Once again, AOC annihilates Jow Forumsfags

Once again, AOC annihilates Jow Forumsfags.

>"Imagine if more people in power spent years of their lives actually working for a living," she wrote. "We'd probably have healthcare and living wages by now."
Several hours later, Ocasio-Cortez further defended her previous employment, saying she is proud of her work in restaurants.

>"I also worked for Sen. Ted Kennedy, piloted literacy projects in the South Bronx, studied Development Economics in W Africa, served as an Educational Director & won international science competitions before I ran for office, too," she tweeted.
>"Working people that GOP dismiss as 'just a waitress/cook/etc' contain multitudes, & are just as capable & intelligent as anyone. Classism—judging someone's character by their income—is disappointing to see from them.
>"What is so appalling to GOP about having an honest job? Some of the most nuanced, intelligent, & grounded people I've ever met weren't at BU, MIT or Harvard events when I was a student. They were the plumbers & waitresses I hung out with at happy hour, who had ferocious intellectual curiosity *and* a lived context of the real world.

>"In other words, Republicans who criticize my being a waitress as evidence of lacking skill can take their classism to the trash. You are insulting the capacities and potential of virtually every working person in America (& the world) for having experience that's earned, not bought. (And that's if they even take out their own trash, which I doubt)."

Why has the Right-wing decided to betray working class people and align themselves with ivory tower elites?

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>honest job

I have yet to meet one who doesn't pretend that her cash tips don't exist at tax time.

>Why has the Right-wing decided
the whole right wing? that was one twitter post. most republicans arent on twitter since they get banned from it. grow a brain, moran

hooters is not real work user.


She was selling her titties for tips. Prove me wrong

Being a waitress isn't an actual job.
It's what you do while paying for college.

post AOC milkers now!

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I wanna S U C C on the feet of the Latina Goddess AOC. HAIL AOC! I love liberalism and the antifa, yes I am a cuck! I am a libtard! Feed me more onions mommy!


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