Brit/pol:No one has made a general edtion today

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You’re a fucking nonce mate.

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I was listening to bbc radio 4 regarding the Hong Kong protest, I found it funny the bbc presenter proposed to the interviewee that perhaps the protestors who were doing bad this were employed by the government to give the protestors a bad name

interesting that he would say such a thing, but an idea like this would be an unspeakable, horrible conspiracy theory if suggested by our government

how do they know its not a spaceship or a piece of cheese from space?
pure conjecture.


anyone have any personal UFO stories ?
i saw a pic related over london once

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Yes, I was probed by a an alien who drove away in an unidentified road vehicle. Real spooky business, I tell you whut.

I'm on a promise lads

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Guys i can't stop eating pastries. I ate twenty got a stomach ache and shat myself on a bus.
It caused the cute girl next to me scream and stop the bus.
It was so embarassing because she gave me a woody at the same time.

Fuck Boris and fuck nazis!

driving home from wales I saw lights in the sky. they split apart at many mph then joined up again into a whole unit about 1/2 mile in the sky away.

what it was idk?

State of this thread.

Sorry fucking Bertrand Russell what do you want to talk about?

Because your moribund political system is in complete stasis you toothless babbling queer
>Chocolate rain


>a post violates a rule
>a post is off topic

report it

Thought you were a crossdresser. On closer inspection it looks a bit like Brexit muffin.

bushmeat from god.!

Where’s cokeposter?

can anybody who isnt from the UK kindly fuck off thankyou

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>No one has made a general edtion today
That's because jannies shoah'd the last one since Pube and other faggots were derailing it into /b/ type garbage.

Check out the absolute state of brit/pol/:

Just had a shepherds pie and Yorkshire pudding for dinner, now I’m watching layer cake and drinking some lager.
Am I more English than you?

"The Industrial Revolution and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race,"

no drama, Aussies can stay

No. You’re criminal scum. I hope abbos rape you or a huntsman eats you.

Pretty sure someone on politics live said Churchill was gay yesterday

I think these Aussie guys are alright lads.

>inb4 some snarky lib comments about muh meps pay!!!

On his lunch break. I’m convinced he’s an antifa tranny paid to fuck up this thread

found out his drugs were stepped on with levamisole..and his cock rotted off lol.

Excuse me Brit/pol/. Does anyone happen to know what sort of font the Guardian uses for their headlines and sub-headings? I want to make some parody articles.

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>'Everyone ultimately prefers their own race.'

>As a black teenager, I loved Morrissey. But heaven knows I’m miserable now

>Noel Gallagher says 'If that's what he believes in, that's what he believes in.'

>Billy Bragg says he's 'heartbroken' after latest Morrissey outburst

>Morrissey says Nigel Farage should be Prime Minister

>Morrissey 'apologises' to Robert Smith of The Cure


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Based and mozpilled

PozzedSerif I believe.

Saw are Greggsit party turn their backs during the EU anthem.
Bit surprised to see them doing that, really. Don't think it really helps us out.
I still support Nigel 100% but that little operation smacks of that gay shit the Democrat stronk wimmyn pulled with their white suits to protest the existence of white people when Trump did his latest State of the Union address.

down some alley making the money used to buy his coke

Do you think there'll be a snap general election?

What would trigger one?

>As a black teenager, I loved Morrissey. But heaven knows I’m miserable now

I wonder how long it took him to think of that headline.

Do you want another remainer like Hunt in Number 10 yet again? Or an actual Vote Leave PM like BoJo? Vote Leave, who won the EU referendum with a national majority, just saying?

> Are you BoJo Brexit ready?

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The fact there is an EU anthem just proves we are in a clown world

These are the articles I want to have some fun with, desu
I'm picturing an article by Billy Bragg about how he moved to live in comfy white Dorset with a golden-retriever, but gets off knowing that working class whites are stuck in Bardford with Pakistani rape gangs. Morrisey's desire to live in a country that looks more like Dorset than Mogadishu has broken his heart.

Ok not the most original idea, but it amuses me, and that's what counts.

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FUCK i saw something like this when i was a kid 20 years ago. a light flew across the sky real fast then stopped and split into 3 and flew off together. ordeal went for about 30 mins.


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Thanks lads! Much appreciated

Get a look at this brown qt. Get a load of her adorable English accent escaping her Indo mouth.

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Euros are butt hurt about this.
Weak weak euros.

Indians at my uni were addicted to white guys.
They would do anything to have white dick.

I saw this in about 1983?
exactly the same though, wtf it was? don't think it was military or commercial aircraft

I agree.
And that's before we get in to the deep redpills about what the EU is and what it and all its symbolism represents.
But I'm worried that to a lot of normies it'll just look petulant.
Hopefully enough people like myself will just think that the EU fucking deserves it and they can fuck off for forcing us to salute their supranational soft authoritarianism.

Billy Bragg pisses me off so fucking much. I remember loving this guy and his trade unionist songs back when I was a Bennite in school. Fucking hell, he is a treacherous little champagne socialist worm.

He's the perfect example of a sneering upper middle-class white Englishman with a disdain for the backwards, sexist, homophobic, transphobic, etc. working class who voted BNP a little too much for his taste. Utter wanker.

Anyone else finding themselves increasingly seduced by Hunt?

>entertaining the possibility of 'losing' brexit or a 'no brexit' scenario
Fuck off shill

You are literally singing the equivalent of this

What do you think was the last thought of that bloke that froze to death and then fell into someones patio was?

He lives as far away from diverse places as is possible, any diverse people visit and he throws them into the sea..

redpilled BXP btfoing european federationalists

>mr farage, you stand when listening to the anthem of a nation

its not a nation pal fuck ye european cunts

>fuck wypipo

Please don't. He was my hero 35 years ago. Can't believe how cucked he is

Why do stupid yank things like this never catch on here?
I would love to see reticent Brits forced to sing the company song..

at least it's not Ryanair

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millennial whooping looping through his brain.

>vanessa feltz still earns over 300k per year
wtf does she even do now? i haven't heard her name in years.

Start going to libraries

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ooga booga looga

the hero I never knew I needed

GE is very likely this year since remainer Tories have said they'd crash the government to prevent no deal.

wtf I love Walmart now

>stupid yank things
I'd much rather do that cringe shit than mandatory diversity appreciation.
Maybe we wouldn't have as many instances of half-naked Africans grinding up against our uniformed police in that situation.

Isnt the Guardian super left wing? What would the largest right wing papers of the UK be?

Morello was always a radical lefty though. Dude's part of the wobblies ffs.

occasional radio shows, fucks random African males on her days off.

We don't have any.

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Anyone watching this?

were they red? and this was in like 1998

>largest right wing papers of the UK be?
The sun

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Brits are terrible at enforced jollity though, you get the one who loves it knows all the words & you get the rest who look at the floor and mumble the words.

No way the library in my hometown has bitter harvest

various colours really. kind of changed colour as they moved, then went back to a single colour as they joined up.

I never bothered to report it as what's the point? you get classed as a crank,maybe not so much these days but back in the 80s for sure.

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I heard people from Essex think the stories in the Sunday Sport are true.

Corbyn had a sex dwarf? Is he ourguy?

I heard people from America think egg mayonnaise is a salad.

I didn't think mine would either, it's one of the most labour places in the country
Check it's online catalogue

The Telegraph is the only serious right of centre rag. The others are shit

We have tory papers but the tories aren't actually on the right in any meaningful sense. Telegraph and Mail are the big ones. People claim the Sun is on the right but that's a meme, it comes from scousers pretending everything they don't like is the tories.
We have the spectator magazine which is the most overtly right wing mainstream publication in the country but even that has a broad church policy and regularly prints wet and neoliberal wankery.

Daily mail reflects the feelings of its working class readers and its corporate ownership. To that extent it is right wing fairly often although it will happily flip flop when public opinion changes. In the 80s the mail was very much in support of refugees for example.

Telegraph is right, as is the sun and the express. The times is broadly centre right

I forgot about the Spectator. It's usually ok

Every word ever printed in the Sport is true and anyone who claims otherwise is a libellous naysayer

Times is a remainer centrist paper

im on my lunch break now, that's why im posting lmfao
why do you envy me for the purity of my drugs?

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This is just public perception though.

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why do you envy me for being gainfully employed?

Historically, the Daily Mail, the Telegraph and the Financial Times were bastions of sensible conservatism.
>inb4 Economist
Nope, that was always openly globalist New World Order shit, like Foreign Affairs in the US.

But these 3 brands have all been pozzed in different ways now.
>Daily Mail
Was always a housewife's newspaper in a lot of ways. Gossipy, lots of shit about celebs and Royals. Was at least hard pro-Brexit but has a legacy of, for example, making a big thing about the murder of Stephen Lawrence, a good boy drug dealer who dindu nuffin. That led to the McPherson report where our police were labelled "institutionally racist" and after that and a few more decades of his Mum calling the country that took her in and she has no intention of leaving racist, we put her in the House of Lords.
Since Paul Dacre retired, the Mail has gone soft on Brexit. pic related.

Taken over by hoity-toity posh birds from the posh bird magazine Grazia.
Dumbed down to fuck, lots of gossipy shit. Instead of men writing for women like the Mail it's just women writing bollocks.
Handful of old codgers left who will be eased out in due course and replaced by rich London idiots.
Boris Johnson is paid a lot of money to write puff pieces for himself by them. May not last much longer.
Weak as piss on Brexit.
pic related again

>Financial Times
The closest thing to a sensible newspaper but still full of pozzery and diversity and immigration-is-great is accepted as a foundational truth. Being in London, they are also being consumed by the liberal mind virus.
pic related, again.

The best place to get news about the UK is probably, even though they couldn't be more enthusiastically friends of Israel.
Nigel Farage has set up a paper called The Brexiteer. Hopefully that catches on.
Aside from that, Morgoth's Review on YouTube is pretty good at giving Jow Forums's take on our glorious diversity.

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Why does the sun go on shining?

>More than one person thought that the guardian is very right wing.

Chapo trap house listeners? How is this possible.

Must be old as independent is no more

mate the sport is the only newspaper that's not fake news

War with china

FT has become unreadable in my view. It's massively pozzed