Is this guy based?

is this guy based?

Attached: venturabro.jpg (212x296, 14K)

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Looks like a degenerate

No he is a conspiracy theorist and you should never listen to him

Trevor Phillips is the most based leaf ever.

Rip game-over-man
>zoomers don't know jesse ventura

Is that jesse ventura?

Attached: JesseVentura1.jpg (220x264, 13K)

I think he has Parkinsons and dementia.

did i not just post a pic of him you dumb nigger?

Attached: hoyAAA.png (600x737, 486K)

no he is dumb as a rock

I am not saying you I was saying in general

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i'm sorry soldier i've failed you

Attached: goodsoldier.jpg (480x480, 43K)

Why does he look like he spent 3 months on indian reservation tripping on acid?

Because he just wintered in Baja stewing in mescaline.

He let in tens of thousands of Somalis into Minnesota, so no, he's not based.

He is as cool when I’m going he AWA

Attached: CFA820A8-1047-49D0-A1A2-86A6752266E2.jpg (500x500, 57K)

"The Body" was right about 9/11 and Afghanistan.
Back in 2005 he said the only reason we're in Afghanistan is because it has one of the largest deposits of Litihium in the world, and everything is going to need lithium in the future. He said we'll never leave the place.
Well, it's the future and he's 100% right.
Now that we can look back at 9/11, we see he was right about that too. Inside job by our own govt who used CIA assets as patsies to launch another step in the NWO/Globalist plan.
Anyone who lived life before 9/11 knows everything is fkn shit now.

Was right about 9/11 and the early 2000s wars.

do what now? he sounds pretty fuggin based if he's fighting the globalism.

Yes David Cross is based

Will Sasso does a great impression of Ventura

Only MN Governor to win without a political party affiliation ever, was the reason the Vikings lost at 15-1 in the playoffs that year, punishing the state for electing him.

As an Ex Navy Seal, he had top secret intel and seemed to insinuate he carried out missions he wasn't proud of, but did his job. Navy intel is the cream of the crop

>$1 Trillion Motherlode of Lithium and Gold Discovered in Afghanistan

He as baste as any turkey from Minnesota can be.

Attached: JesseActionSlacks.jpg (171x295, 9K)

oh he's the copy pasta guy?

Attached: tarkov.jpg (366x617, 44K)

What do you think OP?

I think a lot of things.

One of the best Governors in the history of the United States.
Neither GOP or Dem (technically Democratic Farmer Laborers, DFL in Minnesota)
Gave the budget surplus back to the people in the form of Uncle Jesse Checks.
Fucked with the media Jackals.
Told a single mother off on the State Capitol steps. Told her she shouldn't have gotten pregnant if she wanted to go to college.
Only served one term--because he wanted to.

How's your summer going, freshman?

"For these people that believe the Confederate flag is part of history and should be displayed, they’re correct. In the museum!" said Ventura, who served as Minnesota’s governor as a member of the Reform Party from 1998 to 2003. "It does not belong being endorsed today by any government inside the USA, be it local, state or federal. We have to look at our past so we can learn from it, but we don’t need to flaunt it." - Jesse Ventura

He is not based at all, but he is entertaining. He reminds of Alex Jones. I would love to see these two talk shit before they wrestled in the squared circle. I would literally pay money to watch it. Well, I probably wouldn't pay for it, but I would watch it.

I mean look at him.

Attached: 249385.jpg (700x464, 72K)

he look based


Attached: Antaak-ridgeless.jpg (857x648, 50K)

No. Anyone who would sue a widow is cringe as fuck.

why you wouldn't ?

He looks dirty. Like that uncle I had that was always harassing my sisters. Fuck him.

That is the only thing he did that was based faggot. Well he was a navy seal too, and I guess that is pretty based. But everything else he says is regurgitated bullshit.

This guy gets it

He sued the companies insurance, the whore was out nothing, she made money off of it, the slut jody was paid by said company to shill for them to save them money.

hahahah fucking retard

Attached: PPPPPPPPPPPF.png (371x470, 288K)

MinnFag born and raised over here.

Attached: LookAtMpls.png (568x427, 163K)

>Jesse "The Body" Ventura
>Jesse "The Mind" Ventura
>Jesse "The Spirit" Ventura
You cannot obstruct his ascension.

I'mma be honest user, nobody gives a shit about the Confederate flag

That’s an old picture.

Attached: 6B9C69B5-2833-4515-8E36-6F9FF101624E.png (300x450, 349K)


Attached: 1559346932186.jpg (600x600, 58K)

It's sad that the GloboHomo's squashed Minnesota's uprising by flooding it with fanatic nogs. (((They))) saw the threat and cucked the state forever.
Hopefully MN goes Trump in 2020. So close in 2016. Losing by 1% can be changed by stopping all the fraudulent voter rolls.

watch this great press conference Ventura and Trump had in 1999.

>I'mma be honest user, nobody gives a shit about the Confederate flag
No faggot, that would be you.

He was, until he supported that nigger Obama. Ventura wasn’t to be trifled with as a governor. Guy was a badass.