He retweeted David Hogg! This is treason. Let him know that fucked up.
Not our guy!
>a communist retweeted a communist
fucking shocker
Let's reinstate the draft and lower the age to 16 as well.
Its 4d chess. Just trust the plan
Will they also let 16 y/os legally buy guns, lower the age of consent to 16 and allow 16 y/o girls to do porn or is this a case of libfags selectively choosing which rights are important?
Andrew Yang pretended to be some moderate to get donations from Trump supporters then when he finally got what he needed he went full globohomo. People like him will get the rope
Saw him say TYT was his favorite network too
No fucking shit.
Yang is for fucking shills and losers who demand gibs.
if either of these guys were communists, they'd actually be likeable
>things are not quite dumb enough, lets make them dumber
fucking commies man. we need to execute these people
Age of consent is 16 in many states, but you're only permitted to bang other 16-17 year olds until you turn 18. It's kinda fucked
do the 16 year olds get one thousand dollar?
16 seems arbitrary. Why not 7?
Cry me a river faggot
Why aren't pregnant women allowed to vote twice? Seems kind of silly since it's their kid that's going to live with the repercussions
Because the baby is inside the woman and can’t vote its own conscience. Nor produce a valid form of identification because the baby hasn’t been born yet and has no birth certificate.
It's "one thousand dorra." Get it right. #YangGang2020
Why do you still care about a person who lost the debates easily?
I saw that tweet too. It triggered me so damn much. The voting age should be 21 and reserved for only straight white men who are of good character. David Hogg meets none of these requirements. I blocked Yang on Twitter. I was pissed.
Because this fucking slant has been spamming Jow Forums with anti-Trump blackpill shit constantly.
If you don’t like Trump that’s fine, but these faggots just piss and moan endlessly about muh fence, muh jews, muh whatever. Very obnoxious.
what if it gets aborded? can it vote then?
When did running for president turn into grade school level
>raise your hand if you like big black cock!!
Sensibly argued, user
Lowering the voter age is dumb AF, only serves to get more uninformed brainwashed zoomers to vote liberal. if anything less people and groups should be allowed to vote.
>voting age should be 21
It should be 22. Imagine if colleges weren't politically active anymore.
Why not let infants vote then?
Can 16 year olds own a gun? Can they smoke? Can they drink? Fuck no so why should they be allowed to vote on things pertaining to those when they are not fucking old enough? Yang is a retard and I'm glad he got cucked in the debates.
How is it treason? They're both libs, like you.
Get a load of this fag
Says the pedobear
Yang is such a shithead. Dumbest meme I've ever seen here.
the meme is that we have chinks, fags, nigs and roasties honestly competing to become potus