Willing to Die?

How many people here are willing to die for their beliefs.

Do you think that's what it'll take to win? Is preventing the globalist/leftist future worth your life?

Remember the brave men who founded this country risked everything including their lives.

tl;dr True patriots report in

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>How many people here are willing to die for their beliefs.
I'm willing to live for my convictions.
>anyone can fucking die for "beliefs".

You will only live to see your convictions die, coward.

I'm a Revolutionary National Socialist. Nothing more needs to be said or known.

Life is pointless how would I go about dying for that belief?
(I'm a baby ant in this life)

if i get to kill niggers i will defend my country to the death

Other than if your willing to die? A true nationalist would be proud to die for his country/people.

if i knew i could make a difference than yes

The founding fathers were very progressive for their time, ending monarchy and securing our transition from the feudal stage to the capitalist stage. If alive today, they would all be communists.

Pointless to you, not to me. Life is about creating a better world for the next generation. Anything else is selfish.

I will kill for my rights. If I die in the process then so be it.

What if one of those niggers was willing to die beside you?

theyre not a nigger in my book

I completely agree.

Totally off topic from OP, but if you’re not from New England or the mid-Atlantic seaboard, you’re not a real American.

Our founding fathers were blue blooded Anglos don’t you fucking forget that.

Greenwich, CT reporting in

enjoy getting butchered like a lamb to prove your "beliefs" to yourself. my life is more valuable then yours, I guess.

They would be considered libertarians. They cared about freedom not telling other people how to live.

Good brother, glad you're here.

I'll die for America, as soon they end dual citizenship, eject all Israelis, Jews, Muslims, and athiests from government and drop all welfare recipients in the ocean. Yeah, I'll be right there.

fair enough

i equally hate i use the word nigger erroneously because i don't believe in judging by skin color, unless you're a nigger

>Divide and Conquer reporting in

Ha you're a complete coward. You defend it too. Good luck living with yourself.

none pol is a board of pre pubescent cowards

unless your rich as fuck you aren't part of the original settlers, and most of them were trash to begin with. most "original americans" were British. Enjoy your fantasy. I bet you think it was the Colonial Grit that defeated England... it was France cutting it's own throat to prevent England from having power in France's new territories.
>also, America paid more in taxes after the war then they would have to the English Crown had they not rebelled.

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You may have to die for America to get those things.

everyone dies. What you are willing to do with the limited time alive is what makes a National Socialist, Revolutionary

>Good luck living with yourself.
enjoy dying for yourself. I know I will.

Willing to die for my beliefs but not some egotistical bastard that uses my beliefs to gain himself power

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Could be misconstrued tho. Our Basketball Americans can be used to disrupt cities which is the home of most, if not all, bureaucracy.

im part of the founding families and we're not rich, maybe a little back then but too many fucking niggers moved in and made it harder to maintain that wealth

Some here are willing to die for what they believe in. You can too, others did it for you and your fathers.

Idiots. The enemy's goal is to foment chaos and instability by engineering a fake nazis vs commies scenario. Don't bite.

Yeah. I even have a wife and daughter, though would definitely knock up my wife before I left so I could potentially have a son in case I do die.


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Most revolutionaries are willing to die. Not sure what you're saying.

dying is easy. fighting is hard

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theyll be useful in overwhelming the wealthy libs that think the nogs wont bother with because theyre progressive

This question is answered in the “Leviathan” and the reading of said book should be a requirement to post on Jow Forums.

>im part of the founding families and we're not rich
so you have been retards for generations. great. you can leave America now.

thats bulllshit

>You wrong. 100 percent wrong. You piece of shit
>You piece of shit

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Grow old and see your country rot. Pathetic, your the do nothing factor of the population. The type of person that will go along with anything. I would say kill yourself but you value your "life" more than anything. I hope you grow old in your cowardice.

Your beliefs should only be attached to you not another person.

I'm saying that I'm willing to do what's necessary.

>Grow old and see your country rot
as is the natural state of all things made by man. would should I do? die a coward? refusing to live through the hard times? like yourself?

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wealth comes and goes nigger, we're not jews

Boia chi molla

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congratulations on the wife and daughter.

This wasn't meant to be politically ideological just nationalistic. There are libertarians and socialists here.

I don't have a family, I'll go first wouldn't want to leave a family without a father.

>preserve the system
the issue with trying to preserve what already exists is that what already exists is destroying you. What already exists is completely out of your control. What already exists relies on your participation to function and have credibility, authority and legitimacy.

>wealth comes and goes nigger
wealth comes and goes if you're a nigger.
>you had generations to own land, production, stocks. yet you failed.
keep pretending like you matter to a country for which you've done nothing.

like the way you think

never read it, will give it a go now tho

You are confusing what they believed and why they believed it. While my post was meant as bait some of the founders did display a bit of a historical materialist inclination. Others admittedly openly exposed their idealist tendencies.

Nigger I live in Greenwich need I say more?

bitch there's gonna be fulldive vr and anime sex robots in less than 20 years guaranteed. no fucking way i'm dying for a lost cause

old money preserves old money by keeping it in the family, normal people waste it away trying to make people around them happy, you know like providing jobs

so do niggers and spics.
>need I say more?

your obligation is to create a family because the ratio of m/f is equal and the woman you leave behind without a role (motherhood) is a greater loss than just your own life to the cause.

If you grow old in this manner you will die a coward. I'm refusing the "hard times" by standing up and am willing to fight and die to prevent it. How does it benefit your country just to put up with the hard times and grow old? I wish i could meet you in person. I'd light some passion in you.

>you know like providing jobs
rich people use other people's investments to create jobs. and they produce wealth to those investors and themselves.
Generation after Generation you should improve. If you do not, then you are not Human, rather you are Fauna.

A National Socialist Revolutionary is expected to have a wife and family for this reason.

it takes 3 generations for wealth to dissappear nigger, nowadays probably only one

I'm kinda seeing your point. On the other end weren't some of them pro-monarchy?

>I'm refusing the "hard times" by standing up and am willing to fight and die to prevent it.
sounds like a coward to me. anyone can get shot in the name of "courage". "Courage" is the lie the Gods sells the Clauds to reduce the cost of conscription. I have a responsibility to live for my family and my convictions; catching bullets is the cowards way out.

You only need one dude to knock up lots of women. Men are made to die.

>it takes 3 generations for wealth to dissappear nigger, nowadays probably only one
since your are poor AND an "original" American I certainly will listen to you: you sound so smrat.

Nihilism is why so many people nowadays are depressed and demotivated,
>a bloo bloo i will never do anything in life
how about you stop crying like a kid, you man up and DECIDE to do something for yourself instead of WAITING for that something to come to you for once?!
>a bloo bloo life has no meaning
The meaning of life is the simplest thing ever "Find something to believe, and when you do, pass it onto the future" it's not that hard.
Now stop bitching and go give life it's meaning

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Commy retard, those guys throwing crates of tea off a (((British East India Company))) corporate ship were not 'capitalists' as you call it. Capitalism and communism are two sides of the same kike one world government scheme. Now KYS, Shlomo.

you should because im still here on this land poor or not

Is there any other choice left anymore?

Your a coward. The cowards way out are shouting yourself because you're too afraid to get killed. You are afraid of death. I am not. That makes you the coward. Grow old and do nothing you will know what I am talking about then.

I wouldn't risk $0.50 for this shithole, and will peace out at the first good opportunity.

Exactly no contribution for the fags running this clown fiesta.

Fuck yeah Italy

i'll die to protect my family and that's it.

is misunderstood. it simply means nothing matters in a grandness. This is motivational. Go forth and conquer because there is no god to anger, and no after-life for which to pray.
I am a Nihilist. I conquer the lessers of this world and mock the idiots that cry over death.
>can you fucking believe people will feel bad about strangers dying?

>on this land
it must not be very valuable. is it a trailer?

no shame in that

>you're too afraid to get killed
you're too stupid not to get killed.

Hand me a gun, and I'll fight for an independent Texas.

bye bye you Pos

Nice try fbi, the truth is everybody dies. Why would anyone choose to rush into death, when they could instead live by their beliefs?

oh nigger daddys money will last forever

nihilism is take-it-directly-in-the-face gay

>can you fucking believe people will feel bad about strangers dying?
Yes because I have empathy, unlike most nihilists.

I'm going to use the pic because I'm too tired to rewrite this again

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You think the smart thing to do is just survive. Go join the beasts then.

I'm willing to fight to take the rest of yt's women. Let the goblin yt's come out of the woodworks with their guns, though, strong black men and our cuck soldiers will stomp out the goblins in no time.

You get the bullet too. Just like antifa.

>die for their beliefs
I don't have any beliefs.
As long as my family is fed and their is a roof over their head that is all that matters.

I live for mine.

Get help!

>I don't have any beliefs
You're on Jow Forums, did you get lost or something?

>oh nigger daddys money will last forever
so, you're a nigger? i-i don't get what that means. I guess that's why you're poor: poor communication skills.

>You're on Jow Forums
it's a good place to troll

I am, all it’ll take for me to go off the deep end is for some faggot to ruin my career and life, what else would I have to live for after that? All that time working, all that time in the sandbox learning how to spot IEDs, how they’re built and the effort the brain dead, inbred hajis put into making and the neoliberal elites have the audacity to think that people like me are just going to take it lying down? Maybe these proud boy types do but I wouldn’t, I just couldn’t. Despite all of this I find myself being bolder, more outspoken, not caring who listens, almost as if I want it to happen. Where did it all go wrong, why don’t I seem to value my own future anymore?

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Get your meds you retard