Is winnipeg really the most racist city in Canada?

Leafs, explain yourselves.

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Canada is just 49% White, so I don't see how it can be racist.

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but arent u a leaf urself ??


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look do you tell the palestinians and syrians to go back to their rez when they start getting stupid?

same thing

>somehow, of all people to hurl weird epithets at, racists always seem to choose "writers" "broadcasters" and "journalists"

A lot of native res' are alcohol and ridden cess pools. They're filled with violent criminals who attack people and steal shit outside of their reservations, and run back to them before the cops show up since they have zero jurisdiction. Theres a lot of people who are disillusioned to these assholes.

No, its Thunder Bay. Winnipeg lost ya fuck

Holy digits

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If you're forced to live in one of those 2 cities, which one would you choose?

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yeah imagine like one of your refugee camps except the police aren't allowed on it
and the refugees get angry and kill each other only to complain about being victims of racial genocide when they read the crime stats and your PM goes along with it because he's a cuck faggot retard and if you tell them to fuck off it's a front page magazine article

anyways happy canada day

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Winnipeg. Hands down. Way more shit to do

This, Indians are basically niggers, but face 0 consequence for their nigger tier behavior.

And Winnipeg is the worst for it

Good points. I don't blame you user, honestly just made the thread to shit on leafs and to see if I can find someone in the 204, since I'm moving to the shithole very soon.

Happy Canada day, user!

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...That's people who identify as European-Canadian on a census as opposed to "Canadian".
Mutt education.

Meh, they're friendly blokes once they have a few beers in them.

We stayed in Winnipeg for a night on our way to BC. There were people shooting up heroin on the streets.

That place has gone to hell. Manitoba's government is horrible and pretty much everyone there is impoverished.

Canadians are generally pretty racist against natives but Winnipeg is just terrible for everything

racist bus driver

>Leb flag posting Hitler images fondling Weimar whores with gloves

Are you one of those Christian Lebs? You know, the ones that did tours in those camps with the Druze..

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Fuck me.
I'll be using public transit for a while, until I get a car and DL.
Fuck me, probably gonna get stabbed by an abbo

Your moving to the 2nd worst city in Canada. Edmonton being the worst.

Just stay out of our country and that won't be a problem then for yeah buds

Hey non-Whites.....if White people don't want you in their areas...why the fuck do you go anyhow?

See, we try to nice....but nice just doesn't get through your fucking heads, does it?

For instance...Germany. You'd think that Jews would've gotten the hint. ....but oh noooo.

He's a tree, stupid

wait . . . I thought the holocaust didn't happen?

>Thunder Bay
Damn that’s a cool name for a city

I chose it because it was cheap, low pop, had lots of lakes (cheap and abundant cottages).
Also, good soil for starting a small hobby farm.
I was considering edmonton, but there's really nothing it it.
It's like winnipeg, minus the lakes.

Has anyone ever made the claim that Jews were not expelled from Germany?

The natives have really cool names for cities.
No, not even christian. An ex-muslim. Not an edgy atheist at all. I just stopped caring, live and let live kind of mentality.
I'm over-exaggerating for the lols, but honestly I look forward to it.
So much better than living in this shithole I'm in right now. Really looking forward to camping, fishing and canoeing.

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Just like my trailer park boys animu

They weren't gassed, that doesn't mean they were treated that great. Auschwitz may have had a theater, soccer field, and swimming pool. But the other detainment camps weren't as nice

Thats the natives telling her that. Not whites for your information. And yes winterpeg is a gang ridden shithole slum filled to brim with native apple crackheads. Basically scum.

Maybe Bogans shouldn't murder insane amounts of people in Winnipeg and Regina and be baby-machine whores.

It's fucking in their nature.
>have white friend with affluent parents
>they adopt a daughter, native from baby
>raise her just like him
>she's a scuzzy drug thot involved in who knows what
>he married an asian and pumped out adorable hapa kids

Yeah yeah.. Miscegenation aside, same family, same wealthy background , same outcome for the Indian.

Literally over 85% of white people in this province will secretly hate you, and talk openly amongst themselves about it once you get here, you understand that right?


aint that the shit fetty wap say

Nah, if you speak fluent English and arent retarded, you good

Canada's dirty secret? They are openly racist when it comes to Natives. South Africa got the apartheid idea from Canada.

In Manitoba?

You'd think... but its an exceptionally stupid story.
The vote to name the amalgamated cite split the vote between Lakehead and The Lakehead. And Thunder Bay won.

Lol native security kicked me off "their" beach which i have been going to for like a decade. Pickin up bottles and shit the chugs leave behind
Fuck them

Yes, it isn't an exaggeration to say this is the most racist province. You'd probably be happier in Ontario where they'll kiss your asshole if you have a dark enough tan.

Any relation to Bill?

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Was about to plan a trip until I saw its on the other side of the country. I guess I'll stick to my trip to Vancouver.

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Kind of expecting that, user. But to be honest, it's still better than getting blown up on the streets here.
You can't even tell I'm a foreigner on the phone. Picked up the american accent through discovery channel and national geographic. Went to university with a scholarship thanks to my english.
I hope I can fit in, all I want is to integrate with Canadian culture, or at least what's left of it and enjoy the time I still have left on this earth.

As I said earlier, I don't know why that other leaf is so butthurt about it. I just want to start a small hobby farm in rural manitoba, 45 mins away from the city.

Won't be bothering anyone.

Enjoy the niggers and chinks

I'll take shit that never happened for 500 Alex.

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This is sad on many levels. Bus driver should have just told them to be quiet and that is it. No need to flip out.

It almost surely happened. The only question is if it was justified. (spoilers: it always is)

Oh nvm they were harassing a girl fuck em

Deal with them everyday, and you'll change your tune, it's like being surrounded by someone else's downie children 24/7

god damn it

Yeah i got you.

i hear that dude. live right next to a fucking rez. some chug hacked a girls arm half way off with a garden hoe. when he was detained and thrown in cells he cried the whole time saying he didn't deserve to be there. went to court for time served because R v gladue. later went on to blame the white man for all his problems... fucking chugs

Like what? Go to the human rights museum? Fuck this province is dying. Yes it is, downtown west end north end Central Park etc the whole section is a shit hole, then the little pockets of Manitoba housing town houses in nice neighbourhoods make them shit also.

I'm from Vancouver, are you retarded? What niggers? Vancouver is pretty much entirely Asians and whites.

>Squaw = Nigger
Canada is really fucking gay.

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Last time I was there I saw more niggers in an afternoon than I've seen in my entire life, its probably only second to Toronto in nigger density

cope harder retard

Maybe don't go vacation in the part with niggers? Vancouver's a lot closer to Shanghai than Toronto.

The majority of actual natives I've known are pretty cool, but their society is a dysfunctional heap of garbage. Almost nobody born to that has any hope for a future, and the worst part is identity politics encouraging them to adopt that cesspool as their primary identity. Blame anyone you want, but it's still a fact and no amount of taxpayer dollars will ever fix that.

I'm Chinese, Chicken Little.

>I'm Chinese
ping pong ching chong ting tang wing wang

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The Dirty Bay is basically just a large town, filled with indians and STDs. Winnipeg is the same thing, but a city.

Squaw means female indian.

>Vancouver has no blacks

>just don't go to the part of Vancouver that's full of blacks

Lol wow urbanites really are this fucking retarded

>Just stay out of our country and that won't be a problem then for yeah buds
>Our country
Fucking hell Chang, why admit to being a chink if you're going to run around screeching about not wanting to let anyone in.
I bet you live in a small sardine apartment with 20 other chinks in Vancouver.

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Gweilo pls
Are there any North American cities that don't have any niggers? At all?

Wrong ID street shitter

>doesn't understand how IDs work
Back to rebbit.

There's several, but I'm not telling for fear of them being found out. Hint: look for under 1M population.

My bad, very similar colored IDs.

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>look for under 1M population
That's not a city.

Being racist against Indians is like some weird regional racism that only exists in a few small pockets of North America. It has its own stereotypes and its own language. ("Squaw?") I don't get it, but I guess it makes sense in Winnipeg.

>Leafs, explain yourselves.
She's a stupid squaw who should go back to the rez. What's left to explain?

>("Squaw?") I don't get it
Squaw is a derogatory term for female natives.

I was told by a boomer contractor that worked in carpentry that redskins are actually lazier than niggers. If you give a nigger a reason to work, like for money, he MIGHT put in the effort. But Indians just don't work at all. It's also hard to believe that another race has more of an alcoholic problem than some whites.

Winnipeg has less than a million and it's a city.
A shitty one, but still a city.

Indeed. I know an older guy who worked on a reservation for awhile because he wanted to help. He eventually became complete disenfranchised with the idea that they are just being oppressed. I asked him what he thinks of the whole situation now, and he just shrugs his shoulders and says "They have to take responsibility themselves". And he's right. Eventually we all have to stop blaming others for our problems.

>winnipeg is a city
umm sweetie

That's not heroin they were shooting, it's Meth

Canada has a lot of cool names for their cities for some reason I found. Better sounding than American ones for sure.

Try Jasper or Banff. Thank me later.

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>Squaw means female indian.
then why is that wagon-turner getting butt-hurt about it?

>Gweilo pls
does soup come with the buffet?

Chang, you don't have to be crammed in like sardines to be called a city.
I know it's difficult for you to understand, but 900 sqft apartments do not have to be worth 1 mil+ to qualify as a city.
That's just your people laundering money and fucking over the native population.

My family moved to Canada to buy your land because we're already rich, gweilo. Just like all the other Chinese here.
Any place under a million people is a town, sometimes LARPing as a city.

No idea. We tend to ignore their incoherent ramblings, or just laugh like this lady here.

Is there any part of Canada that isn’t cucked? Jc

>we're already rich
no amount of money will round your eyes though, slant-jew.

Do I sound like I post on Asian Masculinity? Why the fuck would I want to be white, so I could hand my country over to foreigners?

The Yellow Menace strikes again.


>My family moved to Canada to buy your land because we're already rich
You're just a trust fund baby who's never worked an honest day in his pathetic life.
Your daddy made his fortune by being a corrupt government cuck, stealing money and enslaving your own country men so that you can sell shitty chinese products to the western world.
Your daddy was probably being persecuted for corruption, hence why he had to flee to Canada.
It's a common story for many of you chinks who call yourself "Canadians".

You make the mistake of thinking Chinese people actually care about other Chinese people. I don't give a shit why I'm rich. Must suck to be a poor white Canadian, honestly.

You got the chinks nailed down to a T at least. Now if only you hated Jews maybe we could actually be friends

>so I could hand my country over to foreigners
why would I want to be a chink? so I could betray country and run away like a coward?

Chang, what is your purpose in life?
What do you even do for a living?


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why does that nigger have africa on his face?

Lezbo native. A rare site in the wild.