/NSG/ Natsoc General

ϟϟ The Last Glowing Ember of Classic Jow Forums ϟϟ

Thread for discussion of the Jewish Question, Race Realism, Anti-Communism, the Aryan Ideal, Traditionalism, Racial Nationalism, and Racial Identity Movements.

Featured video.

The Truth In A Nuthsell (Under 2 minutes)
>[YouTube] Ken O'Keefe Unveils The Truth About Adolf Hitler (embed)

The Truth In Depth

The Truth About Marxism
>bitchute.com/video/gY13eWhB2knL/ (embed)
>bitchute.com/video/f8BgIWw9bf2c/ (embed)
bitchute.com/video/IIwzQxMhQFLl/ (embed)

The Truth About Banking
>[YouTube] The Federal Reserve American Dream Explained (embed)
bitchute.com/video/IfR82TjssmrJ/ (embed)

The Truth About Weimar
>bitchute.com/video/iB6iBh4Ktmv0/ (embed)

The Truth About The Man They Call The Devil
>bitchute.com/video/WcfR4JkR1Ytv/ (embed)
bitchute.com/video/ZVmQflp8jhJX/ (embed)
>bitchute.com/video/qFidfZE2gaMj/ (embed)

Inspirational videos

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OP here
I fucked up the formate
I'll fix it for next time

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They often bring up the image of Brownshirts burning books, but they rarely tell us what kind of books they are burning.

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I was on the phone the other day with my mother having this discussion. She thought they burnt Bibles.

Has anyone good documentary recommendations? Im too autistic to read. I have already seen Europa the last battle and the greatest story never told. Are there any more?

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Reminder conservatives are not your friends. They refuse to call ANTIFA for what they are... Communists. They instead conform to leftist talking points by blaming whitey for every wrong doing.

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Check the op for the truth about Weimar. I thought it was decent.

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Conservatives are just progressives driving at the speed limit

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What about Christianity? I get a lot of mixed responses, some say Nat Soc is anti-Christians others say that you can be both.

Will do

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Hitler visited church regularly
Natsoc therefore cant be anti-christian

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It's been so long

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To be honest I am not sure about this either and would like to know more as well. I have left the conservative platform and moved right, but I have not yet fully adapted far right stances due to ignorance. Hence I started this thread to learn more.

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adopted *

I touched upon this because of pic related.
I've saved it some time ago and I can't find anything that would fully disprove it.

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Keep /NSG/ alive. Expose communist post-war propaganda.

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>another thread full of americans larping as National Socialists
sometimes i feel very alone in my own country.
but at least tell me that you fellows have read the book.
also it wouldn't be bad if you learned german, provided you have german ancestry.

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If that is the case then so be it. If natsoc is inherently anti-religion then you will have to decide whether to follow your religion or the ideology. But if I were you I would not worry about the church as a building, that is not what Christianity is about. The poeple that follow that religion ARE the chruch.

That is because you are alone in your country, we pretty much all are and that is the truth. Which is why we are here. And I just started reading.

I am a Christian first and foremost, but at the same time my political beliefs correlate with National Socialism and Fascism.

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The conservative is the lowest form of life, it has proven itself incapable of conserving our society, religion, race, media or education, they spend so much time on the defensive that they have forgotten to attack, but National Socialism is the movement of action, it fights injustice, treason, subversion, and any who would do us harm, it replaces the cowardly conservative with the fanatical offensive.

As far as what you have posted in that picture you yourself are really going to have dig for the truth there and decide.

As far as the first part of goes, you could say the same thing about trump. What kind of Christian appoints jews in his cabinet? Or tweets out celebrating sodomy month? It's all relative to the time and political atmosphere of the situation.

Personally I find much disgust with how weak Christianity has become, there is no zeal found in them anymore. They love to get walked all over.

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The best son Britain produced, and he was squandered.

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If you really believe in God then you will have to ask yourself if he is really going to condem you to eternal damnation for standing up for your people, nation, culture and way of life. If your idea of these concepts is to murder everyone that does not look like you then you very well may be in danger of suffering the consequences. It is important that you seek out evil while not becoming evil yourself. I believe even Jesus did this in the temple, by calling jews a den a vipers and kicking them out.

they did he wrong big time

I would like to make clear one thing
there is no such thing as "cultural marxism", there is no such thing as "post modernism", "feminism", "social justice", etc. etc.
these, my friends, are but masks of a single entity that has remained unchanged since the time of our great national struggle.
they are the many masks of MARXISM, the third weapon of the JEW.
make no mistake, don't try and look for new names to call this plague, for it is the one and only JEW who works tirelessly to destroy our nations and our futures.
don't give unnecessary names to that which already has one. MARXISM

Fair point
> the third weapon of the JEW
What would be the first two?

That's the problem, today you've got the likes of Trump, deceivers who break the ten commandments on the daily basis, never read the Bible nor do they bother to at least try and stick to Biblical law. They'll go to church once in a while to create a positive image around themselves. There're hardly any true Christians left, I'm afraid that we'll never have the likes of Godfrey of Bouillon ever again.
And even if Hitler was anti-Christian we cannot really blame him, since most people who publicly professed themselves as Christian were nothing more than lying marxists and scoundrels, just like today most evangelicals and Catholics tarnish the good name of Christ.


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the first two are freemasonry and the press
read mein kampf, chapter 11 around page 355


It does not and should not matter. NatSoc was about the people, it was about a homogeneous habitat for its people. Christians should realize that their leaders are appointed by God, and the ones around during the 3rd reich were trying their best to disrupt their appointed leaders by sympathizing with communists.

Hitler was very interested in Christianity before his turning point in which he decided that he needed to deal with those who followed the religion. It was because of what I previously mentioned.

Today, there isn't a single Christian alive who wouldn't want to physically remove communists, and the synagogue of satan. The ones who wish to remain are so few they will be dealt with accordingly, but only after removing those who might use the government thwarting rebellious christians in a skewed media story(as was the case during ww2 which caused most of the christians loyal to Hitler to think twice).

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>editing the original

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The source I posted said that Hitler was publicly Christian but privately hated Christianity. I agree that a lot of pseudo-Christians in Germany were marxist and bolshevik sympathisers, but at the same time a very pious and Christian Poland was inherently anti-communist and no respected Catholic would label themselves as socialist or marxist.

Look into GLR
You might be able to relate better to him.

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Does anyone have the info graph that's sourced with "at the height of american slavery, 70% were ethnic Jews"?

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GLR was agnostic though. I don't really think NS is necessarily anti-Christian though. GLR and the NS points say it's religiously tolerant save for a few religions. Hell, the movement adheres to "positive Christianity." As long as you don't act like a Judaized zionist christian there's no contradition.

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or this one?

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I like GLR too, got any good books on him?

Fair enough

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I think the murdoch guys have a website with these books you can download

That's the one, hail victory brother



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Some good content in here.

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How do we bring this back brothers?

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thanks borther

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I watched a good one on bitchute the other day. Let me see if I can find it.

really useful link, cheers

What the fuck are you saying?