White Australia When

I am tired of chinks and coons. My missus' car was broken into and all her shit was stolen last night by some dindus.

I want to move to another city preferably the whitest city where we could perhaps become the majority. The Pacific North West is a dream but I don't want to leave my beloved homeland and before I make the leap to leave to America I want to give it a go at home. Any ideas or spit balling would be tops.

Attached: Eureka.jpg (1200x865, 600K)

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We don't want your cowards

Exactly my point. I'm not just gonna tuck my tail between my legs and run for the hills. This is a global battle against globohomo and I want to see something happen here instead of holding our cock in our hands and asking why this happens to us.

Australians don't know how to harness their history. Going through high school we were only taught meaningless tidbits of Australian history designed to foster nothing but contempt and disgust for our legacy. If we want to form White Australia, get people to do some reading. I recommend looking at the work of Donald Horne and Noel McLachlan pertaining to history, as well as Percy Stephensen, Jim Saleam and Alec Saunders for ideological work.






Leave I'm moving to Idaho at the end of the year. I have for the Last 10 years fought with my self thinking I was betraying my home land by leaving. But it's time to leave this country cannot be repaired. We have lost everything. Look at what we have lost and realise things will never Change back to how it used to be. I am moving with my brother so you won't be the only Aussie fleeing.

To bad.

I think rather than a particular place or city white people need to renew ethnic solidarity and maintain the peace in their own neighborhoods
This includes pursuing violence and teaching children to fight and not pushing it aside as has been the case for a long time now
A white neighborhood full of people who know one another, look out for one another, and will fight and even do more for it would be the ideal

Our culture isn't about fleeing. its about resilience and adaptability. We don't need to move we need to balls up and do something.(Nothing violent ASIO). we need to all move to a cert state or area and demand our needs be met instead of our tax dollars going to overseas countries for ((((softpower)))) and helping us beuild a future for ourselves instead of holding americas cock like a lost child.

These anons are right, but honestly I really feel like we are totally fucked no matter what. Take a walk around Brisbane or whatever major city you live near and take it all in. Chinks, Gooks, Niggers, Poos, Dune Coons everywhere. The best hope is to move rural as fucking possible with out any dependence on modern infrastructure. Also lmao @ thinking running to America will solve anything, they're just as fucked. Europe is the only hope desu and that is only due to demographics being on our side

Move to Townsville

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