Is there no humanity?

I know Jow Forums is very right wing and racist but I just read on Twitter that on the Mexico US border pregnant mothers and their children are being forced to drink toilet water and eat human feces. I thought you people hated pedos and child abuse?

AOC actually saw ICE officers sodomizing children as young as 4 years old with broom sticks and loaded guns. How is this ok with any of you?

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Tell your democrat friends to authorize funding then, since they are deliberately not doing it so shit like this happens and they can grandstand on it.

Why would I feel bad? Why are these people on our southern border in the first place, and furthermore why are we sheltering they at all?


They are escapeing hellish conditions in Central America just like the Irish Italians Jews and puritans did.

>ICE officers sodomizing children as young as 4 years old with broom sticks and loaded guns.
Please, they were asking for it.

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>pregnant mothers and their children are being forced to drink toilet water and eat human feces

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>hellish conditions

A plague is hellish, volcanic eruptions are hellish, a tsunami is hellish, an ongoing war is hellish.

None of these fucking things are happening, their country is just kind of a shithole and a lot of the people suck. Fuck you and every other easily propagandized to moron.

They already did dip shit. Why do we have to pay $750 a day per person to keep them in squalor anyways? That’s my entire months rent. They should be housed in reasonable conditions for a hell of a lot less money.

Also do you know who owns the companies that run these detention centers? Former trump admin officials.

There are countries like Honduras where gangs have completely taken over and the government is complicit. Murder rates are through the roof. I’d say it sounds pretty hellish