Why the fuck do you guys support Iran having nuclear weapons?

Why the fuck do you guys support Iran having nuclear weapons?

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Why doesnt trump go jerk off the leader of iran like he just did with north korea
Fr*ckin traitor

so they can nuke jews, of course

If they nuke the Jews, we won’t need nukes in the future


Why would they not have just as much right to posses nuclear weapons as Israel does? Seriously.

Cause they are sand niggers LARPING as American Alt right.

I don't care if any cities of the globohomoplex get nuked, including my own.

Eh lets be real sandnigs are retards and more likely to cause a problem than the jews.

Its like if ethiopia got nukes...

Remember that Trump is 100% responsible for this.

Iran isn't the main sponsor of terrorist attacks on Western European soils. That's Saudi Arabia and their Wahhabist ideology. 15 of the 19 hijackers were Saudi, not a single Iranian. Pakistan has nukes, but they're way worse than Iran. Also, Israel is worse than Iran:

For example, this one Jew, who had a heart of gold (which is very rare), leaked Israel had 200 illegal nukes, and he was later tortured by Mossad because he had converted to Christianity:


He also validated Jews had a role in killing JFK:

"In July 2004, Vanunu claimed in the London-based Al-Hayat newspaper that the State of Israel was complicit in the assassination of John F. Kennedy. He claimed there were "near-certain indications" that Kennedy was assassinated in response to "pressure he exerted on Israel's then head of government, David Ben-Gurion, to shed light on Dimona's nuclear reactor".[162]"

I can't believe this even has to be said around these parts. The newfagging must be at higher levels than I realized.

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because he wants to make sure Best Korea won't join Iran and shoot down US planes.
>le 64D chess face

Because Iran is a foreign sovereign nation and has the right to build up nukes to prevent other countries like the US and UK from meddling in their affairs, overthrowing their government or bombing them. 20% of the iranian population was wiped out in WW1 by the british even though they declared their neutrality. Not even 20 years later during WW2, they overthrew their king, even though once again, they claimed neutrality. 10 years later, they overthrew their democratically elected PM and instated a dictator. Not even 30 years later, they supported Iraq which killed over 1.5 million iranians. Since then, the US and western countries imposed crippling sanctions that affected every iranian and constantly meddled in internal affairs, assassinating scientists, supporting terror cells and much more.

Now tell me why I shouldn't support them when they are trying to acquire a weapon that will deter future meddling from superpowers within their own borders?

If Iran isn't going hell bent for leather trying to acquire the bomb, they're idiots who will end up like Iraq, Libya, Afghanistan...

>>pew pew
Because we can shoot em down, butthead.

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so they can glass israel of course :)

you watch this? lol i fucking lol'd when tucker asked him about this shit.

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Israel is a rogue terrorist state with nuclear weapons developed in secret and has them pointed at Europe for the Samson option effectively holding them hostage. No power in the ME should posses them period.


A lot of these loons around the world shouldn't have nukes, but at this point, America has also become loony; like a wild rabid dog. Just snapping at people viciously. It's got a powerful bite to be sure, but perhaps another dog who can fight back or someone that can give them a REAL smack around the head will knock some sense into them and bring them back on track.

its kind of a racist double standard to have nukes, and also tell someone they cant

>i'm okay with the millions of shitskins he allows in, but gosh darnit how DARE that motherfucker try to make peace with one of our enemies!
Die boomer.

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Why shouldn't they if their enemy does? Either Israel also denukes or Iran should get a nuke. Pick your choice.

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Every country should own at least one nuke. It's a great deterrent to armed conflict.

Iran could nuke Israel

I think it would be funny

You dumb fuck, if iran got nukes, that will give other arab country reason to own nukes as well retard, saudi arabia included.

This isn't a question of ethics, it is a question of whether America, the current global decision maker, should let a nation that regularly chants "Death to America" have nuclear weapons. Israel gets to have nukes because they are considered an allied nation simple as that. You agree to Iran having nukes because you think they will nuke Israel first, I disagree, they know damn well Israel's military isn't marching to Iran but America's is more than capable.

lol imagine asking the U.S permission for nukes and actually think we arent going to invade you

Because Jow Forums wants Israel nuked off the face of the earth?

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Iran needs nuclear weapons

USA sold nuclear weapons to Saudi Arabia.


i don't. removing iran is good for population reduction too. very eco friendly.

How many hijackers were Iranian again? I also like how secret special forces attacked a Japanese shipping lane during peace talks. Yes the Iranians would love to stab a powerful mediator country in the back just so they can get skullfucked by MOABs.

The extent of Iranians killing Americans is pretty much one stupid situation where the fucking desert got into a choppers rotors and killed a shitload of Marines.

boy it sure is summer alright

Because unlike the entire american political establishment, our political ideas are not based purely on 80s pro wrestling.

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The fuck kind of bomb can Iran even build with 4% enriched uranium?

Better World balance, the more countries will get nuclear weapons, the weaker retarded countries like Russia and the US will get.

Feel free to invade them yourself

>Why the fuck do you guys support Iran having nuclear weapons?
because dropping a nuke on Israel will finally bring peace to the middle east

>be iran
>remember US blew up your passenger plane and slapped you with massive sanctions
>an american mustache and his greatest allies are talking mad shit about how much you need to be "regime changed" like iraq, afghanistan and libya were
>only way you won't get regime changed is by having nukes to use as a deterrent
>the american mustache will use that as a reason to invade before you can make them

The only thing the US has to gain by invading Iran is trillions more in debt and more dead soldiers. The only one to profit would be Israel. If Israel wants to invade Iran so badly they can do it themselves without International help

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the states already sold them some

That's super interesting, thanks user

Israel already has nukes. Iran is just making sure that if the kikes whip out their Sampson option that they can take the Jews with them

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Almost two decades ago, in 1996, Netanyahu addressed a joint session of Congress where he darkly warned, “If Iran were to acquire nuclear weapons, this could presage catastrophic consequences


Four years before that Congressional speech, in 1992, then-parliamentarian Netanyahu advised the Israeli Knesset that Iran was “three to five years” away from reaching nuclear weapons capability


Any day now..........

Nutty-Yahoo will get dose wraskally Iwanians

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The only way to defend yourself from the US imperialism is to have nukes.

Warning! Iran HAS the Bomb!! - Or So Israel (and others), Have Been Saying Since 1984


Because if Iran has nukes, who do you think they will nuke? It won't be the west. If they launch anything at us it has to go halfway around the world to reach us and will be intercepted. Europe? They'd just be killing Muslim Arabs and Somali niggers.
If Iran gets nukes, Israel gets nuked. This is why all the boomers and neocons have their pants in a twist, and why we don't give a fuck.

>cancel nuclear deal that iran was following
I can't even give this one a gold star or a slow clap.

Because they can destroy Israel within 30 mins or less; who wouldn't support giving them a retaliatory nuclear arsenal. Israel started all of these problems all on its own.

Why shouldn't Iran be allowed nuclear weapons? Can't wait for Israel to sperg out and strike some facilities in Iran, then we will see what has been prepared. 06 will be like a walk in the park compared to what will happen this time around.


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Gee, if only there were some kind of Iran nuclear deal...

>implying nukes are real

I unironically want Iran to nuke those rat mutant fucks in Israel.

Because it leads to world peace.

NK war ended when they got nukes.

Israel will have to make peace when Iran does.

Gaddaffi gave up Libya's nuclear aspirations in exchange for assurances. How'd that work out for him? Why should Iran trust a word we say?


Iraq and Libya got "liberated" because no nukes. NK is untouchable.

Iran can see the writing on the wall. Hell, if I was Iran, I'd say we already have them (if they don't), and we'll only give them up if Israel does.


I support everyone getting nuclear weapons.
Nukes bring peace.


only thing that's going to happen is that Israel will try to start a US-Iran war with everything they got.

I bet that they wont success baiting Trump, so they have to start it themselves and drag US to the most expensive and difficult modern war in sandniggeria

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Everyone bordering pissrael should be armed to the teeth with wmds and poised to mop those kikes the moment they try their tricks.

>booo! us western civs spent all our fake moneypopping up the stock market! it's not fair Iran is not a Rothschild vassal state and doesn't have to spend their money on the pentagon. where's the missing 6Trillion?

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because they're going to wipe out isn'treal.

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Israel has nukes pointed on Iran, Colin Powell once said.