Is Shaft dare i say our movie?

Is Shaft dare i say our movie?
SJWs fucking hate it. Best part is a scene where Shaft mocks the gender fluid, gender queer retards. It even makes fun of fags. It promotes masculinity. Bad guys are a mix of black and white dude.

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If it promotes masculinity I’m for it!

It really promotes it hard. It shows woman hate betas. It even shows how fucking guns are good.

No nigger movie will ever be /ourmovie/

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If the sjws are going insane over it its our movie kike

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>millennial masculinity
no such thing

Yeah this movie actually is the most masculine to have come out in some years. I saw it recently and the only flaw is that his onion son's girlfriend is a useless character because they couldn't really figure out what they wanted her to be so she's this generic independent woman.

It literally makes fun of millennial throughout the entire movie. The entire plot is Shafts son turning into a masculine man from a faggot millennial.

How are white people portrayed in this movie?

Might have given it a watch but since it's fucking Shaft and basically blaxploitation I'm not exactly lining up. Whole point of the character seems to be aggrandizing this black guy.

There are basically three white people in the entire movie. The first is a white bully who bullies Shaft's son when he's a kid, who appears for all of 4 seconds. It's probably the most tiresome thing in the movie because every bully in every movie is a white blonde kid.
The other two are an FBI guy and one of the main antagonist's goons, which is pretty balanced. The most irritating thing to me was that Shaft's son's best friend is the most haram muslim guy ever, a muslim whose best friends are a black kid and a woman and who does drugs and fought for the US in the Iraq wars. Absolutely fucking hilarious.

Its funny the black men are mostly portrayed as beta. A guy called Ron, Shafts son in the early parts. There is really only one main white guy. One of the villains. A chad army guy. But the villains are a mix of black, white army vets. Main villain is a black guy.

Exactly, the chick that Shaft Jr likes had totally friendzoned him until he started shooting people in the face right in front of her. Then her pussy was soaked.

It tries to seem like that but it's still netflix and still progressive bullshit. Congratulations though you fell for their marketing.

>millennial masculinity

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There's no "basically," Shaft is blaxploitation. But there's good blaxploitation and shitty blaxploitation. This movie is great because they could have went for the low hanging fruit and had it been 2 hours of Shaft getting called a fucking dinosaur and being emasculated like in 21 Jump Street. Instead it's an hour and 40 minutes of Shaft shitting on millennials and his soft millennial son realizing that none of that millennial shit actually works in the real world.
It has some flaws but those flaws are typical movie problems like unbalanced action and not as a result of forced political correctness. Honestly it was a pretty refreshing movie.

If OP had "fell for the marketing" he would have just not seen the movie at all because the marketing for Shaft is fucking terrible and makes him look like a clown.

Fuck you kike. Its a sign things are changing. If this movie makes money expect more masculine movies. Literally every sjw attacked this. They are attacking a movie with a black main. You know how much damage that will do to them?

>Literally every sjw attacked this.

Which is hilarious, because they're basically doing the movie's marketing for it. Once producers who care more about making money than social engineering realize that EVERYTHING the SJWs hate and complain about makes huge profits, things will change.

ah yes, gamma posturing

gayfaggots are worse than niggers

learn to prioritize

Ok this is epic we're making the SJWs super angry.

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It's because the media is all shills, especially movie critics who are so distanced from normal people it's unreal. Look, all you have to do is look at how the movie was promoted and was doing. When the trailer came out most people thought the movie looked fucking terrible, and it had minimal promotion. Which is why it had a poor opening. Critics savaged it, it had like 20% on shill site rottentomatoes for being toxically masculine and offensive, etc.
But then it started gaining traction due to word of mouth and audiences actually like it. Why? Because like Shaft says, people want to see a man being manly. No matter how hard they try to push millennial faggotry people want to roll with an alpha dog.

Angry sjws/kikes = you're doing something right.


Fuck you nigger lover

>it's because the media is all shills

RT Critic Score: 30%
RT Audience Score: 95%

The audience LOVES this move. The shill critics fucking hate it. It's hilarious.

Fuck your movie gaywad

Look at all these seething kikes are tell me thats a bad thing. Also I better remove my maymay flag in case I get called a shill.

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Eat a bullet you fucking kike.

You faggots are missing the point again. It's amazing how easily you Amerisharts fall for Jewish tricks, I guess it's why you're their best goys. It's a black man being masculine and shitting on weak men. This is clearly aimed at subconsciously promoting blacks as being hyper masculine.

The weak men are also all black. There's 1 hypermasculine black man, and it's Shaft who has always been that way.

Nigs nig as hard as they do because there’re no fathers. They’ll nig slightly less hard it maybe they get some cultural influences in a more positive direction.

You’re the kike memeflag.

Sounds pretty pozzed actually. I refuse to see any Hollywood shit. May they all burn.

I heard it’s very based and redpilled.

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is Samuel ''I hate niggers'' L.Jackson /our nigger/ pol?

If it was our movie Shaft would start noticing (((coincidences))) and realize diversity is not a strength.


Lol it’s just a remake of a remake of a good movie

It's actually the sequel to a sequel to an old movie.

Shaft was a remake of shaft from the 70s
And shaft is a remake of shaft which is a remake of shaft from the 70s

No it's not, retard.
Shaft 2019 is a sequel to the first Samuel L. Jackson Shaft. A direct sequel, not a remake, because you can actually see parts of the original one playing in a timeline montage.
And that Shaft is a sequel/update to the 70s Shaft because Richard Roundtree appears in it and he is in this one too, as SamJack's dad. There is no "remake" anywhere.

It’s referred to as a reboot though

Oh right, Shaft should be gay now, that's sooo soo cool. Get it folk, to be cool you must be:
a.) black
b.) wear latest trendy clothes

Blacks hate gays and especially hate trannies. Hell, before Eminem went all SJW Trump hating, every other song had him calling someone a faggot.

Black hate gays? Is this why they are mostly homosexual muh dik people? Blacks are in the closet.

sounds cool enough. will watch if it has no anti white agenda

Lol, this post.

Booty this, booty that. Muh dik that.

It only promotes masculinity for blacks. I PROMISE that every white male in the movie is a faggot, weak, or the villain.

There are whites in the Shaft film? Wow, that movie sucks.

These goddamn leftists browbeat, dress down, hen peck and otherwise pester anybody for doing anything that isnt a glorious transgender person whipping out her 8 inch penis in the little girls restroom to take a huge piss standing up

I love christian bale's character in that movie. Thats how all white men should be.