Krautpol/balkonpooldrama edition

Who /green/ here?

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Other urls found in this thread:

hey my dear kameraden

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wtf literally another Dresden

get OUT

and bump

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>fucked up disgrace of an edition
good morning, herr knicklicht. me unironically vote grüne. they are the most effective hammer in the toolbox of democracy.

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Also ...

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Love her.

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our cute little empress

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Another 14% for the AfD.
>SPD still under them
you know, despite the greens being scary big, this is a cosmic BTFO.

hey sütterlin my dear
are u here later on?
have to hit the gym now

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Why're you asking?
i post depending on how the thread is not obnoxious.

and if it's obnoxious, i would only post to pick on tay, the old aids factory.

Fun and irrelevant fact: Two years ago, during my Abitur (A levels), I knew a woman who looked EXACTLY like Alice Weidel.

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and you aswell
the old crew never seems to disband

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hoo boy, here we go.

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Guten Morgen meine Freunde. What a great day to live in such a free and open society. Can you imagine how horrible those Chinese must have it, in their orwellian, manipulative surveillance state, especially with a that brainwashing going on haha.

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All those newspapers are owned by the same media group. Put your tinfoil back on.


No need. Got my dura mater laced with aluminum mesh already. Fugg you, ZOG satellites!!!

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No shit Sherlock. But, as the saying goes, just because you're paranoid doesn't mean they're not watching you.

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Also the article is provided by RND Deutschland. It's cheaper to buy certain articles instead of writing them yourself. Before you post cringy shit use your brain. This is embarrassing.

Even papers not owned by that particular media group will report the same thing:

> Quelle: Thomas Frey/dpa

What could that mean? Are you all retards here?

Nobody takes the right serious if you spergs post awkward shit without using your brain.

>Damn, Germany looks like THAT?!?

Your impulse control is failing. Take your pills.

It's a sad state of affairs that all of those publications literally copy that shit, no matter what. Sure, there might be economic reasons. Sure they may be owned by the same parent company.
But at the end of the day, it's still a sad state of affairs and a symptom of a wider problem within our media and press. This, to me, is very similar to that "danger to our democracy" script from American tv stations.
And on a slightly conspiratorial note it certainly confirms my bias of the lügenpresse being an ideological echochamber


No need, I think the Rite of Percussive Maintenance will do here ...

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Small local newspaper can't afford to have writers for over regional news, they use their manpower to report local events.

Alright you fucking smartass... I'm not arguing how and why this happens. I'm arguing that this shouldn't happen. Whether or not this is intentional doesn't matter, but in the end this has only one effect: a Gleichschaltung of the press. And yes, i do think there is some intention behind this, but that's actually irrelevant for my position. I'm primarily concerned with the effect not the intent.

alrighty i am back
dang that felt good

heil heil to all of my beloved frens in here!

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Most people here have the economic understanding of a three year old with an advanced brain tumor. It's not worth arguing with them. One of the reasons why I come here it to feel superior than them

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and there she is
>I come here it to feel superior than them
and this is why we could conquer the whole world
"tay weideru and partners" would be a pretty name for a middle sized trading company right?

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> feel superior
> get herself pozzed

And here we see a prime example of feels being more important than facts to women.


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you've been found out!

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That's a sweet map behind mr.minecraft-face.

? wa???

>feel superior
And FEELING superior is all you can do, considering you fucked yourself harder than your clients ever could. I just hope for your own sake that you get that golden shot before you lose it all and land on the streets.

>kana redet deitch
>hosenscheisser memeflaggen


gusch drecks inder

This is more like judenpool
Correct me if im wrong

piefke rapebaby

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So what?

gusch drecks inder

Hello lads, how are you?

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does any Kraut here know how to get the link to the official annual crime report for Germany in 2017 or preferably 2018?
I can't seem to find it at least when i try to search for it in english.
I remember that the older reports broke down crime statistics by ethnicity.
Does the newer ones still do this?

hey bro
how was your party

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>One of the reasons why I come here it to feel superior than them
Said she and returned to fisting her holes for another few hours.

Hello, AFD Lesbo poster fren.
>how was your party
pic related

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>Südbairischer Bauerndialekt
Halts maul, Nordslowene.

guess the price of the girl on the right

that's entry-level... you should know more by now

It's Anette Schunke I guess

Based Lusatian Serb vs germanized Weaklings

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>completely ignoring the point
What a surprise

>middle sized
Come on, be more ambitious

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thats anabel schunke aka /our/canister

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> price
not the name

>Volksbund Deutsche Kriegsgräber Fürsorge (VDK) considers that there are still possibly approximately 80,000 German soldiers who fell in action in Flanders and whose remains cannot be accounted for.
take a moment to remember those who sacrificed all for the Fatherland

based, 8/10

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a middle sized company like that would generate more revenue than a sdax engineering company for example

and also with less responsability!
reminder that she is wortless garbage

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lol I remember this street... I hated every moment on Sylt

>hated every moment on Sylt
why would you do that?
sylt is fucking beautiful

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it's vain

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What point? All i see are insults, so i merely replied in kind.

Jeez, it's 2019 outside and Microshit still can't fix their blurry font rendering

Was shit ton of people desu, meet a half east asian half slav mutt (happa) it's the 5th time i have seen a non-white in RL, danced with few girls, some retards had, some ''smoke'' with them and gave me some, i thought it was an average maja wasn' guy went crazy and broke a window.
Interesting experience to say the least.....

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>Posting a webm with a traitor in it
She deserves a rope for suporting anti-European biggotry.

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She deserves an award for helping to end white supremacy

sounds like a acceptable party tough
did u get laid?

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I'm cuter, and you know it.

Who cares. People really like Bimbos and people like to have fun. Those people just don't like us anyways. (And they just won't ever). So there's little we can do.

You go work out really hard for another Library building? If u were in Germany, I'd go hug a library building and yell really loud "Look Ms. Weidel!!!! It's your girlfriend!!!!!!"

If I were in Germany I'd be pregnant in a week. But I still wouldn't dress like a library building. Gross.

Lithuanian are way cooler than Latvians, you're too submissive that it's way too disgusting. Also Lithuanias are cuter!!!! If you say anything mean to me, I will remind you that I'm American and therefore your owner, and by default a higher tier than you. Just take the shit!

Also I'm not really into Latvians, I only sexually fetishizs Germans because they are pigs.OINK.

No, wasn't rely in a condition for it, but it was still fun.

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Hmmm interesting. Sounds boring. You make your life a misery. Misery does love company.

If you declare was on the US again we're going to shove a giant sized dick right up country and split it into 20 and force the Germans to speak foreign languages as their only one. You're all gonna die.

>If I were in Germany I'd be pregnant in a week. But I still wouldn't dress like a library building. Gross.

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Literally take a knife, slam it into your belly button, and rip it all the way up, then take our hand, grab your guts and make you eat them. And we'll do this infront of your wive and kids before we hang you family.

I'd take a sledgehammer, and beat your kids face with it.

wtf chinky
cant wait to have a chat on discord with u soon
will need lots of beer tough i guess

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now, in your professional opinion, would even a shitskin fuck that?

You need a professional help, visit a psyhiatrist.


D͉i͙̦̘̠̮̺d̮̜̗̗̠̺́ ̣I̙̥̜̗͠ ͈̝̗̞́u̟̳͇͖̟͔̕n̢̻̟ş̩͇̺̮e̱ṯt̢͔̤lḛ̗̰̘ ̤̙̝̯̟̮͙yo̳̤͔ụ͎̖̫̳̫͢?̛ ;)

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Btw in my defense ... was on sekrit mission to fugg up a Gommie thread. I know, I know ... but I could not resist! :P

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