Why isn't she in Jail?

Why isn't she in Jail?

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because you can't just snap your fingers and undo 106 years of the system

Because jail is for minor offenses.

She's good at being evil.

Wrong. It's for peasants, not royalty.



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because half the worlds 'leaders' would also need to be imprisoned along with her.
set a precedent and get scared by it.

Probably more truth there than anyone will ever admit. No one in DC is serious. This is the conclusion one has to ultimately come. They don’t prosecute coup conspirators because it really wasn’t a coup. It’s like one Fraternity prancing another on campus. No one takes it seriously because the goddam fraternities don’t run the school, or the city or even the state. It’s all just low level criminality that is irrelevant. Sure, to dumbass voters in flyover country or urban hellholes, they think voting matters but they are irrelevant themselves. Like the frat boys. They may think it’s all about them but off campus no one gives af. So no one gives af when a couple dozen people at the top of the DOJ and FBI run a coup. Because if that were serious it would be taken seriously. The fact it was not tells you all you need to know. Nothing that happens in DC even fucking matters. DC became unimportant when all the niggers moved there in the 60s.

No crimes.?.
Or you just to fucking stupid to understand that?

This Canaanite is not wrong, it's all a shitshow.
Are you not entertained?

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The law exists to keep people outside the ruling class in check not vice versa. The ruling class usually resolve the tensions between its members behind closed doors. which one of the reasons, they need secret societies .

T-t-trust the plan, any day now, tik tok

Bingo! The identities of the real decision makers probably isn’t even known outside of a handful of their own. What we are allowed to see is all KIabuki Theater that is irrelevant. It has to be this way or voting might actually change things and we can’t have that.

>because you can't just snap your fingers and undo 106 years of the system

That's pretty much it. Banks are too big to fail, politicians are too big to jail.

Nixon didn't go to jail for Watergate, Reagan didn't go to jail for Iran-Contra, she won't go to jail for illegally destroying emails.

Because Trump told us we didn’t want her to REALLY go to jail, it was just a fun thing to say during his campaign. Remember?

>because half the worlds 'leaders' would also need to be imprisoned along with her.


What she did was create a private email system to avoid complying with FOI requests. We'll never know what she was up to, because her system worked.

In the Western world, that's not normal.


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teresa may 'lost' the paedophile documents, never will face prosecution for it

Because Hillary didn't break any laws...

What happened to the server?

af means "as fuck"

>Why isn't she in Jail?

too many fools think she can maintained as a profitable way of gaining profit for the Universal money lending jewish money-lending industry.

Idiot... The entire email thing was propaganda... Your people in Congress admitted it was just ploy to hurt Hillary... Stfu and get a working brain

No, it wasn't.

It was seized, but thousands of emails had been irreparably destroyed.

Because nothing ever happens