Why are y'all obsessed with lgbt people? You seem to hate them yet your on /b/ in the trap threads. Y'all gay af...

Why are y'all obsessed with lgbt people? You seem to hate them yet your on /b/ in the trap threads. Y'all gay af. Some gay ass NatSocs.

Attached: tumblr_off7rvX4PK1us6vl5o1_400.jpg (400x505, 27K)

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I once came to him thinking it was a chick only to later realise he has a dick. feelsbadman.

What letter in LGBT stands for feet?

Was it a clothed image? .... ?

You should watch him suck dick and eat cum faggot, it's a good nut to bust.

What sound does a shovel produce when it makes contact with a human skull? Asking for a friend.

Nazis are unironically gay. This is a well known fact.

Hitler was one of the biggest poofs ever.

Only the top half was visible, in retrospect the fake ass tits should have clued me in, but I was naive in those days.

Why do I hate child rapists?
Who knows?
Only zoomers go to /b/, it's the entry level board.