What's your excuse for not looking like pic rel?

What's your excuse for not looking like pic rel?

Attached: c4Xf2pjw_400x400.jpg (400x400, 23K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Not being gay

The only working out I do is playing basketball so I’m more long and lean with old man strength

the reptilians forced excessive cheese consumption on americans in the 80's. everyone got fat from cheese


being white

Im not a shitskin!

Is that Wil Wheaton? Damn he got swole.

Because I look like this pic related

Attached: 77974DF7-3D65-4998-9958-7243A8BED2F4.jpg (300x254, 12K)

I look like this pic related

Attached: 1183033.jpg (786x521, 137K)

Not everyone is bear mode. Also Finnish have weak slender bodies.

i look like pic related

Your flag says otherwise

Me and my friends

Attached: 11288899392.jpg (615x740, 68K)

That dude looks weak, small muscles, and it also looks like he used roids to get to that state.

His body proportions look all wrong and unattractive. Quite frankly I'd rather kill myself than look like that.

Attached: avatar.png (306x269, 96K)

Are you the dead one?

I am that big.

I can’t grow a beard

is pic related from the latest Jow Forumsmeetup?

I don't want to be slow like him. I have fought plenty big guys, they gas out real quick and their reflexes are molasses. Better to be less heavy imho.
Muscle like that are great for working, not fighting.

Attached: 1519505557653.jpg (1712x1704, 822K)

I have no excuse. I am lazy and undisciplined. I am a terrible role model for my children as far as physical fitness is concerned.

because im still fat :(

It's not the cheese. It's the carbs.

>spic related

Jow Forums

I don't take steroids, I do MMA and I'm not a manlet.

stop it!

he got cucked hard by his wife at coachella this year.

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you like me / pol /

Attached: me.jpg (500x488, 42K)

I have an IQ above 65.

i'm generally happy
