Why are Native Americans and their issues rarely brought up in the political sphere? It seems strange especially compared to other groups like blacks, LGBT, illegals, etc. Is it because their issues aren’t noteworthy or convenient for votes? Do they typically vote Dem or Repub?
Why are Native Americans and their issues rarely brought up in the political sphere...
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It's because pretty much everyone dislikes them.
Nobody likes a drunken unjin
They are too small of a group to have any real influence and are semi autonomous anyway. So there's no point in politicians trying to get their votes and for the most part they just want some gibs and to be left alone.
Cause natives dont have money
It’s because they are too busy drinking themselves into oblivion
>t. Anyone who’s ever seen/been on a reservation before
Because they just drink themselves to death on their own land out in the middle of nowhere
>Heyhowareya Heyhowareya
*Swings dreamcatcher in your direction*
*Takes a sip of listerine*
>Mycasino mycasino
*Dies of liver disease*
Because native americans are the ultimate proof of white supremacy, and I say that as somebody who abhors white supremacy. Fuck racism. Holy shit would the reservation system be great talking points for the white power gangs if ever it came into public attention.
Semi-autonomous local goverernment? Check. Lots of government assistance? Check. Quasi-communist tribal structure? Check. All that has resulted in nearly complete collapse of society, from being literally what we based our governmental structure on to shitholes of corruption and abuse. Alcoholism and rape are the name of the game there.
White people were here first and America is rightful Celt clay. Prove me wrong
(You cant)
>Fuck racism
Reservations are exactly what communist America will look like btw.
Wtf? What the hell are you talking about. Indians are fucking badass.
Do they even exist anymore lel
Libs don't care about them because they serve their purpose in the classroom- making Americans (but mostly white people) ashamed of their heritage just for conquering a foreign enemy.
Lol, I haven't seen/heard those in forever. My gramps used to sing hey how are ya and flap his arms like a bird. I did not come here for these feels.
You bastard
Have you ever set foot on a reservation?
we killed them all so theres no one left to bitch
cause nobody gives a fuck about natives, desu
Yeeeeeaaaaaaaa about that
>Why are Native Americans and their issues rarely brought up in the political sphere?
there aren't really enough of them to be a political "force", and the issues that they would want discussed aren't in the interests of either party's political agendas.
Bump while I wait for some one to battle me
All this and not one maga smirk?
For shame nu/pol/
For shame
Why are pics not working on this thread?
they need more fire water and buffalo