Only in this time line will you see two gay groups

Fight about who is faggier

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>Some 65 transgender people, nearly all trans women of color, have been murdered in the United States since 2017, according to Human Rights Watch.
Bet you it was all by black dudes who got catfished


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i gots more.
she's latina


bitch has the face of a 25yo. Either superior petite genes or will hit the wall pre 20's.

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Goodmorning glownigger. Nice honeypot you got there. Trying to get people to ask for nudes from you. Nice try though.

name is perla

she's all the way around hot.
I honestly think she used to fuck her brother when she was a preteen.

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you tell me if she has

Attached: brotherfucker?.jpg (720x960, 73K)