Does anybody else have the same problem?

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I wish. Scored a good drywall job I start tomorrow, making $800 (lol, Gig Economy). Should only be two days work, but hey, I can get a planer and a jigsaw and a nice bottle of scotch now.

I was born with money. Working is for losers with bad genes.

800 for 2days is good money bud, grats

why be shitty?

I don't give a fuck about poors. They're all niggers to me.

>responding to memeflags

No shit, thanks. It's the best gig in a few weeks other than a violin restoration I did ($300 for a few hours work and an overnight dry time. Even if I have to add an extra day and work on the 4th, it's still worth it.

I enjoy making an honest buck. I don't mind physical labor, love making things and much of my primary woodcraft is is well liked and sells out within 24 hours of a posting of an item for sale. Our local jam rag did a feature on me, calling my woodwork "Likely to be valuable artwork in the near future."

To do what I love, I must toil in the soil for now. No biggie... I'm just a sale or two of my woodworking before I nail a big patron looking for an elaborate job that will get me the referrals needed to drop these Gig Economy jobs, I know it.

Nah only you champagne socialists it seems like

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Nice keep it up blue collar bro I’m doing landscaping and masonry currently trying to get into being an electrician.

Yea that’s about the response I expect from the modern bourgeois desk clerks with delusions of grandeur whomst’ve refer themselves as the left

I'm an ancap.

I actually don't mind her content too much but half of her shit recently has been about gender politics. Nobody who isn't considering getting the nip gives a goddamn about gender politics. She's raking in fat stacks of cash holding back on her promise as somebody who actually engages with the right. It's staggering, and I wish I had her skill and gusto.

>i work for my dad

thank god you left coast burnouts do nothing but od on heroin between antifa block parties

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you are not wrong

> Does anybody else have the same problem?
Not me

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They just aren't doing it fast enough

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I'll help you spend your money if you need they help user.

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Is this a stealth "fuck the rich and their money; you should take it" article?

i spend all my money on making more money

Yeah, fuck that. That's disgusting. Thank for making me dryheave.

I work with a bunch of boomers that can’t understand technology. I setup some queries in the accounting software and formulas in excel and now my work takes half the time so I can spend the other half of the time sitting in a cubicle contemplating ending it. I’m so underpaid I’m not telling anyone else about this and apply for other jobs on Goldstein’s dime.

lol sympathizing with rich.
anyone who says money wont bring happiness is a kike

I am too busy trying to make more money to spend it. I keep thinking that any moment I'm not making some money I'm failing, especially when I consider that the amount needed to retire for me will be several million.

Anyone who says they enjoy working is just a nigger brained slave.

When I was unemployed I had all the time to do what I want, but couldn't afford to do anything.
Now I don't have time to do anything, but that's okay, I still can't afford to do jack shit.

this is two problems:

1) baby boomer logic: HURRR SPEND MONEY, CONSUME

2) work drones thinking they NEED to earn a certain amount to be happy

Materialism is fucking shit up

You're still a nigger-tier loser because you didn't make the money yourself.

You're literally one step up from DaQuan in the welfare line.

You think you're hot shit? Try to go out there in real life and make it on your own without daddy's money.

Watch how hard you fail, faggot.

Enjoy that welfare life.

What's it like eternally living in the shadow of your father?

The fact that this is a real problem just goes to show you how absolutely fucked up our society's attitude towards work has become.

The idea that spending all day at a job is such a fundamental aspect of life that even people who have far more money than they could ever need still end up slaving away at the workplace is insane. How did people forget that working is just a thing you do for money, not an important part of life?

For pretty much all of history until the later half of the 20th century, the aristocracy understood that work was a shameful and pointless pursuit that you only did if you'd somehow wasted your fortune and needed to stoop to the level of the common working class to sustain yourself. How did people forget this?

>Does anybody else have the same problem?
If I had money, I'd be investing it in my community:
Build a manufacturing plant here,
build a sw-dev business here,
build an automotive plant...

(I love my city, but there's very few options for the engineers that graduate from the school here.)

Theses are problems my wife never has.

Same, but I actually do something with my life. Those of us in the upper classes have a responsibility to improve the lives of those who lack the means.

Your greater ability makes your laziness a much worse sin than the idleness of the common labourer.

I don't need to.

>have a responsibility to improve the lives of those who lack the means.
Do you support those who don't have means that try to better themselves or do you support those that say, "Give me, because I ain't got it"?

This is real life. My family made money and yours didn't. Natural selection nigger.

He'll die eventually and I'll inherit it.

Let the lower classes fight for themselves. Natural selection will solve it.

i'm a certified electrician and i just started taking side-jobs on the weekends and i end up making almost as much on a weekend as i do during the week in my actual job. and i get paid cash. i'm gonna retire by age 45, easy.

This actually offends me.

I support them all. They are all our responsibility. In an ideal world they would be free of work and toil. But as long as they are not, and we continue to benefit from their labor, we have a responsibility to strive towards that world.

Solve what?

How much to wire a detached garage that is ungrounded 120 to a 240 grounded fusebox 14 feet from the box?

I do, just spent an ungodly amount on art and it hardly made a dent

heh that tree has aids

is that like a bottlecap?

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way to be based globalist

>In an ideal world they would be free of work and toil.

Nope. Just nope. You have no idea how much toil and labor have made me innovative. I wouldn't be 1/3rd the artist I am now without toil.

The strife IMPROVED me. If you offer utopia without effort, you invite parasites.

t. LARPing rich

is the garage wiring otherwise in good condition and up to code? i'd charge probably $150 for a job that you can have the building inspectors come in and sign-off on. $75 for friends. it would only take a few hours, max.

I recently discovered the whole garage is ungrounded. No, it's shitty 12 gauge ALUMINUM and only on a 15 Amp breaker.

I need a 240 run underground and a 30 Amp breaker in the garage.


This is a fine way to cope with reality as it is now, but you didn't choose to toil or struggle. Its the default. Its imperative that we make this into a choice and not a given.

And arguing against a hypothetical world where you didn't struggle and are worse artist is kind of a weird strawman but ok.


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oh to rewire the whole thing? if i provide the materials and don't jew you on their cost... ahh it's hard to say. excluding the materials, the labor--which will be better-than-code and give you no issues with city inspectors, i'd say $300 for a days' work. depends also on if i have to dig the ditch. you can't just dig a trench and throw a wire in it, you have to do waterproofing and some erosion control

most people i do side jobs for will say "i'll pay you $500 in labor to wire X" when i would have done it for $300.

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Also fuck off. You are not a parasite if you don't harm the host.

hey, when god manifested himself as jesus, why did he resort to cheap parlor tricks to prove that he was the son of god? why didn't he tell people about the existence of microorganisms, electricity, the fact the earth orbits the sun, or anything like that? he could have even done something like drop some really esoteric detail like some universal constant used in modern physics that we would have verified 2000 years later; that would have proved that he was the one true god. instead, he does what any amateur magician could do.

answer me, faggot. see:

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you didn't answer my question.