Despite speaking english fluently on Jow Forums, do you speak english irl with your friends and family? Or do you speak your native language?
A question to the anons from non-english speaking countries
I don't have friends or family.
My dogs speak to me in English so it is only polite that I answer in English
Why would I speak my non-native language with my family are you actually retarded?
That's funny. in Europe dogs only know German
>A fucking leaf
My dog is mono-lingual, but you can't believe a dam word he says.
So your dog only speak hebrew
w-what language do the emus speak?
My favorite part is how they all come here to shitpost about the US but speak American English fluently. Never seen a German refer to fries as chips in earnest.
>muh wastepaperbasket
I basically never use English unless I am on the internet or helping some tourist
>t. Italian with French ispn
They are still salty about the war they don't talk to us.
It's a mystery.
My theory is that the cassowaries are the supreme overlords of Australia.
The emus are nothing but foot soldiers.
I also theorize that the dropbear meme was started by said overlords to keep humans out of the northern territory, the cassowary HQ
why would i speak english with my family
oy m8
the cassowary hq is called FNQ.
I live way down in the south. Our biggest threat is weird shit crawling out the ocean.
I speak English on the webs and I'm learning American
Only American words I know so far
>Mazel Tov
>Metzitzah b'peh
nope, I'm pretty confident in writing and reading english, but as far as speaking it my spaghettis drop all over before even starting
Tôi nói viết tiếng
I've seen videos on the net about cassowaries.
Dangerous fucking animals.
I live in a region with jungle cats and man eating snakes but I fear the mad flightless monsters.
French and proud to be here. My friends and I usually do a lot of references to ur meme culture, so we use a lot of English words. Other than that, no, cringe.
Are you stupid? Of course we speak german.
What a fag.
>leaf education
My wife is a foreigner and we sometimes use English to communicate if one of us doesn't know the proper word in the others language. Apart from that no.
I use French