Are they right Jow Forums?

Are they right Jow Forums?

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Sounds like it's time to dust off the Zyklon B then. Those dirty spics could use a shower.

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Yes of course she should be able to put her ignorance on display for the world to see

>genocide experts
You mean Zionists?

The definition they use has made the term tautological, unless they're going to start calling every summer camp concentration camp now to be consistent.

>Genocide experts.
This is a legitimate profession in the United States of Israel.

>can call detention camps as concentration camps
>can't still call niggers, niggers
What the fuck america?

Ether way, how is genociding non-whites bad?

I bet (((they))) are

equalizing concentration camps with detention camps.
except that, concentration camps for forcing people to stay in, but these people come willingly and wont fucking leave!

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(((They))) are the experts on everything no one ever asked about.

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Either holocaust death camps aren’t nearly as bad as they’re implying or there won’t be any immigrants left in like 2 weeks

i wonder if Tim Pool will make a video about it

I just want to rape underage Latino minors that look like AOC.
>I lie often here. I lie to my my family and I lie to you glownigger. You want to know why? Cause I’m liar and it feels good. I’ll turn you into me.

Holy shit is this bitch for real

More than 140 Jews are also communists. No way!?

Is this a real tweet
Does she really think anyone will believe this

she can call them what she wants, but the term concentration camp is incorrect.

Sure only if they admit that prison camps are nothing new on the stage of history

I don't know where I sit with Tim Pool, I enjoy his content but he is a serial centrist, who hates the far right or far left. I watch his shit, and always feel he is close to speaking the truth and then his centrism hits him and makes some retarded claims. But his videos are good overall.

>networks of caregivers who clothe, feed and transport them across the world
Literally human trafficking

inb4 6 billion jewish migrants

>that jewish holiday when every jew goes concentration camping

So, those (((experts))) say, that concentration camps had food, entertainment, health facilities, school for children, etc ... and millions of jews stormed them to get in there too ... ??

Finny shit

That is the most Jewish tweet I have ever seen.

>Oye veyo, dos icezis made us drink toliets and turned our padres into pinatas, gibs over six million pesos por favor gringo

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All these people do is water down words.
Call everybody a nazi pretty soon it loses its meaning, call every camp a concentration camp and it'll lose its meaning too.

I went to McDonald’s and it took them 15 minutes to get me my tendies, what a fucking concentration camp

kek'd and checked

Call me paranoid but if anyone identifies as a “genocide expert” I’m gonna keep them in my peripherals

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You "feel good" because he sucks up to a certain segment of the right hardcore and never ever criticizes it or Trump for anything. he might make some vague remarks in a video about how muh left has gone crazy muh civil war but he hasn't made a single video criticizing the right for anything. he's a cheap disingenuous grifter.

Ay yi yi oy vey!

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I'm a holohoax expert and I think this donkey is a fucking puta.

>should be allowed
WTF is this shit? Allowed? By fucking who is it that allows speech? She has the right to say what ever the hell she wants to, this is still America

is she starving herself? her face looks especially gaunt

>feet pics

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>genocide experts

How many out of 140 are Jewish?

She's the man if you ask me. The type of friend you'd like to have honestly. Would have been great if she actually supported Trump because she sure can stir up a real storm just like him. Good balance makes a good Washington, keeps em hungry. Would impregnate.

Yeah concentrate on not breaking the law Miguel lmfao

imagine having to ask someone else what language is okay to use

Can’t believe it wasn’t 6 gorillian

>holocaust,genocide experts...
Just say jews.

Trump is GASSING the migrants and using a giant electric plate to instantly turn 20 Mexicans into ashes.

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Lefties have gone insane. Your butthurt is palpable.

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She’s a fucking shill you faggot and you’ve been manipulated and brainwashed by morons more dim witted than you

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Well because they're experts, they know that less than 200,000 died in those camps so its far more attainable than 6,000,000

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She thinks too highly of herself.

Having managed a prisons security staff at Chief of Security/Major level, no one fucking acts like this when corporate brass, senators, board members, and representatives come in. Everyone is so tight assed, all farts whistle.

If any legit staff acted like this, the facility administrator, assistant FA of security, the major, his captains would all be fucking fired by the end of the day.

All facilities have some one that does contract compliance if private or is oversight that answers to the big wig of which ever alphabet department it is.

She is drumming up the twittersphere to counter the hype of all of the deportations.

The correct line of play would be putting together a council to investigate allegations, hold a meeting on the hill, and then remove the head of Homeland Security.

This bitch is playing the news and everyone that retweets this horse shit.

And in my experience, my sister facility in Texas had those positions removed from power, fired, and the staff insight of the incident were indicted for negligence when an inmate hung himself, but wasn't found for 8 hours because they sat at the booth and played cards all night.

Another facility had their entire executive staff fired because the facility administrator didn't follow the state's recommendations and orders for incarceration. They physically removed him from the facility grounds.

She's a fucking liar.

This woman is a niggerkike. Her niggerkikery honestly blows my mind.

What does Trudeau's father have to do with this?

>not being solely into pussy

>you will never run a prison camp full of Hispanic women forced to accommodate to your foot fetish

It isn't fair.

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Does it really matter what she calls them?
I call them Beano barns.

He's far right and he knows it.

He starts half the fucking threads on Pol

Oh yes! More please!

She's been popping amphetamines like candy. It's also why she seems to be more unhinged as of late.

Feet should be a gook.

Imagine all the human rights abuses, it would be shocking.

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It's 80mg adderall, 4 times daily for concentration and focus, bigot.

>Footfags are manning the border
No wonder it's been a shitshow

>Holocaust experts
You mean kikes? Only good kike is dead kike


sure, whatever she can do to cheapen the concept of concentration camps and the holocaust the better for everyone I guess?

David destroys pussy 24/7. What a Chad.

I’m sorry the words hurt you, snowflake.

>A place in which large numbers of people, especially political prisoners or members of persecuted minorities, are deliberately imprisoned in a relatively small area with inadequate facilities; sometimes to provide forced labour or to await mass execution. The term is most strongly associated with the several hundred camps established by the Nazis in Germany and occupied Europe 1933–45, among the most infamous being Dachau, Belsen, and Auschwitz.

WTF do you mean, "allowed"? The little cooze can say whatever the fuck she wants.

It's just nice to know that Jow Forums is doing something besides jerking off to anime

They're closer to internment camps than they are concentration camps.

Vote supreme.

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>Holocaust, genocide experts

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wtf is a "che pedicure"

I tried to find this exact tweet and I cant find it. Fake news