Attached: Screenshot_2019-07-02-16-37-54-1.png (720x389, 75K)

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Damn straight


Attached: 1558662496145.gif (443x370, 144K)

>muh cumnomy

Attached: cffd8eb162d9df47f26ef2614b316823f1921ae5a0b09c955ea4a6d47d20fdf4.jpg (545x767, 60K)

Found the kikes

>Rainbow Dash is my God

Attached: d417122b5c0e133b8b81c7f0120cbcbe959374c6b709b25b4a354029bd3beb36.jpg (340x565, 30K)

No it's not.

I don't have the infographic, but the reports from the BLS indicate that some ridiculously small number of jobs went to Citizens, like 5%.

Moreover, the metrics used for measuring "the economy" are *VASTLY* gamed numbers, so divorced from reality that I'm surprised there aren't more securities fraud cases.

Attached: Trump-Immigration (largest-numbers).png (800x800, 327K)

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The problem starts with F and ends with e
The culprits start with J and end with s

Praise OP! Largest faggot on earth

There was a thread yesterday titled "Why can't millennials afford houses" that covers a *LOT* of the underlying issues: .

Attached: How Horrifying.png (440x440, 84K)

Stock Market =/= economy.
Fucking ivory tower Wall St. kike paradigm bullshit.
At some point in the past, corporate valuations and profit were a solid indicator of the real economy.
But now, with the markets being commodity and financial products, it's disconnected from the actual wage earning populace.

I guess it doesn't matter as long as you keep the boomers happy and stupid.....

Technology and streamlining production causes production to increase retard. People aren't working harder.

Death to all weeb pedophiles

Does it rhyme with
>Shmederal preserve

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Thank you, sir!

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Unfortunately as long as boomers are happy and stupid nothing will change. Absolutely.


The fat cats also arent working harder, they dont deserve a higher cut each year

Meanwhile in reality

Attached: Trump donor.jpg (1025x524, 168K)

What a bunch of horseshit.

You don't have to be a Wall St. kike to reap the benefits of the stock market, you smoothbrained, mong. Any non-retarded, run of the mill, office working wage-cuck can/should be in a 401k or IRA and if even contributing a small amount, you're killing it.

I can only kick 3% and during JUST Trump's tenture my cumulative rate of return is pushing 30%. That's insane.

And this from a pretty typical dude with a young family, single income, and not being able to save a heck of a lot.

>Unfortunately as long as boomers are happy and stupid nothing will change. Absolutely.
Then how about we trick them into being unhappy?

You know how they liked to march and fight against the social order, right? — Well, is there a way to turn this instinct toward activism to *our* ends?

There was a thread, a couple days ago, with pic-related — asking people to contact their senators, reps., and State AGs asking them to start RICO investigations into Google — now, I have no doubt that Google is violating multiple laws that are RICO, but the shakeup would send shockwaves through Tech, the pajeets and chinks wouldn't like that and scramble away... this, in turn, would empty out a lot of houses in the big tech-cities which, in turn, would create a glut and drop the prices.

Attached: RICOv1.gif (692x618, 37K)

>"totally defeats the purpose"

Attached: weird-science.jpg (247x247, 23K)

And when shit goes bad, your investments will be used to take the losses as goldman sachs liquefies their whale kikes investments out before the major crash.
Trust the plan like a stupid boomer.
Sorry but you're exactly the kind of idiot I'm talking about.

Attached: You DON’T Understand….jpg (109x125, 3K)

Fuck yeah my stocks are flyin nigga. Even gold is up wtf?



Close the border, you stupid cuck.

Gotta keep those traitor businesses humming on illegal labor. God forbid businesses competing for legal labor.

Everything that goes up must come down. I’d start speculating what’s first to collapse and how to best capitalize on it.

Sadly, this.