Jow Forums can we get someone to finally kill these fucking antifa fags in a mass shooting so these cucks stop shit

Jow Forums can we get someone to finally kill these fucking antifa fags in a mass shooting so these cucks stop shit

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i think that's what they want to happen because then they can say 'we was just throwing drinks then the fascist pigs SHOT US!' and literally everyone would be complicit in it

Glownigger thread

hmmm true, how can we fuck we this thugs, I'm not extremeist im literally centrist but these fucking cucks make me want to break their necks

hmmm true, how can we fuck we this thugs, I'm not extremeist im literally centrist but these fucking cucks make me want to break their necks

fuck off he attacked a woman in the crowd and got what was coming to him
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with every stunt like that they lose any pretense of being anything but insurgents

no ordinary person sees this dude get badly fucked up and thinks 'good he deserved it because nazis' antifa's alienating itself from the everyman that actually wins elections

>jew behind memeflag is so inbred, it's handlers still don't understand we can smell them through the internet

sloopy job mossad

I literally could not care about this dude

Um.... no. Listen Geoff, we have to think in terms of Augustus Caesar not Caligula.

australia's not a memeflag

Bibi is gonna die

Good evening fbi

>your fucken inbred if you think im jew

>plan new right wing “protest” knowing counterprotest will come.
>actually this is a set up to surround and kettle the antics
>corner and destroy them

lucky im in not us

alright well shoot them then?
maybe that'd work out better but i don't think so

on the other hand it might make them stop pushing the boundries if that happens in minecraft.

i think it'll just be reported everywhere as a 'right wing terror attack' against 'innocent protestors' and there will be more push for a gun grab

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Yossi Cohen will watch his children die

Attached: Sloppy Job Mossad.jpg (1000x1000, 318K)

Law enforcement/agent provocateur creating screen caps for mainstream news reporters.

>muh fee fees

Cut off the heads of the people funding antifucks! Cut the money off and bingo! Gone! And these people should be in jail or excecuted for terrorist organization because that’s what it is! Period! WTF Trump! Stop this NOW!!!!

Hello person of governmental employ.

prove you're not trying to shut down speculation by accusing people of being jews nerd

The blood of Israelis will fertilize the sand for the new Arab state.

Attached: IDF Ansariya Ambush 1997 copy.jpg (648x425, 44K)

Advocating criminal activity in order to shut it down. Only cops do this

see here

Well, unlike the leftists, the sane and upstanding folks on the other side of the spectrum don't condone violence. Lefties have a monopoly on violence and they can keep it. Animals.

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Found the tranny

How's Hoover's Fairy Brigade doing tonight?

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the glow is strong with this one