Dems are so out of touch with reality. BE SURE TO VOTE!

Attached: file.png (1116x828, 167K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>implying every major city in the USA isn't currently a battlefield filled with domestic terrorists and illegal invaders.

Mossad false flag incominig. This user is a kike.

This entire board has been glowing like a frikkin Christmas tree ever since that gay gook got punched.

Attached: 3e1558701492171.jpg (380x466, 38K)

this is a meaningless distraction from the National Socialist Revolution

because that was a psy op too

>those guns belong on battlefields
Isn't that the point in letting civilians have them?

That "glow" is from the rising fire of the National Socialist Revolution.

2nd amendment exists for the day that America becomes the battlefield...

>That "glow" is from the rising fire of the National Socialist Revolution.
No the glow is from the upcomiong mossad mass shooting that Swalwell is pushing PREDICTIVE PROGRAMMING for.

Ole' Duke Nukem Swalwell at it again. Anyone have a screenshot of him saying the government will just nuke you if you fight back against a gun grab?

ever since they grabbed our guns, both major parties have been taking turns fucking our citizens in the arse without giving it a second thought
the amount of gun related deaths was minuscule beforehand here so the comparison is retarded

EVERYONE is becoming a Revolutionary National Socialist.

Attached: Sloppy Job Mossad.jpg (1000x1000, 318K)

everything leads to the National Socialist Revolution. it's unstoppable

No, but everything will lead to a bullet going in netanyahu's head.

you're crazy user

Attached: mossad-soy2.gif (2089x800, 764K)

And who would they vote for? The republicans are shit too.

>assault weapons
That's how you know they either haven't got the slightest clue about the subject matter, or are actively trying to mislead people.

It is as hilarious watching the dem debate and how they pivoted literally instantly from complaining about putting too many people in prison to demanding that we make felons out of all gun owners

There are too many niggers in prison for them. They would be fine with 65 million white people in prison.

>assault weapons
Goddamned idiots. I had to explain to my uncle, who unironically voted for Hillary, that the vast majority of rifles out there are semi-automatic and are not what the military carries. He replied, "oh, then why do all the politicians talk about assault weapons?". I understand not everyone is a gun enthusiast, but Jesus.

Attached: 1555647945585.jpg (740x960, 63K)

>We don't wanna take your guns, you delusional paranoid racist
>We need to be like Australia and round up all those evil ghost gun assault weapons!

Just like open borders, they deny it then give themselves away.

this guy is fucking nuts
the democrats are nazis
now they're showing their true colors
they want to disarm the population
and they aren't even being coy about it

They literally stage false flags to censor the internet and push for more gun control

Eric "nuke the rednecks" Swalwell

>unsourced 'FBI' report that white supremacists might attack July 4th gatherings
>pantifa just bashed the fash in Portland
>this nigger shilling gun control
this is gonna be good

> Yes!Australia already has


Checked and keked. Thanks user

>white supremacists might attack July 4th gatherings
Yeah, that's what we do on Independence Day is go looking for patriotic Americans to kill. We don't spend time with friends and family at a pig roast. Fuckin' morons.

assault spoons have become the cutlery of choice in too many mass scoopings. we don't have to live this way -- don't be a loon, bin that spoon!


Any update on the poll? I can't see it because I don't twit.

Attached: file.png (1104x822, 166K)

Attached: Screenshot_20190701-112487_Twitter.png (754x588, 73K)

Chicago is a battlefield so all is well

Glorious. Thanks, user.

Attached: gun protest.png (488x389, 249K)

Refresh twitter links and you can. Don't need an account

That's because the "everything is a mossad false flag" is a combination of schizophrenia, trolling, and Jews wanting to make false giants out of themselves.

>too many women, whether female, male or non-binary
That has to be a fake, right?

Well, it absolutely reads like something she would tweet, but I don't see it on her feed.

After realizing that Swalwell's poll is getting roasted by furfags, I don't know anymore.

Great, im glad we passed this law, now when the CRIMINAL WHO DOESN'T CARE ABOUT LAWS commits a mass shooting they can be charged with 5 years for possession of an illegal firearm, in addition to the 30 life sentences for murders.


Can someone post this on the Twitter poll

Attached: signal-2019-06-03-110938.jpg (1190x926, 220K)

>Assault weapon.
I assaulted someone by punching them. My fists are assault weapons. They're going to cut off my hands.

>"oh, then why do all the politicians talk about assault weapons?"

This is what we are up against, an endless amount of NPCs that are incapable and uninterested in thinking critically. How did we get to this point?

This whole site has been glowing since V-Tech and the MySpace leaks
AHAHAHA dis gon get gooooood

Attached: Eric Nukem.jpg (566x841, 395K)

God I hate this faggot

That gay gook has been keeping a living record of all the fake hate crimes going on. The left hates him.

>chill about trafficking children
I didn't know she supported pedophiles and child sex trafficking.

Vote multiple times in multiple voting precincts, especially blue ones.

kys shill

What exactly am I shilling for? Voting for your preferred conservative candidate?

voter fraud

Swallows well

Attached: 1561743220383.jpg (1280x960, 267K)

If illegals can vote, citizens should make their vote count more.

Illegals won't be voting.

In minecraft, its better to use tnt than a bow anywas fucking creepers

Yeah, you got a point, it's a bad idea.

I stopped listening to these lunatics a long time ago. They have nothing of value to say.

The only way a buyback will actually work is if you make everyone filthy fucking rich. I won't accept anything less than 20,000 times MSRP for long guns. 50,000 times MSRP for handguns. 10,000 times MSRP for high capacity magazines and $100 per round of ammunition. Worried about the price tag? Just cut funding for social welfare and Israel.

Life is a battlefield, bitch as nigga.

She uses words, but nothing of meaning.
She will be a great Democrat

6 million for each of my 10 firearms and $14.88 for each of my 28,000 rounds of ammo. Thank you, Swellsnutz, my white ethnostate will have armed guards just like a congressman.

The only time that Democrats care about kids is when they fake appeal to emotion in order to ban guns or let in illegal migrants.

imagine being so insecure over your own points that you need to include a "Guns > Kids" remark to your opponents view.

And of course leftists would love to take away guns. It sucks that Antifa can't just break into the homes of evil white cis males and cripple or kill them without the fear of being shot!!!!!!1

>jew calls other user a jew

they don't 'let' us... we have the right. big difference.

does this psycho faggot actually have a picture of him kissing a kids fucking head holy shit these people