When was America ever great?
Make America Great *Again*
1776 - 2014
When I was getting my dick sucked.
found a nigger
~1880s to 1929 and 1945 to ~2000
When it bombed europe, irank,yugoslavia,vietnam,korea and two towers in new york
When it was destroying the western hemisphere with its big stick.
>when we did the bidding of the street, Jew,boy where we great.
America went through at least 16+ years of bullshit, for numerous reasons.
Past bad policies, like NAFTA, 1995 fair housing act, outdated immigration policies, and war plans that depended on the people to willingly "rise up" for democracy; were the nightmare we lived through and our leadership was incapable of addressing.
We are finally returning or resetting from this.
The 50's were pretty good.
I'd say it's pretty fucking great, considering I even have the ablility to freely post this comment. Not to mention the endless options I have for things like: foo, education, entertainment, etc. Who gives a flying fuck what you think anyways, leaf?
Before 1965.
america is great in waves of 20 to 40 years, then it sucks for another 60 or 80 years. the last time america was great was the 80's
Back when Teddy was president, what a guy, what a Bull Moose
>returning/resetting from this
doesn't work that way, america will never have it's post-war golden age again because those were one of a kind years bought with near 20 years of backstabbing and climbing which were finally rewarded when Europe's economy collapsed. The US will become a backwater irrelevancy, a useless part of the world stuck too far away from shipping lanes and with too few partners to garner interest. Domestic problems are forcing you to turn inwards and you'll lose all foreign influence in 5 years. Guess why I know that, it's the UKs story.
Go be a nigger somewhere else
Before 1913.
This is how they should bathe....Dammm I was behind a group of nogs at the market....their aroma was foul...wtf is their problem???
Change that to 1914
1950s were pretty comfy
be Democrat
>Slavery is wrong.
Okay, so when the North went to war against the South and ended it, was that not "great"? Was America not great then? If not, that means that they're pro-slavery.
>Nazis are evil.
Okay, fine, but then how could America going to war against LITERAL Nazis (not the fake Nazis that current democrats keep finding under every stone, which turn out just to be white conservatives usually) not be an example of "greatness"?
For Democrats to say that America was never great, even after going to war against Nazi Germany, means they're pro-Nazi.
i really wonder sometimes if Democrats have functioning brains. They say the stupidest shit so often