
So, why Trump canceled the sanctions against this espionage corporation? Is he really so cucked nowadays?

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>Is he really so cucked nowadays?


Attached: D7nNrRaUIAEj0pL.jpg (678x371, 23K)

>So, why Trump canceled the sanctions against this espionage corporation?
I don't think he did but he allowed certain US companies to work with them in a lower level.
But nice try Putin
That's a big setback, rarefag.

>It isn’t clear at this stage what this means or whether all those previously trading with Huawei will be able to begin doing so again. Trump implied that it was ‘Silicon Valley’ firms that he was referring to, and said of the products ‘it’s very complex, by the way, highly scientific.’ This doesn’t really allow us to determine whether the ban is lifted on all the products sold from the U.S. to Huawei or whether he is referring to physical components or software—such as the Android operating system.

It's jewgle who are pushing him to do this deal. But huewai still can't install 5G shits in the US. So there is that.

Tfw you have Huawei phone and it works great for half the price of shitty American or korean garbage

>That's a big setback, rarefag.
A setback for who exactly? faggot

>data harvesting is bad
>yes I do have a Facebook account, use Google and own an iPhone, why?

Because America is weak.
The weak should fear the strong.

If they stop selling Pajeet designed chips to Huawei the Chinks will start to design their own and Intl and AMD will be bankrupt faster than you can say $9 per hour engineer.

Attached: computerhistory.jpg (800x373, 45K)

>espionage company
>US corporations don't spy on you

Wait, do people really browse porn from their phones?

Attached: 468157568.jpg (257x196, 9K)

Feels good man. My P20 pro blows all the Korean flagships out of the water and only cost 150 bucks.

A vast amount of normies do. Mainly those who arent at home alot and have to whack it where they can

Surly you don't use your company computer when you are at work?

Attached: C29-yrfWQAAo39Z.jpg (620x413, 60K)

So are you saying the other brands are overcharging and loosing the price war deliberately? Or perhaps is your Huawei phone subsidized by another group that is benefiting from certain access?
Could also be that they are stealing others IP and using that with no cost to them - maybe.

Yes he's a cuck and a coward

>getting paid to masturbate jav live on national news
I see no problem there.

Maybe China will release their own forked Android OS anyway.

Attached: red android.png (512x512, 14K)

.t mainland Zhang

.t HongKong Zhang