What do you think of this bitch and why does she think she's a Christian? She's not a real nationalist...

What do you think of this bitch and why does she think she's a Christian? She's not a real nationalist. A real nationalist is historically literate and well-educated. This slut is prole as they come. To her, Britishness means downing pints with other working class retards while they watch some shitty football match. I bet she loves the royal family even though they are from MY country.

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I completely agree, she's definitely no true Scotsman

ugly disgusting jewess cunt pretending to be ''christian''

>real nationalist is historically literate and well-educated.
the working classes can't be nationalists?

>I bet she loves the royal family even though they are from MY country.
Kaiser was Queen Victoria's grandson and so was the last Tsar of Russia. European aristocracy married into each others families, sounds like you're not very historically literate either tbqh.

Apart from that, fairly decent post. 6.5/10. I, too, am awaiting the day the day the northerner meets his fate.

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You pose a question that might be deeper than you think.

answer it as deep as you can

they can and have been in the past, see Joseph Darnand militias during wwII most men were peasants or artisans

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OP is Turkish shitskin

>I bet she loves the royal family even though they are from MY country.
Thats a pretty shallow and brainlet view of royalty

She's got big tits and that's all that matters lad.

I don't know, but I fully support her. If men are not standing up, we can't complain about some women getting pissed/involved in politics.

christcuckery is not a selling point.

she's fat

>and why does she think she's a Christian?
She's a jew pretending to be a Christian, it was confirmed before. The extent of her "preaching" is just "waaa don't serve halal food".
>To her, Britishness means downing pints with other working class retards while they watch some shitty football match
But that is the extent of "British culture" these days. I doubt a single Brit even knows about Beowulf even though I do, and I'm an absolute foreigner.

I thought she was in prison for wrong think

More like 80% of Brits don't.
Women aren't supposed to be involved in politics. They're supposed to make you a sandwich.

>To her, Britishness means downing pints with other working class retards while they watch some shitty football match.
She's not wrong.

Historiography is court-commissioned beliefs regarding the past. What is considered history is what is institutionally canonised and taught to people by authority figures. Even well-intentioned seekers run into contradictions and obvious exaggerations and lies.

So this leads to the second part, that nationalism is of the well-educated. Statesmen do need to be bookish and academically intelligent, but also have family/community values, and to necessarily have them span different locales. They need to be culturally sensitive to all those locales, otherwise we could not really say they are their leaders.

So the locals of an area, whom are not necessarily dumb but don't have any lofty ambitions, have no interest in ruling other locales' people. We see this today. We see this on /pol. This means that nationalism is a collection of communities that need local leadership (this is an advocacy of dukedoms), and that nationalism is a game of communication that is only played by people in an aristocratic class. I'm personally fascist or the like, so I do think nationalism is necessary, especially for our survival, but to say the working class are true nationalists or statesmen or even leaders is a stretch. The working class can be on their side and fight for them, but intellectuals are in a different realm, a different psychology and behaviour. Maybe it's still an open question. Who knows? What do you think?

Dude she is a washed uped roastie!

The original Christians were Jews.

No one could give a fuck about her, forgot she even existed until I seen this thread


Literally who?