>Nike is yanking a U.S.A.-themed sneaker featuring an early American flag after NFL star-turned-activist Colin Kaepernick told the company it shouldn’t sell a shoe with a symbol that he and others consider offensive, according to people familiar with the matter.
>After images of the shoe were posted online, Mr. Kaepernick, a Nike endorser, reached out to company officials saying that he and others felt the Betsy Ross flag is an offensive symbol because of its connection to an era of slavery, the people said. Some users on social media responded to posts about the shoe with similar concerns. Mr. Kaepernick declined to comment.
When the fuck did this lag become some symbol of slavery and white oppression? Imagine letting some nigger dictate what your business sells! Absolutley disgsuting
It's an ugly shoe regardless, but I'm still buying Nikes because they're comfortable.
Jayden Cooper
>hey the flag is on the heel not on the sole. I'm aware, but regulations on wearing the flag are restricted here. It shouldn't be worn on clothing even. Not that I have a problem with it, as I quite like Americana, but that to me at least, is disrespectful on the shoe. I do like the original flag design on it though.
well you dont have to wear it. Im sure you know the Negro especeailly likes to collect shoes he will never wear right? He even riots and kills for them.
Julian Baker
This is a confederate flag.
This flag represents slavery.
The US flag does not represent slavery.
Kaepernick and anyone who seeks to dismantle America's legacy needs to get the fuck out.
Wearing the flag on your feet seems like some low key dig by the leftist nike anyway. I hope this cost them a good sum of money. I doubt it though because they abuse and exploit SE Asian women to make their garbage shoes anyway.
Jose Moore
It's called capitalism. Thanks to Republicans an american flag now does damage to Nike's brand. Enough for the bean counters to pull it from the shelves.
Charles Martinez
Nike is also making confederate flag undergarments which will absorb all your ass sweat as you run or pump iron or do jumping jacks.
Jose Perez
>tfw when you despise Nike but love America and the 13-star flag Fuck man... Good thing they are kind of ugly or I'd have to buy them.
Nathaniel Turner
the thing is they do exist. NIke had retailers return them. So all you have to do is break into the factory in Eugene and steal a few pairs.
Lincoln Collins
>Im sure you know the Negro especeailly likes to collect shoes he will never wear right? He even riots and kills for them. There was a time in my youth that a pair of shoes were draped over telephone lines and stayed there for years. I really don't know what it is about shoes that do that to them.
Christian Stewart
It won't be long until they rename anything associated with Washington and Jefferson and try to tear down or rename monuments. The Obama obelisk anyone?
Elijah King
Its never disrespectful to walk over an Israel's flag.
Carter Miller
Why hasn't Mr. Kaepernick condemned Nike?
Nike uses literal slaves in its shoe manufacturing overseas.
If Colin is going to keep it real, so to speak, he needs to walk the walk, and return all Nike money to Nike. Or at least donate the cash to the slaves over in Asia.
Colin Kaepernick supports modern day slavery by:
- endorsing Nike, wearing Nike apparel, accepting money from Nike, etc.
- probably eats chocolate, so therefore he supports slaves
- probably watches porn, so therefore he supports human trafficking aka slavery
- probably owns a luxury car, maybe a Benz or BMW, which was run by literal Nazis in the past
- maybe he owns a Japanese car, so therefore he supports fascists because Japs were fascist back in the day
- maybe he visited Dubai, so therefore he endorses slavery yet AGAIN because Dubai is being built by real, live, human slaves
I really wish that insufferable nigger would go away. Also, Kike shoes are the worst shoes you can buy and it's been that way long before they aligned themselves with anti-patriotic shitskin/brains.
Jeremiah Cook
Blacks don't give a shit about any of that, they just want attention and adoration. They're like toddlers, except armed and dangerous.
Julian Wood
I don't believe I've ever seen a betsy ross flag being flown anywhere, niggers just like to cry for attention.
Gabriel Robinson
Everyone seems to be leaving out the fact that It has been appropriated by some extremist groups opposed to America’s increasing diversity.
I guess that detail is too inconvenient for your narrative.
Dylan Sanders
You could make the same case about BLM hijacking the civil rights movement.
Christopher Cook
Show actual proof of a group using it. Tired of people saying this happens by have no evidence
Connor Fisher
We live in an age where companys have to literally fabricate the next hero or virtue signal story for profits.
This whole thing is fabricated in my opinion.
Camden Cruz
lmao, I just put up my betsy ross flag for the 4th, then this happens
Evan Harris
It's a win-win.
Leftists autism out in excitement and buy tons of sneakers.
Retards conservatives buy new Nike gear so they can cut it for a hashtag. Then continue buying their gear 6 months later.
Really just comes down to press - and they get a lot of it this way.
Brandon Myers
>This whole thing is fabricated in my opinion.
Of course. The shoe is now super rare. Nike gets woke points, and are hoping for rage marketing. Theyre betting the crowd that is willing to spend 200+ for fucking sneakers is urban, black, hip hop, ect.
And Nike probably thinks it can just wrap itself in the flag next olympics or world cup or whatever and the bulk of america with the memory of a goldfish will just forget about it, and they're probably right.
This is as artificial as a WWE chair shot to a visiting hollywood star on wrestlemania.
Dylan Ramirez
bump. we need to get some mêlage out of this
Evan Kelly
Except that's not a real thing. Nike soared post Kaepernick ads
Ryder Nelson
People should not be buying Nike shit, anyway. Clothes, apparel, or otherwise. Nothing nike is allowed in my house hold.
Landon Kelly
Holy fuck I don’t even care about sneakers, much less Nike, but this shit pisses me off. The Betsy Ross flag was one of our nation’s first flags, and its symbolism is the exact same as the modern flag. It also represents the revolution and the principles of liberty we were founded on. Kaepernick is fucking ignorant, unpatriotic, and hypocritical.
Levi Price
Friendly reminder to Colin Kapernick that Americans were the only people on the planet to die fighting to END slavery.
He ought to say 'Thank you'
Nathan Gray
That reminds me... Didn't Nike also get in trouble for a shoe sole which resembled some Islamic text? Has that been memory holed?
Ignoring the fuck out of it seems to be a reasonable option in this case. At the very least just recognizing that rage is part of their marketing plans is important.
Memory holed like a motherfucker. The air max 270.
Noah Garcia
So you're not buying Nike.
Luis James
Word my honkey. Red wing boots for me. Gotta pay for all the gibs
You faggots don’t know where this ends. These people hate us, will always hate us, and once they have the numbers they will kill us and erase our history. The war is cold right now but it will heat up once they have the numbers. Once they have the numbers they will open the floodgates, 200 million of the 4 billion Africans will be brought here.
Whiteness, America, and European civilization will die a brutal death in the next 150-200 years. This will happen
Robert Flores
>the only valid response to anything that take a knee faggot says to you Shut up, kike.
Cameron Sullivan
They're going to their old standby for when they can't use Russia: WHITE NATIONALISTS APPROPRIATED IT!
These transparent, unimaginative fucks.
Kayden Morris
Fuck can we start appropriating Jewish symbols? Really make them kvetch.
Jayden Harris
>It shouldn't be worn on clothing even no retard that means you can't take a flag and turn it into a dress. not that you can't have a fucking picture of a flag on your clothes
Angel Richardson
Ironic because they are all made by slaves KEK
Matthew Murphy
Tyler Cruz
I was going to get a Betsy Ross flag before, but now I'm definitely going to get one.
Anthony Thompson
Everyone should contact Nike and say they would have bought a pair
>Don't trust advertisers >Still trust faggot YouTubers and Instagram Thots who the advertisers now use
People may not trust the advertisers but they're still mouthbreathers who fall for the same old tricks.
Bentley Scott
Black user here. Tbh, every time I see Abraham Lincoln I'm reminded of slavery. Even snopes says it's true that Lincoln was a racist. snopes.com/fact-check/did-lincoln-racism-equality-oppose/ Me and my people want to see all.of.his monuments taken down, because of what he represents. >pic related 1/2
He didn't even free us because he thought black people should be free. He was very angry that the south succeeded, and he was going to do whatever it took to get the south back. He didn't give a shit about my people. Fuck the Lincoln memorial and fuck anything associated with Abraham Lincoln. 2/2
I don't get it, the dude is rich if he doesn't like the american flag, and it makes him feel bad, why does he live and work in the United States. I would love to go and work in the US, but I can't afford the visa lottery, and some prick is hating on one of the best countries on this planet. What an ass.
Noah Moore
Niggros have a thing about stuff like shoes in general tho its traditionally part of african history and culture to worship things such as artificial human made ornaments fetishes , to them the fetish is an object believed to have supernatural powers, or in particular, any human made object can become the main focus of attraction and god like worship to the brain of niggers , this is why niggers through out the 50s-60s niggers bowed to white peoples feet exessiveley shining their shoes as if it were greatest honor of the heavens a nigger could be given , to niggers its manifested in their sould and blood so badley that shoes are the main ornaments of highest worship because what is more to worship and bow to then shoes made to be housing someones feet !
David Price
This could work if we did it right. newfag
Mason Thomas
Those who support sportsball are the ones that support this shit.
It's your fault. Don't go to the games. Don't watch it on tv. Don't buy their merch.
>This is a confederate flag. >This flag represents slavery. Wrong on both counts. Do some research, fool.
James White
i find uppity 'nogs' who play a child's game for a living for millions of dollars in contractual compensation to be offensive. when will this mulato douche bag be banned? is this dude even black? why does he look 1/4 black, and whats with that suspicious (((nose)))
Jaxon Rodriguez
Yea, dude. These compnies are smart. They know what they're doing.
Nicholas Lewis
Just laugh that his sorry ass isnt in the nfl making big money and never cease to remind him
Austin Ross
Nation of cucks
Jack Parker
I support this motion.
Leo Johnson
Why niggers so good at basketball? The whole game basically is steal, run and shoot.
That does not represent slavery you nigger. Also they need to be dealt with because leaving is not an option
Evan Foster
>yanking Is that a pun?
Jeremiah Thomas
I couldn't fucking believe this when I saw the headline. fucking kek. total clownworld. Nike is so cucked
David Thompson
This has legitimate legs. Best case scenario it fails and white America wakes up to the mind-boggling scope of (((pandering))) going on in the nation, worst case scenario we lose a great monument and America reacts with belated horror.
Either way, waking people up is the only thing that really matters.
Colin Kaepernick's Mother's REAL last name is Ruszczyk, making her and him a Jew.
Look at his facial features, Semitic, not Negroid...
Hudson Davis
Ah I was wondering about this. Wikipedia gives Russo as her last name, which is actually kind of a weirdly catchall last name for different ethnicities I've noticed. The funniest part is that she paid the single-mother toll. That noggin was gone before Colin was even born!