welfare while you get stuck with what they can afford to pay you otherwise jose will happily take the money from you or you can go groveling to a big corporation turn into some leftist faggot and get treated like a number or starve to death or go to jail
Fundamentally, a good economy requires good and competent people in both government and business. There is no structural substitute for good people with power. But BEWARE the good and misguided, for they will use evil means toward evil consequences with good intentions.
Economics are fake and gay
economics is pseudoscience. it's just resource distrubution - plain and fuckin simple - which all living cells do in your body in a natural, communist way, without mises/keynes/rand/koch/soros/bush/rockefeller...
since greedy sociopaths claim ownership of all resources, resource distribution is entirely dictated by these demonic fuckers
they hire unemployed autists who conjure up formulas and bureaucracy to put an official stamp of approval on their criminal acts so that the goyim will support the criminals
this is how they destroy the natural order of civilization, which is communism, and we end up with fake bullshit like capitalism, neoliberalism, fuedalism, socialism etc...
Capitalism is great. Your beef is with corporatism, not capitalism. Corporatism is caused by an inflated out-of-control government.
>implying AI & bot nets dont already control our economy
on centrally controlled vs distributed control in markets of western societies.
What really matters about economics is "what will lead to the greatest standard of living for your people?"
To that end, businesses should be mostly unregulated except in the following ways:
> littering and improper waste disposal. Whatever your opinion is on climate change, we need less plastic in the ocean and less oil in our water.
> no censoring of any free speech by media platforms. Enough said.
> no exporting jobs to foreign soil. If they market to Americans, they must hire Americans.
> no monopolies. This is why things like healthcare and college are so expensive.
> health information about their products (especially food) must be readily available. It doesn't matter if they're selling shit on a shingle, as long as they're upfront about it. People will always buy the best, so it's only a matter of letting them know what is the best.
And that's pretty much it. As long as you follow those rules, capitalism should lead to a higher and higher standard of living over time.
basically niggers and big corporations are sucking this country dry and boomers shot themselves in the foot for listening to leftist faggots from the hippy civil rights era and letting big business get so damn big
Minoan Crete and Mycenaean Greece were both redistributive proto-communist economies, they worked relatively well and met the needs of everyone.
the battle between Communists and crapitalists goes back eons.
The aversion to money is what defined the historical progress and technological superiority of the West, while the attraction to money defined the regress and decay of the East.
In his Republic, Greek philosopher Plato contends that the love of money is a tendency of the soul found amongst Phoenicians and Egyptians, which distinguishes them from the Greeks who tend towards the love of knowledge. In his Laws, he asserts that this love of money has led the Phoenicians and Egyptians to develop skills in cunning and trickery (πανουργία) rather than wisdom (σοφία)
With the love of knowledge, the West became a technological powerhouse, while the east remained a primitive mercantile society focused entirely on accumulation of profit.
The primitives of the East hoarded gold and lived in huts, while the Communists of the West hoarded knowledge and lived to establish socialist techno-utopias.
You're confusing economics with culture. Culture determines what you want and economics gives you what you want.
What if you use drugs to get away from the clown world?
I guarantee I've worked harder than you for a lot less. I'm a stone mason and thanks to the modern system and mass immigration my goal is to make it to the next paycheck without running out of money. The value of my job was cut in half thanks to people like you who want to hire illegal Mexicans because they work for next to nothing and do a shitty job at it.
Problem is that thats not "mostly unregulated", thats very much regulated. The cost and oversight that goes into ensuring those practices undoubtedly constrains businesses to a certain degree in order to guarentee follow through
that is because the type of economy like the type of government is ultimately structured the same generally, but shaped also by the culture of the people employing it. its oligarchy, but infused with nuance of culture and worldview.
the idea that oh more control over economy is better than less or the opposite is true is normative economics almost.
The Semites originated the concept of self-interest or maximizing profit as the goal to life
The Greeks were anti-Semitic in their ideology of being anti-profit.
The ancient Greeks looked down on the Phoenicians, Jews, and post-pyramid Egyptians because they loved money. The Greeks built the greatest civilization that the West has known including the Athenian Empire. They were familiar with the greedy, primitive Semitic fixations of money and trade, and deeply despised it.
For Diotema/Socrates, and the Greeks, the concept of profit does not figure in at all as the motivation for life. Plato‘s great student, Aristotle, argues against maximizing profit as an essential activity of humanity both in his Nicomaclrean Ethics and in his Politics. One reason Aristotle considers profit making wrong is because it is unjust: it advantages one man at the expense of another. One man‘s gain is another man‘s loss. Another reason he considers profit making wrong is because it misdirects man away from true human happiness. The pursuit of profit is like the pursuit of pleasure: it is a bottomless cup.
Plato himself came from a wealthy aristocratic family background. And yet, they did not consider money/trade to be the goal that should motivate human activity.
Greeks believe that beauty, wisdom, community as the highest good that man can achieve in his mortal career. The drive, guided by Eros, to the experience of beauty itself and to the creation of its products, is for Greeks not only an adequate or sufficient motivation for living: it is that which alone makes life worth living in the first place.
very good, now go back and actually learn what socialism is instead of listening to boomers and the CIA
>Plato contends
Who gives a fuck.
Ban usury. End limited liability. Problem solved.
>I guarantee I've worked harder than you
You haven't and I have pics. You're just lazy and you think socialism is your cure. People are flooding our borders to escape socialism.
>Corporatism is caused by an inflated out-of-control government caused by capitalism
fixed that for you :^)
Karl Marx, Dr. Wilson once joked when talking about ants, was correct: he just applied his theory to a species hijacked by Jews. Ant societies, of course, are very different from the biped variety, but one common feature is the inherited nature of social behavior. Like any other feature of an organism, behavior can be shaped by evolution. Ants have evolved quite elaborate behaviors, but most are rigidly determined. Human behaviors have also had primitive communism for 100s of eons. These ancient communist human behaviors, Dr. Wilson believes, are governed by what he calls epigenetic rules, genetically based neural wiring that merely predisposes the brain to favor certain types of action. The communist instinct of humans exists in families, tribes, clans, but has been destroyed by sociopathic ideologies of inbred schizophrenic sociopaths.
Karl Marx tried to free the human species from the Yiddish hijackers and return them to their natural biocommunist utopian state.
You obviously were never into Austrian Econ. Several Austrians made the observation that capitalists are the greatest enemy of capitalism. Read more.
No, the government isn’t inflated because of capitalism. Moron. There’s inflated governments throughout the world and history that had nothing to do with capitalism or weren’t even rich.
Did they think something hypermemed like "the system works but only if nobody realizes they are doing it"?
Third positionism user. More commonly known as Fascism. It protects regular people but also allows for a market.