The post-America age has come

Do Americans realise that the US just suffered a catastrophic and humiliated defeat in trade war against China? I heard in muttland mainstream media is blocking the events involving Trump.
All media here as well as Europe are overwhelmingly discussing what to do assume protection from the US is no longer credible. Australia mainly concerns on military front, publicly advocating nuclear weapon, the Europe concerns in economic terms, will cooperate with China on more trade industries.
Just a heads up in case mutts haven't got an idea what's going on around the world.

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>t. Zhanzheung Yang


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you need to work on your English skills lad

>t. Chink
China is incapable of winning a trade war considering they are entirely dependent on imports and exports to provide for its 1.4 billion people

only the chinese care about face you stupid 1984 tiananmen square event

As you can see, denial is not just a river in Egypt.

Why did you reply to me without addressing my point faggot?

>we wuz Qingz n shieet gweilo, the age of China is now!
okay Zheng

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Cute, he thinks this is a discussion and not a desperate attempt to tell yourself America is still viable this season.

How do you justify my original post? China is smaller than mainland US but has 4x the amount of people. Unless 70% of their population is killed off then they do not have a dog in this race, especially when the US is the one buying most of their shitty products.

I don't know why you bother posting anything.

It's not like you'll actually get any decent discussion on the merits of a chinese system or a way of American trade to compete with the dominance that China has in the resources department

Simply put, the time of deep meaningful discussion has long passed when the average response to any sort of rational thought is "cope" or "have sex"

How did you not see it coming years ago? Should not of waited so long to become more independent.

Trump cucking to China was the worst thing he did in office so far.


Their main resource gathering comes from the vast array of resources to the north of them in Russia, as well as the nearly free metals they export from Africa

The middle east with no other choice but American tyranny has also chosen china as their main source of trade

In contrast the united states has several area's in south America, and I mean only several because China and Russia also have a strong foothold there, and they also have the trade with the EU which gets most of their power from Russia, which if Russia really wanted to, could cripple the power sector of the European union

The main reason countries like Japan/Germany/Scandinavia trade with the United states is fear of sanctions since for some ungodly reason, the Dollar still holds a strong foot hold in current monetary policy

where is the argument?

You're more naive than a Swedish loli with a Refugees Welcome poster. China will rape you hard and you will think back to the days of American dominance with wistful nostalgia.

>boomer cringe

I'm aware of that but that isn't enough to win a trade war. Someone has to buy shitty Chinese products and the US is their biggest investor.

LOL...fake Ruskie here doesn't get it. The only people who lose by not trading ALWAYS are oligarchs, If USA would shut all trade tomorrow standard of living would start climbing rapidly because this continent has ALL natural resources to be self sufficient. Wages would go up, because everything would have to be produced here. people would ONLY cheer. Dont forget that US hold vast majority if intellectual patents. We only trade because this way they (oligarchs) make more money in the process of building NEW countries. Dummy.....

Whilst true, China's economy isn't dependent on it's exports like the American economy.

Most of China's wealth and perceived wealth lies in their ability to generate infrastructure and business for other countries.

Their investments in sectors such as steel and rare minerals drive the economies of several major nations, such as India/Africa/Russia/Parts of the baltic states/Nearly all of the middle east/Some south american countries/and Canada/Austrailia

It's why nearly why most of investments you see in outside countries by chinese nationalists is inside of their housing markets.

So it's not nearly what China puts out, but rather what it sucks back in from other countries
It's a parasitic way of driving their economy
Hence the Ghost cities

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I didn't deny anything. His English language skills are atrocious

Actually during your time of independence before WW1 you were actually the 22cnd largest economy, nearly nothing in the grand scheme of things.

Your main control of the world came about after WW2 where you used the wealth gained from the spoils of war to supply the much needed allies who were desperate for resources, and with it your country created the means to shift public perception to be favorable of the states through the export of media which is what made the dollar as strong as it is and what led to the cold war

If in fact you decide tomorrow that you willingly want to shut yourself off from the world, the first thing that would happen is the imminent collapse of your financial sector since the current debt/boom bust of your dollar stays alive by the fact that others use it.
But maybe in 20 - 30 or maybe even 50 years assuming your population remains some shade of white you can bounce back to take your rightful place as the worlds 15th largest economy where you should be and go back to simple irrelevancy

He is right you faggot. US liberalism produced super rich global elite which are willing to drop the country of their origin to shit, and are against Trump's tarrifs and would rather cooperate with China and the world, against the well being of the US people, just to keep their growing influential status, all over the world, more and more. They fund NGOs trafficking migrants, they fund the media to promote multiculturalism, the fund Hollywood degenerate feminist propaganda, they fucking even fund their own presidential elections around the globe, literally running the world. This is no longer about each individual states meddling into each other's businesses, but the super rich and their banking oligarch partners pushing their world view everywhere, which also encompasses destruction of all white countries demographics thus lowering/stagnating the wages, buying out competition and making sure next Trump (wild card) can no longer happen. Generic Obama's will be offered on both side's of the isle and there's nothing common people can do about it but suffer in chaotic streets filled with degeneracy, without cohesion while wage slaving all of their life's. And this is the future.
Pol is divided among racial/cultural identities when instead this should always be about class. Or else nothing can be changed. They learned well from occupy wall street protests. Reason why there's hardly any talk about growing wealth inequality. Ultimate goal is to install socialists government so middle/upper class people will pay everything, making them all effectively poor, but the super rich fucks will be ignored and their wealth tax heavens never looked into. Like fucking clock work, every single time.

Money is pointless you fucking faggot. It's only necessary in Capitalist societies because it's required for a functioning economy. It's mainly used as a source of power; take it away and those same people will still be in power.

It's not pointless currently. And is used to consolidate the power. And you're right, they will still stay in power even w/o the current global fiat.

Based Aussia chink.

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Post the real picture, faggot.


>China's economy isn't dependent on it's exports like the American economy
hahahha that's the most retarded shit I've read today, you shouldn't make posts like that if you are economically illiterate.
If China doesn't export (mainly to US) is done for and the US depends more on domestic consumption and the petrodollar of course. exactly the inverse of your dumb opinion.

Keep wishing

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Holy fucking cringe, please delete this.

Of course. I don't know why this irrelevant country is obsessed with the US

The whole world would be better under European rule like the time of Queen Victoria rather than these Godless degenerate Amerimutts. American degeneracy should be wall of in their country.

Pointless was the wrong word I'll admit. Resources and goods are finite and countries that have hundreds of millions of people obviously cant provide for every single person, which is why goods have a price tag on them; mainly to ensure that demand for the product remains high while also preventing people who cannot afford it access to it. However, in most western countries the amount of wealth the currency is worth is assigned by (((Central Bankers))) who also control the imput and output of the currencies. Either way though a trade war between China and the US is basically a nothing burger as both countries depend on one another.

Do you know why there is a space race that’s been going on?

A multipolar world is only worth if you implement it for real instead of becoming a contest of who sucks more jewish cock.

>which is why goods have a price tag on them; mainly to ensure that demand for the product remains high while also preventing people who cannot afford it access to it. However, in most western countries the amount of wealth the currency is worth is assigned by (((Central Bankers))) who also control the imput and output of the currencies. Either way though a trade war between China and the US is basically a nothing burger as both countries depend on one another.
True, reason why Trumps agenda will simply bounce back when he's gone. This course cannot be changed for the reasons mentioned in earlier post.

Yup, I agree. The only way to change anything would be to take down central banks, but that means taking down the Rothschilds too which obviously would be no easy task. The US is a Zionist puppet state so it doesn't matter who gets elected because the outcome will generally be the same no matter what happens. Here's to hoping for a massive collaspe and the rise of Imperialism or Feudalism

Space race has been obsolete since the 70s. I wouldn't be surprised if countries like the US, China and Russia already have hidden bases or weapons on the moon

>taking down the Rothschilds too which obviously would be no easy task
Yeah, funding the opposition makes perfect defense.

Excuse me
Дa вaм јa кaжeм нeштo

China Numba Wan !

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Die mad about it, bogan nigger

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Indeed. Any form of currency requires a state to regulate it lest it be completely worthless but at the same time it would give the state plenty of power. Which is why society needs a political ideology that utilizes currency but doesn't abuse it.

Have a nice day user, pce.

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Nice talking to you too mate.

This fuckin retard thinks the space race in 2019 is the race to the moon hahahahaha what a total loser. Ur that dude who spends his time with his friends pontificating and waiting for his one tiny moment of self aggrandizing glory where he hogs the intellectual spotlight and holds dominion over the entire stupid shallow pointless faggoty conversation like the stupid fag fuck "ancap" loser that u are

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Good. Go build your own armies, you tiny little shitheaps. Nobody cares about the European police states.
If you're retarded enough to cozy up to China, you'll get what's coming to you.

>Whilst true, China's economy isn't dependent on it's exports like the American economy.
China's economy is centered upon creating cheap bullshit for other countries and stealing technology.
>Your main control of the world came about after WW2 where you used the wealth gained from the spoils of war to supply the much needed allies who were desperate for resources
Even before WW2 was even over the U.S. had a strong manufacturing capabilities and outproduced all the Soviet Union and British Empire combined and greatly outproduced the German Reich.
>If in fact you decide tomorrow that you willingly want to shut yourself off from the world, the first thing that would happen is the imminent collapse of your financial sector since the current debt/boom bust of your dollar stays alive by the fact that others use it.
What's the argument being made here? That America ascended European nations militarily and economically? 'I-i-if you stopped trying, then you'd be irrelevant!' Russians really are butt hurt insecure pseudo-intellectuals stuck in the past. Maybe if Russia wasn't a corrupt kleptocracy it would be a global power rather than a regional one. Your birthrates aren't looking good compared to the muzzies in your country. Go die from alcoholism while your women marry Chinese merchants and muslims, Vlad.

>the absolute state of this post
I don't have friends nor am I an Ancap, I just shitpost with it. Aside from that, multiple countries likely already have weapons in space and I'm sure there might even be a few bases hidden from us, but if you're referring to a galactic race then keep dreaming faggot because it won't happen in our lifetimes

>trump lost a trade war
>media silence
Huh. Yeah, that seems likely. Thanks for the heads up

lol you actually belive China is in a good position right now?

tiananmen square 1989 winnie the pooh tiananmen square 1989 winnie the pooh tiananmen square 1989 winnie the pooh tiananmen square 1989 winnie the pooh tiananmen square 1989 winnie the pooh tiananmen square 1989 winnie the pooh tiananmen square 1989 winnie the pooh tiananmen square 1989 winnie the pooh tiananmen square 1989 winnie the pooh tiananmen square 1989 winnie the pooh tiananmen square 1989 winnie the pooh tiananmen square 1989 winnie the pooh tiananmen square 1989 winnie the pooh tiananmen square 1989 winnie the pooh tiananmen square 1989 winnie the pooh tiananmen square 1989 winnie the pooh

>I’m only pretending to be retarded

>t. jose el taco

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Great rebuttal. Try addressing the point next time