Pipe shotgun

full30.com/watch/MDA5MjQ4/ultimate-homemade-gun-torture-test gun wont blow up i made a few myself shot one 100s of times. full30.com/watch/MDA4MTU4/super-long-barrel-test this link has velocity tests and u can reload rounds and shoot them to with black powder.

Attached: mine looks like this.jpg (300x168, 8K)

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another one just 2 peices of pipe a cap and a nail in the cap

Attached: pipe gun.jpg (259x194, 7K)

Fun to shoot

Attached: simple 12 gauge pipe gun.jpg (660x384, 33K)

Ok, but my question is: can it use 3 1/2 in magnum buck, and or 3 in slugs/ 2 3/4 slugs

Yes it can

full30.com/watch/MDA5MjQ4/ultimate-homemade-gun-torture-test he shoots magnum shells with a barrel full of a dirt and a smaller pipe in it

Nice, I've been afraid to load such in mine.
I have them on hand, ill have to give it a go.

I've only ever loaded bird shot and assumed it was an ambush weapon.
If true it would increase the range by quite a bit.

black pipe takes 25 000 psi before it morphs and over 30 000 to blow it up in a manner wich could cause injury 2 layers of pipe and your fine for sure

remember to get down close for a real good cheek weld

i shot mine at least 300 times in 2 years most 12 00 fps loaded shells with 00 buckshot and shot doozens of store bought buckshot but never tried magnums

who or what should you aim it at?

deeer hunting home defence?? this type of pipe gun was used by filipino insurgents in ww2 vs the japanese to kill a soldier and take his gun

What's the point? Even if I reload, I still can't get empty shotgun shells.

9 00 buckshot pellets has near the same diameter as a 9mm and 9 holes with 1 shot in a bad guy is pretty good if u ask me

find a gun range where u can find them in the garbage or on the ground outside. there is unoffical places where people shoot here and i get shells off the ground there and its cheap as fuck to reload. if not order some online?? u could make them but u would need a some toools and be dedicated.

It's a leaky gas design so it should really ever reach those pressures.
The slugs worry me only in that they might force the barrel to rocket if they get stuck, and the magnum I was worried might exceed the limits.
It's actually a bullpup minimum legal length design.

You can make them out of Armstrong's mix and cardboard

>find a gun range where u can find them in the garbage
Not possible here, bub. Gun ranges are the biggest nazis when it comes to this shit.

Primer cap and anvil as well?

Still used everywhere today. Not my favorite garage design.

Attached: 9boh5ug.jpg (1749x2332, 618K)

Pro tip: get a group together and wreck some cops shit and take his stuff

If weapons are outlawed, cops are the criminals so dont feel bad

dude did u watch the links i linked ??? jesus man haha and ive fired it without a stock before many times

yeah ive reloaded primers with matches mixed with striker pad and it worked

>Hi-er point


Yes, I know that, but I'm talking about the fucking primer cup and anvil, dude. Good luck making those out of glue and cardboard.

No need with if you mix the Armstrong's mix wet and let it dry.
That shit is friction sensitive.
Be warned, your shells will explode if you drop them.

You don't know what bullpup means

u could do it if u had alot of tools on hand like a metal working shop in high school u can make the primer cups and anvils it would take a dedicated guy to do it but check your local laws u might be able to buy them canadas laws are retarded i cant buy ammo but i can buy everything i need to make them check your laws

yeah paper cartridges are some of the highest quality today. shotguns don't have high pressures like most metal-cartridge rounds so there's no real issues with pressure or material strength. You've also got alternative ignition possibilities. You can ditch the slam mechanism and go for a fuse or touch hole if you're super desperate. Electrical is an option but it's not as easy as you'd think.

>Be warned, your shells will explode if you drop them
I highly fucking doubt I can get whatever Armstrong's Mix is here in Denmark.

Attached: dafuq.jpg (350x350, 54K)

Yes I do.
I don't want to go get it and post pics I'm lazy.
The pipe sits way behind the handle on mine.

what are u talking about dude? armstrongs mix can be used to reload a primer dont use it as gunpowder black powder is easy to make

Match heads and striker pad.


Attached: image.jpg (480x480, 51K)

I use it as gunpowder as well if I need to

>u could do it if u had alot of tools on hand
If I had that, I wouldn't be bitching about these things in the first place, and instead be in my workshop cranking out cool shit.

>You can ditch the slam mechanism and go for a fuse or touch hole if you're super desperate
So I might as well just build a BP rifle in the first place.

Looks well crafted

slam is great and fine ima make a double barrel shotgun with this desighn and a simple trigger mechanisim like that of a orion flare gun isnt that hard to make check out ak customs channel on youtube or take apart an orion flare gun from walmart and try to replicate it should work with trial and error people do it all the time

I am not mixing those powders unless I have a primer ready to load.

just make potasium nitrate or buy it and make black powder lol/ old style gun powder

Match heads boyo. I think those little throwable firecrackers use it.

Nitrocellulose is also fucking retard simple.

I mean yeah but it's the same thing, you're not going to rifle a barrel. You're going to want a wiiiide bore for low pressure. The difference between "two pipes fitted together" and "one pipe with a hole drilled in it" isn't that big.

Jow Forums's done some crazy shit

Attached: flare2.jpg (1102x1124, 755K)

check out the guns in this pic not mine btw

Attached: single shot homemade gun simple.jpg (1280x720, 247K)

>If I had that, I wouldn't be bitching about these things in the first place, and instead be in my workshop cranking out cool shit.
Then unfuck yourself

>Make a nitrate bed
>Keep peeing in it for 9 months

lol i made a pipe pistol with the body of the orion flare gun works good its a.38

You can reload 12 gauge Orion flares with a double A battery

I used to hobby make guns in my garage but I haven't in almost a year.

And a 12 gauge cap

oh i have this internals view

i don't know much about them, except for that one epic thread.

Attached: slamshotguntrigger.jpg (3714x2188, 1.63M)

If I ever were to make anything (and that's a big fucking IF, PET), it'd be a blackpowder gun with ball bearing ounce loads, prepared with thin cigarette rolling papers for easy reloading, and with these caps here as primers. But that's a dream project that's very much illegal to do here in Denmark.

Easier said that done.

Attached: 12skuds_krudt_main.jpg (591x394, 68K)

oh yeah, i've seen people use those cardboard pads there in percussion cap reloads. Forgot all about them.

Attached: kaczynski.jpg (400x228, 17K)

if u can find a way to get empty shotgun shells u can 100 percent get them reloaded check laws and in the mean time if u make the gun u will have a 12 gauge single shot shotgun and will be ready to go when u get ammo or get empty shells to reload

I'm not gonna make shit, bucko. Simply owning one is a 5 years prison sentence.

Or you can just order brass shot shells from the internet.

check it

Attached: homemade smg.jpg (1024x768, 147K)

Ted made that all with hand tools if I remember correctly.

Just look up "Expedient Homemade Firearms" by P.A. Luty

if they can do it we can

Attached: third world homemade sub machine guns.jpg (650x235, 47K)


Double-barrelled 12ga shotguns are the easiest thing to acquire in any country on the planet. What is wrong with yours? Can't afford one because of that $79 dollar steak you ate yesterday?

get yourself a large container, fill the bottom with at least 4" of sand, fill it with water and then use it as a toilet. The bacteria in the sand will break down the shit/piss into nitrate at a far faster rate than the 'pissing on a bed of straw method'

Make some sort of flushing mechanism that will drain most but not all of the water into a 'dry out' container. fill the bucket back up with new water and repeat. This should result in more nitrate than you would be able to use in short time. The longer the bacteria in the 4" of sand has to colonize the sand the quicker it will work also. If the water you are topping the system off with after a drain has, or might have, chlorine in it, let it sit out in the sun for a day before you pour it onto the sand so the new water doesnt kill off any of the bacteria.

You are welcome.

check it

Attached: garage made pistol.jpg (1024x576, 82K)

Literally OP

Attached: 97icn8ez2i731.jpg (1121x1093, 151K)

I remember watching the youtube series where the guy made that one. Sexiest little thing I ever saw.

dem lutys

most of those favela guns are single shot shitters made in the shape of SMGs. I had whole collections of different sten knockoffs but my shit's super disorganized and I haven't gone deep in this stuff in years.

Attached: arama.jpg (380x285, 10K)

I was garage building AKs.
>an ak blank I made out of sheet metal in a jig I made about to be pressed

Attached: jig press.jpg (911x666, 87K)

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Attached: 1562054912.464.jpg (1920x1080, 509K)

>a leaf saying that unironically
>jig disassembled with the form I made in the corner

Attached: jig 2.jpg (1276x922, 452K)

Inferior diameter (8.6mm if memory serves right), way inferior weight because a 9mm is a bullet and buckshot is balls, inferior power, inferior ballistics. 00 buckshot is great but it's nowhere near comparable to nine 9mm bullets.

It's made for shooting deer alright, but deers don't hold your wife hostage, and they don't shoot back.
