
What are we going to do about the woman question Jow Forums.

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let them keep destroying everything.

Deport all women to Ireland.

it's a joke autismo

>communist whore
0/10 would not cuminit

Execution, of force them to serve as sexslaves in government owned brothels.

Deport all women to Ireland.

Stop enabling their behavior. If men stopped, women will also stop.

cry more I'm sure

I wonder how many workers seized the means of production to produce those Marxist dildos.

Seize the means of reproduction

create a woman only island and send all the annoying lefty ones there

>buys peak capitalism products
top kek

hwo about open borders for Israel, Shlomo?

The "woman question" is as old as civilization. But, in modern term, it's been in debate for about 170 years now. I imagine anyone who advocated for women's right then would be appalled by how it all turned out. But, now it's too late. No breaks on this train I'm afraid. There are more men willing to enable degenerate behavior from women than there is those willing to criticize them and they most certainly won't fix themselves alone. We ride the train until the very end, fellas.

artificial womb then convert to bromosexuality

I don't have this one yet waaaaaaaAaaAAAAaaaaaAAaaaAauggh!!!!!

Attached: waaaaaaa.png (648x660, 809K)

aaaaaaaaaand followed

If the only people who could vote were net tax payers then most women wouldn't be able to keep voting for retards who promise gibs in exchange for power. Also encourage them to get real education through research and hard work rather than getting scammed by the education system into becoming debt slaves that men are expected to pay for. Of course men have the same problem these days but more women go to college and university so it mostly affects them.

Waifu material

Is there seriously not a single communist that sees the irony of this? Really?

Jokes on her - the grade of rubber used in dildos causes cancer and infertility.

And buy bitcoin so you profit from that

Jesus Christ.. thos snips needs to hurry up with those sex bots already.

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Sadly this it should not take more than 10 years until pensions systems collapse due to demographics and 20 until the monetary system does the same.

35 until civilization dies.

I propose a final solution

LOL. Karl Marx as a dildo is pretty capitalistic thing to sell.

women are gross

kill them all

I have that ballsack style irl, it’s all wrinkled and tight when I’m flaccid and then it becomes smooth once I’m fully erect.

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Nobody wants you on the board, you are like the kid at the party nobody invited but just shows up

Do the dildo factory workers own the means of production maaannnn?!

>from the USA
of course she is
They degrade everything they touch

>Frederick Engels

Why not Carl Marx then, if anglisation?

Frederick Angels, lol.

Restore women to property status

>Is there seriously not a single communist that sees the irony of this? Really?

Not only did she buy a Karl Marx dildo, one of the things wasn't enough, she needed to buy two.
You know, because she's an avowed anti-capitalist and those capitalist pigs are what's wrong with the world.
And I'm not even going to comment that the photo was probably taken with the latest iShitphone.

Toss em to africa and the middle east and import japanese women instead.

Only white women are like this, other races of women are normal, I say genocide the white ones and start again?

So there is no hope.

give their husbands/fathers the right to beat the shit out of them.

Which fathers? I bet these are simply fatherless cunts.


Women will never understand individualism anyway. They're too dumb to become independent from society's shackles.

It’s called a joke shitalian