new nazi hand symbol has arrived

Attached: fc2.png (547x641, 115K)


Attached: F048574C-1C14-416E-95E1-B384810D3476.jpg (220x330, 10K)

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that seems pretty antisemitic


what does this sign mean? Ive seen some people do it before, usually with both hands

I like it very much

Oy vey! Remember the 6 million noses!

>what does this sign mean?
"got your nose". it's a game/trick you play with little kids.


Ha ha we live in a future where this being banned and outlawed is a real thing.

You could shove a potato on a stick, show it to people and they would interpret it as a secret NAZIIIII signal for whatever the fuck they could imagine.

Imagine doing and playing the classic game with your children "I stole your nose". And along comes some flapping bellyflop retard and screeches "THAT'S RACIST YOU ARE MAKING THE CROOKED NOSE SIGN REEEEEE".

It's pure insanity at this point.

This is already how my mates and I great each other in public.

Let's start the Psyop boys. I'll start shilling now.


>make crossed finger threads
>upboat crossed finger threads

noice, spread this

>This is already how my mates and I great each other in public.
be careful

firing up my black twitter accounts right now
thank mozilla for firefox containers

Attached: 1561150153967.jpg (453x410, 88K)

post results plz

Everyone but me if a kike shill in this thread. These thing do not help white people, but only help Jews and niggers. Fact. This site is probably run by kikes.

>Everyone but me if a kike shill in this thread.
>These thing do not help white people
trying to have a little fun here. if you want a no-fun super serious experience then i suggest heading over to infinity.