What are your favorite podcasts? Pic related is my go to

What are your favorite podcasts? Pic related is my go to.

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>antifa is a white identarian group
>antifa are the REAL nazis goy
Yeah I love Tim Pool's takes!

>Nazis suck!
>Wait is that gay Asian journalist holding a camera? SOMEONE HOLD MY BASEDMILK!!!

i like the ones tarrant makes, tim, styx, redice, tgs, anything about gasing kikes, shoe on head, red ellephant, and race war now. read the turner diaries.

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Fuck off Tim

Tim, you didnt need to post this. Stop being needy.

Kill yourself you fucking hapa grifter. Liberal faggots get the bullet along with communists

yeah he totally was attacked randomly by antifa and was not just pulling a grift, god people are retarded

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I think you mean mestizo.

Tim and Stefan Molymeme

Podcasts are degenerate


Make way, real intellectual coming through :^)

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I like Tim more everyday.

is he gonna be ok lads?

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that beanie ... imagine the smell

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If they're on Yawhey's side, they're on my side.

>Soteriology 101
>RC sproul
>Al Mohler
Explain pls.

I want to be a better theologian. What is there to explain?

Order 66 on Tim Pool!

this guy's voice is so bitchy and effeminate, I don't understand how people can watch his shit

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tim is thic

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There's literally video of him getting mobbed. He needs money for medical bills.

He's an irritating cunt and his squeaky little voice wrecks my head.

Those Twitter fucks on the right look like literally hell demonspwan. Tim looks scared out of his mind.

>casually makes baphomet hand sign

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Some of joe rogans podcasts are gold. Some of them are shit. It all depends on who he is having on and how often jamie (basedboi sidekick on the computer) opens his mouth.

3 fags

The fact that there's a literal skull with horns above his head doesn't seem like a coincidence either.


I get that he’s insecure about his baldness but why does he literally always wear the same hat, even in sweltering heat

This faggot can't get off the fence because the post is stuck up his beta ass

yea thats definitely on purpose.. Back when Rogan and AJ were beefing AJ said that Rogan was full blown satanist also so, the Elk skull 100% has deeper purpose.

Are you a better theologian? Has your mind been changed at all? Any other religious podcasts you’d recommend?

I love Tim Pool because he's a good counterbalance to all the conservative stuff I watch. I like him because he's a sane lefty who's not constantly searching autistically.

collective podcast when ash thorp isnt a fucking hippie

I dont believe anyone can become famous in LA without Satanic initiation anymore. Its all so tiresome

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I mean to be fair a lot of people who hunt elk have skulls and shit around their place. But Joe also smokes a lot of DMT which definitely seems like some Satanism shit. Plus he's got some pics with Church of Satan members from some years back. I think it's certainly possible he's a Santanist, usually that's where all the "spiritual" druggies end up.

nick fuentez. timmy the crypto-Jow Forumsack is also based

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Can we just start an e-celeb general? I'm tired of thread dying just so we can talk about one idiot's dumb podcast of video. We should just start a dedicated containment thread/board for this shit because it will not stop despite our protests.




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>The JQ is nonsense
> My friend from unicorn riot
Tim Pool is a brainlet or on the take. For his kind of content niche Vincent James is far and away better.

Are you a federal agent?

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You're the type of retard who thinks St. Tarrent was a mossad agent.

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Marketing 101. He has a look that’s part of his presentation. Plus, he likes it.

DMT high isn’t what you think it is.

Uh...... sure.

he can barely read and is refuses to admit the obvious in order to maintain some connection to "progressivism".

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>faggots that talk exclusively to an audience of other faggots who never leave their houses are going to change the world

he reminds me of Gandalf the Grey Hoodie, when he was still (mistakenly) sure that Saruman was a good guy.
Tim still thinks that Democrats "aren't all that bad".
Not until he gets beat the fudge up in a wizard duel did it dawn on Gandalf that he was wrong

>He needs 140K for a couple of scars
Holy shit, you rightoids are fucking dumb.

Matt and Shane Secret Podcast

Like bounce fabric softener and cum, with a hint of chili shit skidmarks

Nay bro, Joe is an agnostic retard, who knows he is a retard. He is too crass to appreciate the subtler points of Christianity and too smart to fall into satanism. I'm pretty sure Duncan and the other mystics are his connection to Satanism. Joe's religion is technology and solipsism

He said the other day he is number twenty something world wide in podcasts

yeah he totally faked that brain hemorrhage

his takes are low IQ but he covers relevant stuff. he also knows phony journalistic practices like the back of his hand

He has totally shit judgement on everything. He openly admits that he falls for leftists like Obama and AOC and voted for Obama, and promoted AOC. He doesn't understand people and how they lie, i.e he is naive af. Also his voice is so high pitched I could only tolerate 5 minutes of it before it sounds like Tinnitus.

you know how I know you're a faggot?

For pointing out Tim Pool aka you, is/are a kike?
>Your reading comprehension is that of a high-schooler.

Checked, OP is a fag.

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Just shave your head faggot

Rule 1 one of promoting any content on the internet:
NEVER shill on Jow Forums. It only ever brings trouble for you.

>shoe on head
that boxxy impersonator doesn't get a lot of love around here

>leftist fag who refuses to switch over

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I don't worship ecelebs because I'm not a faggot. Pride month is over.

America First

People are free to donate, who said anything about how much of the total sum he needs?

I’d ask if you were being intentionally dense but let’s face it; you’re using a commie flag so we already know the deal.

Pois kommunismin saasta.

this. beanie off or gtfo

The only podcast I listen to regularly is The Dick Show.

I have yet to find a political podcast that aren't complete and utterly fucking pozzed.
Most, regardless of political orientation and agenda, are so fucking bad, it just hurts.
I'm fact, they are so bad, I'll type it again. They are so bad, so terrifyingly bad. They are so so bad, so fucking bad, it makes me want to find their families so we can sit down and have a long nice, friendly talk.

The hosts are eccentric quasillectuals who only care about sponsorship money. So much emphasis is placed on the identity they are trying to broadcast, rather
than the topic or content itself. It's so loud, I can't hear what they're trying to discuss over the sound of them belching up semen.

Even the word "podcast" makes me throw up a little. The equivalent of reading children's books. I know I'm being an edgy fuckhole, but goddamn people, set some fucking standards for yourself.


now that the lid had been blown, the longer he goes without getting pussy the more he becomes /oneofus/