Imagine the taste!

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I wish that ice-cream was mine.

Wyte Peepo Doan Like Me!? I Doan Like Dem! Me Trow Tantrum! Me Get Attenshun


I feel bad for the guy who's gonna buy it, poor dude, he probably has herpes and other jungle viruses

Lol, nigs

When I buy ice cream, it has paper over the top of the ice cream under the lid.

if that paper is disturbed, I won't buy it.

>there are people on Jow Forums right now that doesn't do that
The ABSOLUTE state.....

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this undotuanatly.

Niggers. Amirite?

They need one of the little plastic shrinkwrap rings like they put on bottles of medicine.

Reminds me of that jumanji clip with the monkeys raiding the fridge

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I'm getting sick of these people. They smash chips in stores, lick food in stores, poisoning people. And they don't fucking care.

I only buy like 2 pints of ice cream per year and I buy Haagen Dasz or however you spell it because it has a nigger proof tamper resistant seal.

Yummy, nig nog aids flavored

thats the least of whats in your icecream faggot

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At least beavers build walls.

shut you up didnt it?


Absolutely nigger tier.

Ice cream with nuts in it is fucking disgusting

How exotic. As a lover of hot dogs nothing really surprises.

I'll take beaver asshole over nose ringed nigger tongue every day of the weak. Beaver asshole is natural too, guess what's in hot dogs?

I only ever buy 1 gallon pails of Neapolitan.I feel I'm safe from random people wanting to try the taste.
Taking that lid off for the first time is more effort then that girl would be willing to put into her little "joke".

The solution is simple.

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It's not so bad, that niggers was no doubt in a nigger neighborhood so a niggers or guilt ridden white liberal ate that.