Why are y'all obsessed with lgbt people? You seem to hate them yet your on /b/ in the trap threads. Y'all gay af. Some gay ass NatSocs.
Why are y'all obsessed with lgbt people? You seem to hate them yet your on /b/ in the trap threads. Y'all gay af...
Jordan White
Other urls found in this thread:
Henry Nelson
I once came to him thinking it was a chick only to later realise he has a dick. feelsbadman.
Justin Fisher
What letter in LGBT stands for feet?
Charles Lewis
Was it a clothed image? .... ?
Colton Anderson
You should watch him suck dick and eat cum faggot, it's a good nut to bust.
Henry Wood
What sound does a shovel produce when it makes contact with a human skull? Asking for a friend.
Ethan Bailey
Nazis are unironically gay. This is a well known fact.
Kevin Roberts
Hitler was one of the biggest poofs ever.
John Bailey
Only the top half was visible, in retrospect the fake ass tits should have clued me in, but I was naive in those days.
Henry Nguyen
Why do I hate child rapists?
Who knows?
Only zoomers go to /b/, it's the entry level board.