Why is every single black right wing chick obsessed w/ chad whitie?

Shit's not even funny anymore...

I'm a white guy and this is the same to me as coalburning. Still mullato kids. Sure i'm sometimes tempted by qt nonwhites but i would never mix and procreate w/ one... Hell I wouldnt even raise a euromix... Just me though. Culture > pure genes still

Pic related is Antonia Okafor, a pro gun lady

INB4 "come home (((white))) man"

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Sorry Black Men take White Women not the other way around faggio.

Because black women marrying whites is seeing as marrying "up". Same goes for black men marrying white women.

T. Browncel

> literally said it's the same to me whether BMWF or WMBF

I dont endorse either

Did my Black Cock give you permission to speak?
>The Answer is No.

>obsessed w/ chad whitie?
Aren't all women? That's why everyone hates us. Not the fact white people beat the game on deity, but the fact we're so good looking.

she is so beat lol you white guys can have her.

Chad is indeed on top but I don't consider the guy in OP pic a Chad at all. Chad is less than 5% of white guys at the most. Probably more like less than 3%.
You do have to be white to be Chad though.

Meds only. Nordics, like Turks, are Larpers

I said No, wh*/Teboi.

> my black cock
> black

t. brown or white Turk who cries he only got the tiny cock part of being asian and not the IQ

I dont want her I want my own women. Maybe for one night, not as a wife and mother of my kids

Since you're clearly not black, I'll let u know:

I dont hate nigz or pajeets I hate Pakistanis, Turks, some Jews and some Arabs.

I still wouldnt mix w/ their women

Some muslims are awesome, some nigz are awesome, some non talmudic jews are awesome

Happa fags pretending to be niggers must leave if you post:

Shoo shoo, stinky chinky

Because wmbf is literally top tier. It’s usually a beautiful black queen and a alpha white chad

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theyre not. this thread is an op to spread this misinformation

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Conservative Black women are my fetish. They have to be relatively good lookong, through.

Leaf ur a retard also the black one looks like a monkey

“Right wing” black chick here just adding my 2 cents.
The majority of “right wing” black chicks go for white guys because our views ostracize us from our community, for the most part. I personally, have never met a right wing black male, even a normie-con MAGA black dude- I’ve seen two of them on Instagram and they of course are dating white women. It’s all about your immediate surroundings, most “conservatives” (even the normies) are white. Any non-white who identifies as “right wing”/conservative will likely date a white person as people like to surround themselves with those who are like-minded. I myself have tried to talk to black guys on multiple occasions, they were all completely turned away by my views, mannerisms, etc. We had nothing in common, couldn’t hold a conversation. To bluntly put it: the majority of black guys I have encountered are raging niggers that sell drugs, don’t want to settle down, & just want to fuck. Most conservative black females don’t want to settle for that, obviously. That’s when the white guy comes in. I’m not justifying miscegenation, I’m just adding my point of view.
I’m also not trying to throw black men under the bus, I’m only talking about what I’ve experienced.

Proof ur black and that you hate jews

What are ur views? Immigration, black community, etc

I'd miscegenate you probably

Well spoken and successful black women go after whitey.

>Zoe Saldana and her sisters with their husbands.

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tits, time stamp or LARP?

I call it Meghan Markle syndrome

It might be her but probably not

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