What has Jow Forums been reading?
Political reading
Nothing. Feed me suggestions please.
>(((Leon Uris)))
The Bell Curve
Reading Mein Kampf and then Revolt Against The Modern World.
Anything by Julius Evola and The Prince by Machiavelli
I need to know
Return of the King, The art of war and a tale of two cities
Collapse literature:
John Michael Greer's Dark Age America.
Being and Oil by Chad A. Haag
Not reading anything the enemy has written is a great idea right? I plan on reading the communist manifesto as well an long with more nas soc books.
The first 4 on the left is a great place to start.
100 dealdy skills great book, shows how to make body armor, make molotovs, escape pursuits, hand to hand, meele, and firearms combat dispose of a body which is rather weird, evade guard dogs,escape active shooter situations and tons of other cool shit.
Just join the military if you want to learn those things, pussy
These are all babys first litpol thread. Let me give you some good ones.
Come and Take It by Cody Wilson
The Technological Society by Jacques Ellul
Propaganda by Jacques Ellul
Anti-Tech Revolution by Theodore Kaczynski
The Power of the Powerless by Valcav Gavel
For my Legionnaires by Cordreanu
Decline of the West by Oswald Spengler
Aeropagitica by John Milton
The Federalist Papers
You'll never learn hand to hand combat without a resisting opponent, idiot. I was in the military and rolled with some seals once. They were practically black belt bjj level, at peak physical fitness. It would take an average civilian at least ten years 3x a week of bjj training to be on par martial arts wise with one of those absolute freakish fucks.
Does anyone here exclusively read from pdf? I can’t bring myself to read from pdf.
Nah, it strains my eyes.
Only if it's short. Generally I buy a physical book but if I don't want to spend money or just want to get a sample I will find an audiobook.
Librivox has good copyright free recordings of most classics
>nazi mumbojumbo
>art of the deal by the biggest kike President ever
Gosh fuck the retards on this board, this is why you can’t even get a gf, let alone violently overthrow the government in a revolution
Harassment Architecture by Mike Ma
Nah I can't stand pdf
>have sex
Your horns are showing
>unironically has art of the deal and shows it pridefully.
just finished James O'Keefe's book, American Pravda. Fun book, would definitely reccomend
anyone has the rise of the 4th political theory?
Y'all niggas be readin at sheeeit, SMDH. Look at me yo, I got glasses and my crib is da liberry.
12 Rules for Life: An Antidote to Chaos
by Jordan Peterson
I've never read a PDF book. I would much rather have a physical copy. Less eye strain and natural.
I was wondering about this one. Why do you recommend it? I saw a few pages on Amazon and it looked anti-conservative.
Once upon a time, Wash your dick, the end
Black Wind White Snow: Rise of Russia's New Nationalism is a good book on 4pt.
It's not all on 4pt but it's still good and has interesting takes on Dugin
Yeah that's not how it goes.
Pol has been reading Pol
Idols of perversity
By Bram Dijkstra
It's a great book about art, philosophy and literature in the 1800s. His conclusions that some views that people held were bad, but we can know we're good in hindsight, can be ignored for the incredible research and insight into European culture, and how we got to where we are now.
I've been reading classic literature. Some Dostoevsky, Don Quixote, lots of Shakespeare, and some Spec Ops military books. I like to take a break from Jow Forums related material when I read, but 'Sex and Character' was a nice black pill of a book.
if I do it's on my phone at work
Orlando Figes
'A People's Tragedy: The Russian Revolution: 1891-1924'
Michael Collins Piper
'Final Judgment: The Missing Link in the JFK Assassination Conspiracy'
I saw this in a used book store recently. I should have grabbed it. Sounds interesting.
What else?
It's a shitpost book. A collection of short essays and stories. Absolutely hilarious. I literally slapped my knee at one point. I also recommend Delicious Tacos if you want more pol tier shitpost books
Mike Ma is one of us. Have you seen the video of Laura Loomer talking to a guy about how "they are just jealous of my big tits and ashkenazi IQ." the guy she is talking to is mike.
Very based book. I'd like to read the original edition, but it's hard to find. Apparently Jünger published multiple editions to make the book more appropriate for the times. The original was supposedly extremely nationalistic. Also, I am very distrustful with translators. I think it'd be best to read the first uncensored edition in German, but I don't know German.
Buy it used online, it's dense, and the author is left leaning, but it's written academically enough to ignore the few opinions he puts in and focus on the interplay of ideas that the arts and cultural creators were planting even back then. (Spoiler alert) it ends with the third reichs rebellion against the feminization of the culture.
>Leaderless Resistance by Louis Beam
You can read it here:
Not exclusively but a lot because PDFs are so accessible. If reading from a screen bothers you try getting a blue light filter app or software. Blue light strains the eye and fucks up your vision.
lol i can tell which books you read brainlet
I read PDFs from Kindle DX. I read 100 or so books a year on it. I started reading Canada in decay today in hard copy and found the pages too white that it felt like they reflected light a bit and gave me eye strain. I know it sounds crazy because paper doesn't reflect light but I actually found it harder to read than the kindle
how to books and repair manuals for me. I have no need to read a book about politics. I'm capable of having my own thoughts.
Thanks, i'll have to check out the book more.
kys Amazon shill
Because I posted them yeah...
If you like Junger you might like Eumeswil. Junger also used to drop acid and write about his trips in a diary. I know he did an interview about it before but it's harder to find. Imagine seeing WWI and then taking acid and not freaking out.
>tfw you're too smart to learn anything about politics from other people
I wish I could, but it strains my eyes as well, and holding a book is actually pleasurable. The only time I sit and stare at a screen is when I'm taking a fat shit or shitposting on Jow Forums
Just picked up Against our Better Judgment and The International Jew The Worlds Foremost Problem (unabridged)
Not pictured though. Also just finished Protocols of Zion I found at a goodwill for $1. Also not pictured.
I'm not defending the rejection of political books, but overall how-to and repair books seem to be a pretty pragmatic choice.
good taste. if you dont mind re-reading or buying mein kampf again, get this version instead, its the best one
Another is some good shit.
Pretty depressing desu.
Another good first hand account that is really good is the Diary of a Napoleonic Foot soldier. One of the only first hand accounts from a German foot soldier enlisted in Napoleons army that survived the Russian winter.
This book goes into detail about how not to starve to death and be killed by your comrades over horses and food. Plus an in depth look on how not to freeze to death and not to give ammo to Jews who are just looking for ammo to hunt birds for food, very bad idea.
It's probably one of the best books I've ever read.
I was reading guns germs and steel but dropped it after the author said aboriginals are smarter than Europeans. I want to pick up the turner diaries. Is it any good?
Ice read some of it in pdf. Its very good and kinda freaky how on point it is with things that are happening now for when it was written
You've only read 3 books? Fuck off, you cunt.
1611 KJV Bible
my project for the next 4 months
>ernst jüngers classic about his experiences as a stormtrooper in WWI
>machiavelli because its a must i guess
>clausewitz war strategies
>the forgotten soldier by guy sajer - very detailed diary about a french wehrmacht soldier and his journey on the eastern front (very very sad stuff)
Another cunt who hasn't read 90% of the books he owns. Those fucking spines should be rekt if you read those books. I barely see any of those books with spinal bends. Read your books before you post them.
Been a while since I read this, but I remember it being a pretty bleak read.
stop feeding the machine, you vote with your dollars user
A Mathematical Theory of Evidence. Its a solid book for anyone that knows a little about set theory, probability, and is okay with dealing with summation notation.
i need some based or not based book that are less than 300 pages
im not a nerd
something i can read in about 3 days
no mein kampf
read it and its shit
I plan on reading Guns, Germs, and Steel just to read what the opposition is publishing. From what I've skimmed it seems Diamond's explanation is basically "Europeans got lucky".
How's your Mein Kampf print is so thicc? Mine is like 1/4 the size. Is it with a commentary or something?
Pic rel my collection (I got also 10+ prints of historical polishbbooks about the jq [from XVII century to moment we regained our independence] , digitalized and available via online libraries. I've printed them in case they somehow got shoah'd)
It's a shame that I don't have any spare time to translate them, just like with the protocols and the international jew, these books look today as a prophecy.
"Discourse on voluntary servitude" from Etienne de La Boetie
Wikipedia says it's an influence to anarchism, but it's bullshit, it's a book about not taking shit from a government that's gone rogue.
Read the Diary of a Napoleonic Foot Soldier, by the look of your other choices you'll love it if you haven't already read it. It's 100 years older, but still very relevant.
Mein kampf isn't a action books
thanks for the recommendation lad!
These plus the Bible are all you need
Literal brain dead faggot over here who cant help but read his books like a nigger destroying them in the process.
Have fun reading like a barbarian.
Ellul is legit
I imagine your version of mein kampf is either highly sanatized or some other combination of things. Larger/smaller book dimensions. Font size differences and the font itself. General layout, page margins, etc. English translation might be a lot less efficient at conveying some points compared to polish. I think OP has the manheim translation which isnt that good so maybe a lot of unneeded things were added.
Your books aren't the dead sea scrolls faggot. Nobody reads books like they are ancient script. Keep up your cope.
Manga, obviously.
Currently reading “tough”
Very good
Whatever you say monkey.
Forgot my totally not misleading pic related.
>t. illiterate faggot who hasn't read a book in his life.
Read more. No read book looks perfect.
>No read book looks perfect.
Only if you are retarded, which you seem to be. So enjoy your torn books. And Ill enjoy mine.
I can see wear on almost every single one of those books.
Yes u need to calm the fuck down.
You'll enjoy staring at them, for you have not ever read them.
I count 12 books that have actually been read, one of those books has barely been read. Name all the books that "have reading wear," on them. You'll know a read book when half the spine has been bent. This is not something that can been helped unless you actually hold the book barely open. IE: nobody fucking reads their books like it's a bible from the 12th century.
Who do you only see 3 books
>13 hour
None of the other books have damaged spines. New books don't have spine creases because they've barely ever been open. Unless you read a book all the way through in a day, there will be a crease in, at least, the middle of the book. Those who barely read through the book, the crease happens near the beginning of the book, if you ready it constantly, there are many creases, if you tend to skip to the end constantly there's a crease near the end. I only see this in history or informational books.
I’m not going to list several dozen books for your pleasure
Name just one that doesn’t have wear on it yet you blind retard.
There are a couple. But I bet you pick one with obvious signs of wear are spend enough time trying to prove me wrong you prove yourself wrong.
Now, I will give that hard back are hard to tell because of the outer cover and the actual book, but nobody takes off the cover, just to read and then put back on to make it look pristine. Nobody does this.
Sorry to tell ya kid but I've read all of them. I think you're just triggered by the fact that some people have actually read more books than you.