Has anything more based ever been said?

Has anything more based ever been said?

Attached: ww3.png (573x569, 339K)

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Based and redpilled, America better attack Iran.

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>”fuck the ayatoilets”

Is there any reliable assessment of the Iron Dome's ability to ward off Iran's nuclear missiles?

We really need to bomb Iran.



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"drop a second nuke in japan". can't beat that

they say this on a weekly basis

Jow Forums: I love Bolton now

Half an hour is too long.

"Iran should destroyed"

Their infinity more based then letting a sworn enemy destroy a valued ally and beacon of democracy in the middle east.

Attached: WAR.jpg (124x124, 3K)

They've been saying the same shit for decades and done nothing. They are just talk.

>t Sunni terrorist

.t shia mutt

Oh that would suck. Iran needs to false flag itself.

Attached: stahp teasing.jpg (576x313, 36K)

A country can be glassed within half an hour by NATO states.
Taking out all silos and launch pads will occur in the first minute, with no response possible.

Iran has submarines. Going to survey the entire ocean in 30 minutes too?


so he's the iranian arie deri ?

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>Remove the been problem once and for all
>(((NATO))) retaliates
>My ancestors are smiling at me, Imperials. Can you say the same?
Based Persians

100% since iran dosent have any nukes

wtf I want to go to war with Iran now?

I say we call their bluff

Well, Im pro war now I guess

Considering mossad had been planting suitcase nukes in building foundations in Iran for over a decade, I don't think Israel is worried.

Unlimited war with Iran would be a joke.

this almost makes me want the US to attack Iran
where is Bolton when you need him?

Iran has no nukes yet.

it's funny because america cares more about israel than itself.

He's not wrong. Every Shia state will chimp out if Iran is attacked. Hezbollah sleeper cells will probably be active in Israel if that ever happens.

I will personally mix a bottle of coke and a pack of mentos in iran if his words are true. in minecraft of course

Oh shit we need to attack.
this is clearly the message hes sending us!

It will be a battle royale in the middle east. Shia's will absolutely chimp out if Iran is ever attacked. Doubt the kikes can do anything proper since they had a hard time defeating Hezbollah when they attacked Jordan.

lol they sent him to Mongolia so he wouldn't fuck up North Korea negotiations again.

Do it

Different rules of engagement

I wish Russia would ally them and give them some Satan II missiles.

let it happen. make the holocaust look like nothing.