As Christians, we must be ready to spread the word of God at all times

As Christians, we must be ready to spread the word of God at all times.

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the absolute state of christcucks.

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I would rather spread it by crushing the enemies of Christ.

I am scared of God and the angels. They’re super powerful and can do whatever they want to you.

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That's why it's called the Great Commission, not the Great Suggestion

Checked and based


>" Give not that which is holy unto the dogs, neither cast ye your pearls before swine, lest they trample them under their feet, and turn again and rend you." Matthew 7:6

If you’re just going to turn the other cheek than fuck that. If you’re talking about crusade then send me a flyer.

he is with me

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I have no real agency. My actions are a result of the will of the angels. This is why prayer is so important.

there's a gun inside right?

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based and christpilled

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Are you licensed to carry that concealed assault bible?

They will protect me from the bad people.

what is this from

this is the one thing the MORmONs got right

It's the word of god because god's chosen wrote it themselves and this book is all the proof you need to believe all it claims to be right and true, goyim.

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Jesus only came for those of his own tribe and no one else Matthew 15. Paul came along much later and universalized it.

I feel better as a pet than the America idea of complete freedom and responsibility. American Christianity has also failed me. Spiritual Christianity is working better.

I had to leave the church because of how I perceived the message was being taught. Christ would spit on the church of today. Just like he freaked out in the temple.

If your ancestors are European you really should ditch the Abrahamism all together. Wotan beckons, white man come home!

I need to calm down. Maybe I should go to bed. I’m going to try to petition for more help from the angels. Screw the fedoras, miserable people who give slightly worse advice than the mainstream Christians.

I couldn’t interpret Christianity in a healthy way until recently. Dual seedline plus studying info from exorcists helped me construct a Christianity that’s actually healthy.
My worldview doesn’t make Christianity and paganism mutually exclusive. I see Jesus as Jupiter and Mary as Juno.


You might go to heaven but what about your kids kids kids who are left on an earth of jew controlled violent retard mutt liberals or under zog fucking cuck...wake up!

isnt that the mean guy from aladdin?

Just steep yourself in it so much it becomes like breathing water.

Breathing water is not advisable.