Why are y'all obsessed with lgbt people? You seem to hate them yet your on /b/ in the trap threads. Y'all gay af...

Why are y'all obsessed with lgbt people? You seem to hate them yet your on /b/ in the trap threads. Y'all gay af. Some gay ass NatSocs.

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I once came to him thinking it was a chick only to later realise he has a dick. feelsbadman.

What letter in LGBT stands for feet?

Was it a clothed image? .... ?

You should watch him suck dick and eat cum faggot, it's a good nut to bust.

What sound does a shovel produce when it makes contact with a human skull? Asking for a friend.

Nazis are unironically gay. This is a well known fact.

Hitler was one of the biggest poofs ever.

Only the top half was visible, in retrospect the fake ass tits should have clued me in, but I was naive in those days.

Why do I hate child rapists?
Who knows?
Only zoomers go to /b/, it's the entry level board.

I like watching traps fuck girls.
It's like straight porn without feeling cucked.

I don’t go to that shithole anymore.

Damn automatic makeup filters on cameras are ridiculous now.

I can't imagine why anyone would legitimately browse /b/.

I never went to /b/. I just went to /v/ then to /sp/ and Jow Forums, then to /fit and /fa/, now /tv/ and Jow Forums
I still shit post in the other boards when big events happen.

OP is clearly a nigger due to his unrefined vernacular

There's literally nothing wrong with trannies.
The problem is when you brainwash kids into transitioning before puberty so they fully develop their sexual organs, or when you brainwash adults into thinking they really can become a real girl with this one magical surgery where they chop their dicks off and have a gaping wound for the rest of their lives.

There's no point in a tranny if it doesn't have a dick, preferably a big one.

It’s nothing but unfunny normalfags and porn 24/7.

>post a picture of a female
>"thats a man"
>"that thing has a penis"

the non stop projection on this board is so tiresome.

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>I like watching traps fuck girls.
>It's like straight porn without feeling cucked.

Mfw you feel cucked watching natural male/female sex but not when watching tranny porn

"""Bailey""" is supposedly from the Richmond, VA area.
And yet unlike that faggot Jason Mraz, no one admits Bailey is from the area.
Funny that.

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What the hell is psychological abuse? That sounds like a big word for letting yourself get yelled at.

>goth girls of the 90's went the way of the dinosaurs
>only manic depressives and trannies now
How can I go back?

Oh you gay now. RIP

Wow she’s beautiful, what’s her name? She looks so pure and virginal, I bet her pussy is super tight :3

You're only gay if you act on desire. Masterbation is a great tool for repressing. But more to the point, I can't watch women degrade themselves in camera. I want to respect them. I don't respect dudes who get fucked in the ass. So I associate things like urge with disgust and repress it with masterbation

I'll say why I have a slight degenerative attitude towards porn: I have a sort of madonna-whore complex.
To me, seeing another woman fuck another man disgusts me. I view her as a disgusting slut and I want nothing to do with her. On the other hand, when I come across a girl I think of as not a whore, I set expectations far above where they should be.
Whereas, a trap is doing degenerate stuff? yea makes sense its a fucking dude with fake hormone tits. I view them as worth of using. I'm probably also a little bit of a faggot, still yet to be determined and I really don't plan on finding out.
There's some psychoanalytic bullshit that says its from damage done by your mother, but that never really happened to me.

why does society demand to shove it down my throat every where I go?????

Stop appropriating southern culture

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What's /b/? Never mind. Don't care.

lets settle this once and for all

time for a poll Jow Forums

>Would you let Baily suck your dick?


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fuck yeah
what's her full name, shes hot af

The only time I've gone on /b/ is to try and shut down the porn and faggotry on there
Nice try OP

I'll be curious to see what it looks like when it hits its forties.

Linetrap is hot as fuck don't feel bad about it.


>hot as fuck
shit haircut, shit painted eyebrows, shit lips

shut up bob

nvm im not gay, im not attracted to guys

He's already bald and has to wear a wig. At least he seems to take it in stride and doesn't get depressed and off himself like most pussy traps and trannies.

this is bait.

this whole board is a big ass larp. Not one person on Jow Forums has EVER done anything they say they have.

I see the faggot mush mouthed limey got himself a patriotic american vpn
Kill yourself

these two are in the closet


It does give one of the better blow jobs from what I've seen. Not much of that obnoxious choking on cock for 10 min straight. Nice and gentle just how i like them

your other board? kek

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n-no comment

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>You secretly like them
>Ya'll just haters
Why even make a post like this if you are going to make yourself look so darn dumb?

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i'd unironically cuddle with Bailey
no homo tho

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Trannies go off the same principle as the boob drawing in the bathroom stall.
The suggestion is enough for a man if he's drunk, horny or blind enough.
I feel bad for trannies.
Imagine for a second they didnt want to play pretend as the opposite sex but as a holocaust victim or an isis victim.
That's how I look at them.
They mutilate themselves and poison themselves, completely destroy their ability to live a fulfilling life why?
Because some assholes dont care about their wellbeing and just want to have more bodies to practice surgery and test drugs on.

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I absolutely don't have a problem with passable trannies. It's all the other flamboyant faggotry that's cancerous.

>Why are y'all obsessed with lgbt people?
we're not, its every forum of media that pushes for the micro minorities. trying to make them seem like they're the majority in the world, but in fact they are like 2% IF that.

“’Sex change’ is biologically impossible, people who undergo sex-reassignment surgery do not change from men to women or vice versa. Rather, they become feminized men or masculinized women. Claiming that this is a civil-rights matter and encouraging surgical intervention is in reality to collaborate with and promote a mental disorder.”
- Dr. Paul R. McHugh, the former psychiatrist-in-chief for Johns Hopkins Hospital and Distinguished Service Professor of Psychiatry

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fucking newfags

I agree, I fucking hate AOC the spic tranny.

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>Mfw can't decide if this is based or peak clown

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I don't really care about homosexuality. It seems to be an ineradicable part of human society. I mostly care about racial and ethnic demographics.

Fascists are very feely people, very often they let their feelings get in the way of facts and logic.

I feel bad for biocunts who got breast implants. In the past, it meant a woman had big fake tits. Now it means you might be a tranny.

I suppose the implants can always be removed. It's not quite as bad as having face tattoos.

Psychological abuse means typical woman behavior. Isolating you from your friends and family, demanding to know where you are and who you are with, searching your phone or computer without your permission, lying for no reason, etc.

I don't believe in their delusions but that doesn't mean i don't want to fuck them.

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Not obsessed. Just want to treat their mental illnesses whenever you faggots keep bringing them up.

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