Military Hate Thread

Fuck I hate our military. What a band of fucking christcucks and complete pussies. Why the fuck do you need a "comfort animal"? What kind of beta males are they recruiting in the armed forces anyways? I'd fucking have to fap if I legally got to kill non-white women and children for a living.

I'm so sick of these mindless, Christian, ZOG, tools, and I'm fucking sick of paying my taxes to fund their cowardice and their endless virtue-signaling, whinging about their "service" and other faggotry. Can we defund the US Military entirely? I'm talking immediate cancellation of all of their benefits, medical care, and existing pensions. They get ZERO.

Attached: zog cuck usa.jpg (403x504, 49K)

Other urls found in this thread:–Afghanistan–Pakistan–India_Pipeline

>hate our military
then you shall be erased.

What's with these anti American, anti military threads?

Who writes these?

I would support a vet ptsd awareness month more than lgbt pride month.

It's one thing to be critical of something and another to do subversive propaganda.

>they are complete pussies
He says living safely behind his computer

What’s that? Can’t hear you with the sound of your wife fucking niggers while you die for Israel! Lmao

Attached: 5091FA42-B7CD-409A-922F-92769F2FBFD3.jpg (700x800, 127K)

The only function of our anti-white military is to enforce ZOG.

Attached: America stands with Israel.png (626x800, 886K)

thanks for making my car payment every month

I’d rather have soldiers getting gibs then nonwhites or old people. So I am fine with it.

How is the war in Afghanistan for ZOG? You cucks have a lot of meme images but no real facts

The military nor this country should be respected by white Americans who are being displaced.

US military = absolutely worthless

Attached: Quora - How does the CIA perform coups .png (1269x2417, 330K)