Yes Geralt, i want to have mixed race kids with you

>Yes Geralt, i want to have mixed race kids with you.

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She’s not that ugly you incels

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have sex
maybe then you wouldnt think an objectively 3/10 is "not that ugly"

Would poo

Yennefer of Vengerpoo

Why did they have to make her a poo?

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Witchers and sorceress are infertile anyway.

(((Netflix))). The casting was done in Bongistani land. They tried to hire a nigglet to be Ciri until the fans found out and a mass outcry occurred.

they could have at least made her pale with make up

She looks better than white troglodytes

It's actually pretty funny how most of the books involve Yen being tsundere because her pussy is broke

I know user
>it's all so tiresome

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Coping non-White

At least it's not as bad as what they did with Fringilla vigo.

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She's not fat. In this day, that makes her a 5 right off the bat. She has nice lips, her eyes aren't dark enough brown to be completely soulless, and her hair isn't pink nor purple. This is a 7/10 woman, Sampo.

Part of the plot is how she and yennifer are supposed to look similar

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witcher is onions tier, kys


Maybe with the right makeup it could work

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She is brown but they made her darker in that promotional image than she is IRL. The lighting is also shitty.

wow the actress that plays Ciri looks like a fucking alien. Cavill actually looks halfway decent. Too bad it's (((Netflix))) and they already ruined it.

Not watching that shit.

Hollywood keeps casting negroes in the roles of Italians and redheads for some reason.
Americans try to steal other people's culture and give it to their pet minorities.

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Geralt can't have kids.