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Very bad

Miscegenation is based!

Nao gimmidose milkies!

Btw i got sixosix trip as confirmation!

fuck niggers



She's overwhelmingly white.

my ass. she's persian or some shit.

I don't see any non-White traits in her.

she half pakistani half ukrainian

Persians are White.

>my ass. she's persian or some shit.
She looks white. Clearly very white.

fuck you, jew jizz guzzler.

>she half pakistani half ukrainian
Some pakistanis are very light skinned. The very part of India that became Pakistan was the lightest parts.

she is half paki

oh fuck off. they aren't and you know it.

I know.

>fuck you, jew jizz guzzler.
Purity spiralling is doom. We cannot afford to be so ridiculous.

They're whiter than you, 56% mutt.

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Her facial features are clearly not european.

Many Pakis and Pajeets have white skin and blue/green eyes.

Attached: 17e5f35707c1c2516e20473bd8f936fd.jpg (960x868, 103K)

If we were to look at cute girls, we'd be all fucking hapas.

If we are to build nations with solid foundation, and a unified people willing to die to defend it, we can't allow it.

Do you want to fuck bitches or colonize the universe and make aliens your bitches?

She's supposed to be half negro? And you expect me to believe you?

haha yikes no

Hapas? Why? So that you can breed flat faced pussified mongrels?

What features?

That's precisely the point, maybe you should have read past that sentence.

Phenotype.Anyway persians are still caucasian.

Geno type > Phenotype, and since she's partially a Paki as well. Residual Australoid/Mongoloid admix is inside her, regardless of muh Caucasian features. Pic related.

>Poojabi/Pathan = Paki

Attached: Australasian Men.png (1205x1551, 288K)

Phenotype is a genetical, not a facial feature.

You mean you don't see any features in a magazine photoshoot with a metric tonne of make up and photoshop?

Race-mixing tiers for a white male (white female is not acceptable):

1. Other Europeans - completely fine
2. Persian - Very well
3. Arab/Ashkenazi Jewish (yes, yes, I know)
4. North indians/Pakis
5. East Asian (China, Japan)
6. Caucasoid - the russian republic asians
7. SEA (Thai, Flips, etc) - last resort to spread your seed
8. Niggers - you have to live and die in Africa
Latinas - no opinion.