
What does MW do now? He's been doing low effort work for the past 2 years. His JF interview was appalling and he didn't even bother to livestream some of milleniyule (which was his last "work"). I would love the guy but he comes across as a major sluggard to me. He tends to rationalize this poor aspect of his behaviour as well, for example he didn't do a video on the notre dame incident because it "left the news cycle" before he could make it

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Other urls found in this thread:


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He ate many pizzas in his 20s

Dude is a mess. Fag smoking, shit eating, depressed mess. No mates. He needs some mates. If he wants to come by Glasgow dressed in something better than a dirty fucking tshirt I'll go to the pub with him. But he has to shower and wear clean clothes.

does anybody have his rendering of imagine by john lenon? IT WAS TAKN OF THE YOUTUBE

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pls respond

Post you best wosies

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He is turning into eggman

Then he looked like a chad and acted like a faggot.

I read the thread on him at kiwifarms the other day by chance (I never go there) and I have to say, if it's true, he's a hopless NEET burnout that should be forgotten.

I don't have any but I'm interested in seeing a picture of his computer set up where his screen was filthy

Could you link the thread please? What was said about him

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He hasn't done any stuff now for months. I think the pressure got to him and he cracked. He put up a video a while back asking for donations so that he could see a counselor. He needs to go on a vacation or something.

>If he wants to come by Glasgow dressed in something better than a dirty fucking tshirt I'll go to the pub with him. But he has to shower and wear clean clothes.

As if that isn't what's considered formal wear in Scotland.

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when you stay inside and delve into various esoteric literature in your ivory tower
>source: me

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With all the shit going on in the UK right now hes probably just depressed

I like woes. Followed him since 2015. I think he is struggling still with depression. His chat with on the offensive was good and hopefully he will do more. Unfortunately he is still consumed by Twitter and I think he fears losing his yt channel. At this point he sees it as his lifes work and without it he his existence meaningless, which isn't true it's just how he sees things. It's sad really.

Also JF is a fucking pleb and woes is wasting his time going on the pubic space

he gained weight and took to doing gay camshows.

If you know him then tell him to back up his channel. Someone made a tool so it only takes one click.


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The video where he reveals his ancestry results made me feel really sorry for him. He was so apprehensive about any significant trace of Southern European, and then when he found out he was mostly Northern it was as though his existence was justified. Sad!

His picture looks like those victims of suicide photos. This could have been his last photo but instead he kept soldiering on and hits a new rock bottom every day and look at him now

You're not far from the truth. Worst thing about Scottish people is their lack of hygiene.

He started to become the mask. This pensive, disheveled misunderstood deep philosopher shtick that he put forward. Now he's just useless. He was also nowhere near as clever as he thought he was and probably became disenfranchised that no one was taking him seriously.

You would say that

Attached: WoesyPoseyPuddingAndPie.jpg (1080x607, 65K)

I would and I did.

He was NEET for like 10 years, wasted his life. There's no recovery from that.
t. knower

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I didn't realize Collett was a turbo manlet

>fetishizing your genetics
yeah this is what happens larry

Collett has a really small head aswell.

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Woes had what I think was a nervous breakdown at the start of 2018, (((they))) de-platformed him on various crowd funding websites.


Just another lolcow who couldn’t pivot and also couldn’t figure out how to cash out at the end of it

Someone post the pic of him at that conference where he is wearing a huge purple nightie

and he still does

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He's on Twitter. He's appeared in a few podcasts with the Iconoclast/On the Offensive too.


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He also appears in this video @ 4:30 youtu.be/kVeZ0_Lhazw?t=268

cant believe he turned up looking like that lol

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there is

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He wanted to be part of a political movement to make up for his NEETdom. However, once Trump won the American alt-right lost steam and the British right-wing are just an underclass LARP and most of the smarter ones grew out of their Sargon phase after Brexit and got jobs, so now he's stuck in Scotland hanging out with European autists. He needs to re-invent his image and worldview but he feel stucks in the persona he created. Scotland itself is fucking depressing as it is, but at the very least they're not judgmental of someone being an anti-establishment weirdo, so he feels at home there anyway, even if there's nothing to do.


I don't think it's true, it's just some literally who female who sounds insane.

That said, his absence is fucking ridiculous.

Didn't he leave Scotland after he was doxxed? Thought he moved to London.

Unfortunately I have no contact with him since my Twitter was shoahed last month.

Yeah there is but it requires a level of hard work most meets are unwilling to put in. It's mostly due to low self esteem

He did, he's back in Scotland now I think

He hasn't lived in Scotland for years mate

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The grown poo in loo in orange shirt looks more clean than woes lol
Oily hair and doesnt even shave.

What a fucking embarrassment.
Might have to do with youtube attracting autists but no family guy which actually lives "conservatism" as a figurehead. Even the backend guys like ramzpaul etc. divorcees etc.
Same with the women. All presenting this image and not living it.

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with that fucking cigarette hanging out his mouth, that guy looks like a FUCKING MORON

Met him at a "Nationalist" BBQ a few weeks ago. He's depressed and basically spends most of his time living in a basement flat in west London. He also seems to have an army of female "groupies" who come round and do his laundry. He's just your typical ex-art student.

Go on.
Reading the kiwifarms thread he passes around stds, but who knows how accurate this is.
Did he look healthy and did you get a chance to talk to him?

In one of his earlier videos he admitted he dated a pakistani man, and engaged in gay sex in his youth and regrets it now. (serious) Others can confirm

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Woes already disclosed most of that information in his early videos. He was always open about being a welfare leach and living with his dad. Idk if he was actually gay or if he bought into the lefty style of identity politics

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>looking like that lol
Woes and his purple T-Shit, a classic.

I think lots of people never understood that Woes is...well, like quite a few of us, a depressed NEET that lives inside his own head way too much for his own good.

>He was NEET for like 10 years, wasted his life. There's no recovery from that.

Having been pretty much a NEET for 11 years, I know that to be the truth.
Especially when you overdose on blackpills.

Pic related is why you should never eat carbs again

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fuck you asshole, woes is awesome!

Woes is a sensitive and intelligent man.
He's surrounded by some dangerous weirdos, extremists christians, attomwaffen, blah blah ,etc etc.
The usual glowing idiots/criminals.

But, he himself genuinely cares about the survival of his group, and does his best politely explaining emotionally intelligent insights into the european disaster.

If you're giving him shit you're probably.

An Extremist Larper.
A resentful fucker.

and that's just the way it is.

He risks his life and well being to explain to emotionally less intelligent people that

''It's not nice to rape white people.''

Now , Jow Forums please continue acting like a tabloid magazine and getting pics where someone looks crap.

So based and redpilled.

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Woes is a good lad, and i like his content. But he really needs to start working out and fix his rotten teeth. He looks dishevelled, and this cant be good for his mental health.

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