This is a 10 in Tel-Aviv

"Judeo-Christian" should be filtered to "Shapiro-Christian."

Attached: Abigail-Shapiro.jpg (533x800, 125K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Disgusting Ashkenazi women, yuck.

Mizrahi and sephardi women are hotter. My secret fetish.

She's pretty I dont know what the point of this thread is

a 10 ? they look more like a pair of 42's

Attached: 1526355092003.jpg (1073x2753, 490K)

She cute and has huge milkers. Would bang/10.

perhaps even a pair of 44's

Attached: 1511104559911.jpg (2048x1536, 1.84M)

This is a 10 in Israel, stop hating levantine pussy.

Attached: gal-godot-1.jpg (768x1364, 448K)

Why do they never say "Judeo-Islam"?

Attached: thought crime.png (640x640, 820K)

What kind of fag thinks flat > thicc? Oh, flag, nvm.

Why do most Jews have nigger hair?

Niggers are the Jews origional golem.

Try picture her without makeup which she uses with passion it seems.

That looks like a trap. I've been on Jow Forums too long

w/e leaf

Attached: SC243067-668x500.jpg (668x500, 53K)

She's even hotter with a pixie cut and no fakeup.

Attached: Ben_Shapiro_2018.jpg (476x716, 175K)

Why is it called anti semitism when the Ashkenazim aren't semites?

Just open the link on the official Reddit app for iOS. I know you have it installed and pinned to your homescreen already since you are a homosexual.

Attached: Miss Helsinki '17.jpg (750x1125, 202K)

This is a 10 in Canada.

Attached: EB040DDA-9E50-4D5A-B004-3D316EEB8356.png (800x400, 15K)

Nice mustache shadow lady

Greetings Jow Forums

Attached: 1559871876374.jpg (1024x768, 166K)

Jude- Christian Values mean the common values between a religion whose central figure is God and son of God and another religion that considers that same figure fraud and son of a whore and they are proud they manged to kill him

No, they arent
Gay flag is gonna gay

Skinny is good, LARD ASS

>This is a 10 in Tel-Aviv.
then leave tel aviv.

Cuz they lie all the time

>tfw the island I live on is bigger than your entire country

Flags were a mistake. Imagine if Jow Forums had IDs, but no flags. That's the way it should have been.

>look at me

How special

hey Jow Forums... do you remember me from my '90s sitcom, Blossom,.... it would be on Monday nights...

Attached: 58410187_2335018479893306_6939340471421371342_n.jpg (1080x1350, 123K)

La bestia

Abigail is gorgeous indeed
And her milkers are to die for

I would pay to see him as a full blown tranny. For scientific purposes

Imagine having a little sister with tits as big as your entire body.

Somalia is also bigger then my homeland. That‘s a ´muh dick´ argument. Please don‘t be a Nigger.

Well I certainly would enjoy vigorous and energetic coitus with this female in a variety of positions engaged to promote sexual excitement

Nice meta-meme attack, w/e

Attached: 52cc19fcc34302f2edd4680b1f9c0190--diana-gal-gadot-hot.jpg (736x919, 61K)

>Mizrahi and sephardi women are hotter. My secret fetish.

Looks like me in female version.

post pics in a dress

Go watch EpicSellOuts on YouTube. Trannies are everywhere

The truth seems to hurt you.

Attached: DB2333F2-5B51-45FC-BA2A-EC728CE47724.jpg (425x420, 51K)


She does look kinda middle eastern

Dont fuck over christianity by associating it with shitpiro.

Wow you contribute to the forum!
You are funny and great!
Suck a fat dick, then kill your parents fucko.

>not a single white male
What do they mean by this?
Think this was planned?

For the millionth time, this is not an ashkenazi jew. Ashkenazis have blue eyes.

I mean if there was a hot Somali girl I'd fuck her too, maybe nut her in the eye.

Attached: images (3).jpg (225x225, 10K)

What kind of a fag thinks he has to chose one or the other? Pick both faggot.
Fucking based. Germany really did know what was the perfect woman figure.

I think you mean six millionth time

6 gorrilion at this point

>Those broad shoulders
That's a man, baby.

This is a 10 on Long Island, NY....

Attached: 1512251352214.jpg (502x654, 325K)

Holy shit you autistic Amerimutts wouldn't see top shelf pussy if it was dripping in your face, who hurt you lads?

Thought the black and huwhite Sweden flags would be obvious enough.

Thats the jewiest woman ive ever seen and i live in israel holy fucking shit


Attached: 43543.jpg (764x512, 200K)

Lmao 100% jewish phenotype
>that face with those giant tits

Interesting mating strategy. They've evolved big titties to make up for the hideous facial features.

I mean, the shoulder/hip width ratio is a bit sus

Gotta entice the goyim somehow. Also, secondary shekel storage in the cleavage.

Yeah that one can probably create >7 babies without maternal complications and provide for two other mothers with low milk production.

Attached: Breast-Feeding-with-Big-Boobs.jpg (522x380, 38K)

a Jew on the beach

Attached: D1wDYiNXcAE-tex.jpg (554x1199, 99K)

I mean we can work something out to get them back to you and your country?

U know not what u speak.
Li has some of the hottest women on earth.
>also the dumbest and sluttiest
Im a life long jew yorker and married to a li chick.
For the record she got fat and slutty for spicks. Wht mans future..

Jesus. you can barely speak English. New Yorkers are truly subhuman.

Attached: 1Ben.jpg (1280x555, 57K)

Is somebody gonna run her through the deepnude app or what?

how to get khazar gf?

Attached: hailie eisenberg.jpg (751x1024, 261K)

T-that's shopped, right?

Maybe we need some kind of an haavara agreement?

Could have been any of the scandinavian flags desu

Not a single european. Lol. Sad


That looks like a demon

She’s cute in a rat kinda way

She makes me pene a 10 in Mykionis!

She's a 10 here.
Fuck off OP

A good hat is essential.

Attached: uber_jew_hat.jpg (300x652, 24K)

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I would love to see the first threads where anons found out of Shapiro's sister for the first time. So many faps and sweats had... I can only imagine.


its a 6 to me.

Attached: pol2.jpg (618x410, 72K)

My mind says nothing no but muh dick says yes

My god. Your standards are so low.

Solid 8, have you seen our instagram thots?

Anyone care to roll?

Attached: E8D08576-ABE7-4346-A2E8-6239EB51F961.png (1902x1942, 1.79M)

Came in here just for this

You lucky git

like i get it she's got great knockers but she has a very punchable face

She breastfed her son til he was 7.

Attached: B6FD022D-AF48-46C6-A5D8-D86650BF2BCC.jpg (660x504, 128K)

Attached: rolling.gif (600x296, 2.98M)

She is married now and her kids will all have their dick-blood sucked out by Rabbis during the circumcision to welcome them into the Satanic Cult of Abraham

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draw a line down the center of natalie dormer's face.
It's curved.
the left side of her face is cherubic, and the right side is acromegaly stroke victim.

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