Should assault weapons be banned?

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Swalwell is getting BTFO

They already are faggot. Now fuck off


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Furthermore, the 1934 NFA act should be repealed as it is unconstitutional.

I understand, faggots like you can't fathom having a tool to defend yourself with, you would prefer to piss yourself in the corner as you are stabbed to death by pajeets, but I would rather be able to defend myself and my family with the best tools I can afford.

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>I understand, faggots like you can't fathom having a tool to defend yourself with, you would prefer to piss yourself in the corner as you are stabbed to death by pajeets, but I would rather be able to defend myself and my family with the best tools I can afford.
Why's this so fucking difficult for leftists to understand

My fist is an assault weapon, if I use it to assault you.

Jews turned ArmaLite (AR) into “assault rifle” and everyone bought it. Sorry lefties, AR15 doesnt stand for assault rifle

Just make crime illegal

The Constitution is a worthless piece of paper.

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Back in my day, trolling meant something

If every room of 30 had a few guns between them, no mass shooting will ever occur again, change my mind.
And I'm talking mass mass, not counting the shootings where 3 street nigs take a bullet to the brain

they aren't assualt weapons
they are semi autos
any gun after 1900 can do what they do

if they were assault weapons they have all sorts of extra shit and fire automatically

Gays prefer death and self destruction, it's literately rooted into their dna to cease their genetic line. Why is this not common knowledge?

2 words Leaf....

It’s actually ArmaLite Rifle (AR) but yeah, this.

The 2nd amendment should protect the private ownership of 'arms' up to an including nuclear weapons. But it doesn't, therefore the Constitution has failed. Are you one of those "you don't need a machine gun to hunt deer" types of people?

do the police have assault weapons? if so, no ban.

you better watch out.
he'll nuke you.

>mfw I see the results of that poll

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repeal the 2nd amendment.


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Sheeeit forgot to put rifle. Sorry senpai
You try to fight against guns, then try to be for them. Nice try at the jewish tricks.

Feels good to be an American with all types of guns.

All citizens are the milita. Every citizen is entitled to own at least a 14.5" M4 carbine with a 3 round burst.

Even felons and convicts IN jail cells right now?

I prefer 30 round burst for an m4 Actually bursts that are dependent on magazine size and how long you pull the trigger. And by magazine I mean belt. And by m4 I mean M2.

Yes. If they are IN jail cells, give them guns, and only the best survive. Then they get the chair.





No, and those advocating the dissolution of the rights of others should automatically have their 1st amendment rights revoked. It's no different than using the 2nd to stifle the first. Get fucked.

Fucking dumbass, there are tons of infringements in place now

Ma deuce

I never said I was against guns. Do you have a reading comprehension problem?

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only after you ban assault niggers

>You try to fight against guns, then try to be for them. Nice try at the jewish tricks.
He's obviously referencing Spooner you illiterate moron.

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They practically are. The Hughes Amendment makes it so expensive to purchase full funs that you might as well call them banned. What else do you want to do to them? I think there’s only a few hundred thousand left in circulation.

>constitution is worthless
>we should all have nukes (obvious shill)
>so far, anti gun
>being pro machine gun to hunt

You seem to be on two sides or youre just terrible at writing and getting points across. If there was humor, it was shit.

I want common sense nigger control.

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