All the smartest scientists were socialist

>all the smartest scientists were socialist
>all the best writers were socialist
>most intellectuals and highly educated people are socialist
>socialism turned poor, semi-medieval countries into modern societies, while capitalism keeps them eternal shitholes
>capitalist propaganda brainwashes people with anti-socialist propaganda 24/7

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AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA czekoslovakia before world war 2 was like 7th best country in the world after socialism we become poor :D :D :D
Socialism takes the businisess away from owners and mismanages them so badly it allways end in hunger/economic disaster
lol i dont get it why so many young people think it is the way

Who cares about poor people, really?

forgot the part where the country was flooded with illegal third world acid chuckers bc muh stocks you goddamn boomer nigger faggot retard

Real capitalism hasn't been tried yet.

hasn't defined socialism nor said how it is supposed to work

this unironically

>(((Einstein))) was a fraud
FFS, user!


>the smartest scientists
>relied on government handouts
>the best writers
>relied on government handouts
>most intellectuals
>also rely on government handouts
Really makes you think

These were people who were experts in science, not economics. Are you really this retarded?

The sad thing is, the true intellectuals are the ones who should support socialism, but it has been tainted by the ultra lefties who rarely understands the true intent behind socialism and want to adopt the political stance as a means of opposing capitalism to look special and different. Very few people are capable of understanding the entire scope of the socialist system as you must be both pragmatic and empathetic to be able to appreciate it. I think most commoners will fail to understand it as most people are either very biased to the left, adopting liberal values or very biased to the right, adopting fascist values. True socialists must appreciate all perspectives and hence sit in the middle of the spectrum, perhaps leaning slightly to the left. So very few people are true socialists I think.

Socialism s for niggers.

tldr; socialism is a system for the intellectuals, people who are both rational and creative but since majority of people are either one or the other or even neither, it's difficult to get everyone on board.

>t. refugees welcometard socialist

Shut up r/edditor. Get out .

My favorite boomer argument is that socialism is communism and communism is fascism.

Albert Einstein was a jew that stole most of his work from others.
the only thing he did right was to say "if you want to talk to a real genius go to Nikola Tesla"

Socialism is for faggots and niggers

Of course for a socialist, the best X is also socialist.
Suckstart a KSG

It's the 200 million democided people from the 20th century you have to step over for socialism that holds rational people from wanting it.
Also Einstein married his cousin... ew

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National socialism.

Have sex

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remove the goatse meme mysticism symbol from the bottom and put the real fash symbol

the pic would be much better


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thats what he did to begin with. that same meme used to have a swaztika till some fag did this fag edit

Not true at all. Could you call Tesla a socialist? How about Aristotle or Homer? Socilism is trendy in Academia for now but it has not always been the case.

>socialism turned poor, semi-medieval countries into modern societies, while capitalism keeps them eternal shitholes
Soviet Union couldn't even have existed without capitalist economic system without their retarded system crashing on day 1 because socialism is fundamentally economically illiterate system for economically illiterate retards. Also, socialism only makes countries poor and chaotic, like in Venezuela right now, whereas capitalism has made former 3rd world countries prosperous, just like every other country in the world.
Remember also that socialist countries have always been technologically underdeveloped compared to capitalist countries. One of the reasons why Soviet Union fell.
>b-but capitalism is exploitation
nice marxist false narrative

I don't know about the rest of the world but anyone from eastern europe can instantly tell you're either baiting or just straight up retarded


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