Accelerating collapse

First California, now Oregon, next will be Washington. Nevada legalized weed, and Texas is turning blue. This is the endgame

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What is even the point of citizenship anymore?

ALL civic options have been exhausted

Revolutionary National Socialism is the only logical step

Why is this bad? It gets gullible illegal immigrants to come forward and out themselves.

Gonna have to walk off the west coast

No. It allows illegal immigrants to vote.

How do you get car insurance if you're an illegal, and how do you legally drive without car insurance?

drop atom bombs on the cities
get Congress to make it legal
just get Congress to pass an Act
name it something something pest control act

Not the point.. They just want their votes. Really is sad and corrupt.

there isn't your nation is now your race

welcome to the National Socialist Revolution

>get congress to
lol he doesn't know

Already happened in Washington.
It's been the law for about 2 years now


Wait, wouldn't a non-citizen DL be marked as such?

They crash into you and have no insurance. This is a big problem in tx

I want more than one identity now, it’s only fair. Anyone who thinks this is a bad idea, take a look at the spic problem


>What is even the point of citizenship anymore?
So you can be taxed faggot.

Were still trying to get permission to ask about this on the census

Sue them. Garnish all of their wages forever. If they don't pay, put them in prison.

Depends on the state, but in any event, it doesn't matter. They let them vote, because they have ID. The whole point of the DLs is votes.

Colorado too, extra insurance to cover uninsured accidents is manditory

Correct. They'll quietly pass a law that attaches voter registration to DMV licensure (which nobody objects to) and then they do this.

"Hey, are you gonna vote for the party who wants to deport you or the party that's promising to give you free healthcare and 40,000$ of EBT a year?"


>this state registers you to vote when you get a liocense
>oregon votes by mail

Blue Texas would be nice.

I don't think there's anywhere on earth not either going down the toilet or already there Jesus Christ

Can you fuckers just launch your nukes already so we can go out with some fireworks instead of a whimper?

>The whole point of the DLs is votes.

i wonder if this is really true. any election result can be falsified as long as it's at least remotely plausible, and since voting is now mostly digital, i presume that many results are fraudulent.

that is already law in oregon. they claim that illegals wont be registered but people are going to have to demand an audit from the sec of state every day.

Then it shouldn't be a problem to get voter id laws in

Texas GOP "leadership" have been busy keeping anyone from boycotting Israel instead of dealing with their massive border invasion

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Youre starting to smell thr truth arent you. Whats really going to happen. There's no more joke son. Your choices are layed out in front of you. There is either fight this war, probably violently, or be destroyed. .....your choice. But... If youre gonna just be destroyed anyway.....

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Yes. The way the system works, everyone is registered to vote, regardless of their status. And you don't have to show ID at the voting station (that would be racist).

It's a problem in Oregon already.
It' a problem everywhere.
Is the american experiment over yet, or can it only be concluded by succeeding?

That's racist to ask gringo! It's like in Chicago, Mexicans dont need insurance but everyone else gets big fines and your car towed if you don't have it. Free food, housing and clothing etc you stpid white boi

its been the law since like the 90s senpai

>white woman depicted as illegal immigrant
>saw a commercial the other day where a white man was depicted as a burglar
it's all so tiresome.

>the american experiment

what is this nonsense? why is our nation an "experiment"?

Compulsory car insurance is unlawful use of the color of law. In the usa, you cannot be forced to buy anything, constitutionally. And smart people know how to win this. That's how.

That's what they say but it's a lie. It's "opt out"; the non-citizens would have to petition the state to take them off the rolls.

On the positive side, this means there'll be a list of illegals out there that we can use to locate and remove the animals.

It doesn't even have to be fraudulent, though. That's the whole point. Brown people will vote for whoever the jews want as long as gibs are on the table.

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You don't. You buy a junk car, drive it until the cops take it for expired registration and then buy another one.
lol what a bunch of boomer cucks

we are truly approaching the end times bros
we will probably get another term with Trump but after that the cancer flooding out of California will turn the southwest blue including Texas.

Only when you have a bank loan on your car. Also, you can get out of compulsory insurance and drivers license and all that if you try....

I don’t buy shit


the reason trump wanted to put the citizenship question on the census was to discourage non white illegals from being counted and creating the illusion of a greater white percentage.

For anyone who doubts that non-citizens can and do vote, here's your PROOF THAT ILLEGALS CAN VOTE: Jury duty candidates are drawn from the voter rolls. In California, there are several million summons candidates who are subsequently rejected because they're non-citizens every year. Look it up.

Hence why the Secretary of State will need to conduct an audit. If even one illegal is registered sue the state government in federal court for failing to maintain the integrity of the election

I’m gonna let you hold on to this, kid


of course they will. they have no reason not to.

the law should punish employers who hire these people. that way it can't get turned into a media circus about "oppression" and social justice. any other approach is nonsensical.

>when you can buy a car and build up debt to a society you're not even a member of

I hate ((((democrats)))) so so much

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In Arizona they just get drunk as fuck, drive the wrong way on the interstate, and kill your entire family, without having any insurance

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Ah, but then they just attack those laws as being anti-free market. There's no end to their lies and trickery. As long as they can keep things from turning to open violence, they'll rule forever. It's over, my man. If there isn't open insurrection in the next 10 years, it's over.

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whatever be an idiot.

ALL politicians are traitorous rats

nah, they'll just go on welfare and food tamps, because being broke as shit in USA is way better than being blue collar in El Salvador

Seriously at this point just let me go out fighting, not dying slowly in a third world.

The thing is that states' congressional seat numbers (and electoral vote points) are tied to population data and the illegal immigrants are mostly in blue states (hell, they turn them blue) so that gives democrats a huge advantage.

Why do boomers always type the stupid ass "..." between every thought

... and then, the U.S. just seemed to fade away. No one knew where it went, they just found one day that none of what they lived in matched anything that they saw in the news or on television.

And by then, it was too late.

stop patronizing restaurants that use illegal labor. pick your own produce. there are a lot of things you can do besides changing the law. in other words, don't pay illegals, directly or indirectly. they'll leave when the work dries up. just like a clean kitchen does not attract ants. it's a simple solution to a simple problem.

Getting ready for 2020

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die retard.

That dumb cunt governor really doesn't want another term does she? Thank God so many childless government employees (obviously women) will suicide from their horribly lonely existence and anti-depressant dependency. I'll thank the jews for that last one

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to indicate that there could be more or give you an indication to pause and think about the shit that preceeded it and when i do it i'm gen x

because its a mental fart ... essentially


it's almost like they dont want trump to win in 2020....really made me think

just to make me angry when reading it

>it's a simple solution to a simple problem.
You would think so, then the Israeli vans full of illegals pull past the border

I'm doing that, so hopefully it will have an impact if more people are on board. I feel as if it's a slow, long term answer to a very immediate threat, though. Only time will tell, I suppose.

Repent of your ignorance Boomer. The day of the floss is soon upon us

So, the Governor has ordered the state police to round up any Republican Senators so they can establish a quorum, right?
If all of them are supposed to be hiding in Idaho, do they have the jurisdiction?

what you're assuming is that there is an actual opposition party to the "democrats". Trump was the pressure release valve on white anxiety. Trump was the tranquilizer as the venom flows through the white demographic.

They need to keep whites from understanding the gravity of the situation.

They came back on Saturday and the dems passed this bullshit. HB2020 is allegedly dead but wouldn't be surprised if a nearly identical bill comes next session.

>“We will not capitulate – no, never! We may be destroyed, but if we are, we shall drag a world with us – a world in flames.”
National Socialist Revolutionary

UsA iS a NaTiOn oF imMiGrANT

Surely it's simple to sue someone being paid illegally under the table with a fake social security number, if they even have that.

I don’t believe this, do you?

Shit, I guess the news clip I watched this morning was old.
Mission accomplished for now, I guess.

yes. it's the only logical explanation.

>California, Oregon and Washington letting illegals vote
Not suprising, these states were gonna vote Democrat anyways as long as Texas doesn't pull some bullshit like this I think Trump can still win 2020

Reminder that Oregon had a referendum over this 5 years ago and the people there wasn't having it.

> Oregon Ballot Measure 88 was a ballot measure in the U.S. state of Oregon in the 2014 midterm elections to determine whether or not to refer a "law creating a four-year driver's card, shorter than the usual eight years for a driver's license, for those who meet all other qualifications other than proof of legal presence in the United States". The measure was rejected.

> The measure was supported by unions, business organizations and groups concerned with immigrant rights. In the election it was rejected by 66% of the voters while 34% supported it.


Nice democracy you have there, goy.

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why has there never been one lawsuit to stop trumps pro jewish actions to jews (he literally gave sovereign land of a foreign nation to Israel through the stroke of a pen)? How has he "somehow" managed to bypass congress etc to sell the terrorist nation of Saudi Arabia weapons in the hundreds of billions?

The "democrats" and judges will play the scapegoat when "republicans" have control of the executive. Then when someone like Obama has power the "republicans" play "obstructionist" role. All while jews mysteriously keep getting what they ask for.

remove kate brown

dude believe it. we have to kill them all and repeal womans sufferage. bitches are to blame for this....and jews. bitches, jews, and jew loving cucks. race war now.

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have sex

How about the 17 senator that voted in favor?
> House Bill 2015, which passed by a 17-10 vote, now heads to Democratic Gov. Kate Brown, who is expected to sign the legislation.
> One Democrat — Sen. Betsy Johnson, of Scappoose — voted against the measure, according to Oregon Live.
> The move will make Oregon the 14th state to allow illegal immigrants to drive. New York approved a similar measure in June.

It would be a shame if someone used their driving license to register as a voter.

He was saying your idea was a good idea

why sue when you can just take?
fuck, anons, they're fucking illegal. exploit these stupid fuckers to the max. give them a reason to leave

FYI if you can't prove you're a US citizen with a social security card your Oregon driver's license is not a valid form of identification and it will be printed with NOT VALID FOR IDENTIFICATION across the front of it, meaning they will not be allowed to register to vote or do anything that requires government-issued ID.

The sole purpose of this is to certify illegals to drive.

Also: they have not lowered the standards for obtaining a driver's license in the State of Oregon, even if you're not a citizen you still have to prove permanent residency in the state and that you pay taxes. Without that you will not get a license, even if it's only to drive.

>Driving isn't a right
>You don't NEED a car, just walk
>You're not buying anything, you're paying for a service in case you get in trouble
Insurance Jews and greedy government already have that shit locked down

>implying juan, juilo, jesus, and jose won't be "accidentally" registered

Is this real or fucking fake???

didn't appear that way

Jow Forums needs someone on the inside of the Oregon driver's license registration board to access the files, look up which applicants are illegal, and report them all to ICE.

Wait, so how does this work? Could I theoretically just walk into an Oregon office and get a new identity? Sounds like a legit way to disappear while staying in America.

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