How do we restore masculinity?

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kill all the jews

Definitely with gas and rollercoasters

We gas the kikes

through a National Socialist Revolution

Start by mapping what masculinity means for yourself. Then lead by example, but also be open to revision your idea of masculinity by open dialogue with people who have differing ideas.

If your lead resonates with other people around you, they will take your stance on this concept.

Damn she’s hot

I'd fuck him

when first post don't lie.

we go back to publically making fun of this behaviour then shaming this type of behaviour and then escalate to going back to punishing this type of behaviour

He's cute

>Brazil aka trannyland talking about masculinity

Limit anime/video game exposure and encourage physical fitness. Masculinity/testosterone naturally increases with physical activity.

NO access to social media and 2 hours of day of mandatory labor in the sun.

Stop enforcing rigid hierarchy in malehood and obsess porn habits

>How do we restore masculinity?

white men all become traps on hormones and become sex slaves of strong black men. that's the most likely outcome where everything is headed.

>but also be open to revision your idea of masculinity by open dialogue with people who have differing ideas.
Wrong. This is why your country is filled with effeminate men

Rite of passage. Either military or marriage early on/family.
Destroy social media/ban online porn.
Fix the no-fault divorce shit, since most "men" grow up fatherless.

These two would go a long way toward restoring it.

As a former Twitch male twitch tranny who dressed up just for $$$ I can tell you that it's not a Msculine proble, it's a jobs and economy problem OP. You can get into private pics and make way more money. You gotta make money some way or another. You wouldn't believe how many masculine straight guys do this for money.

Get Jow Forums and encourage your weak friends to follow the same path.

>2 hours a day of mandatory labor in the sun.
you're saying like that's something horrible, you lost your way alright

This. I heard a bunch of people just drew porn commissions to get them through the recession.

I see you've been reading the party platform of The National Socialist Revolution

guns also.

Even if we just re-introduced BB guns into high schools, or archery into more gym classes (I was lucky and had archery in my gym class around 07) to encourage competition.

Your arrows and bb's or bullets don't lie where they land, the marks are clear as day for everyone to see. if you have a string of bad shots, then everyone will know, and it may push that person to try and improve at a sport that is much harder than most people expect.

Welcome to the National Socialist Revolution


There are indeed a lot of effeminate men in my country. I believe that has other reasons, however. Such as the extreme left pushing their agenda without social control like the right has.

It is also the failure of masculine men to lead by good example. Mostly they've been reacting to the extreme left by opposite-balancing themselves to this group. And as such disgraced themselves to monkey like behaviour.

based mutt

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Two hours of mandatory P.T. per day, forced marches, and twice weekly visits to racially segregated whorehouses.
All fucking niggers must fucking hang.

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It's simple.

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By bringing back bullying

Is that maxmoefoe

I am a European born son of the first National Socialists.

>You cannot be other than united with us. When the great columns of our movement march triumphantly through the world today, I know you will join the columns. We know before us Europe lies, in us Europe burns, and behind us Europe follows.

For you

We Revolutionary National Socialists will not use psychological or physical coercion to change the minds of the broken. No, never, we offer strength through struggle and cohesion through genetic bonds.

Long Live the National Socialist Revolution!

What once was

Nature will balance things out. The weak, decedent, deviants will be ground underneath us and provide the future with soil to grow.

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Who cares? Men becoming traps is a net win for men.
Fixing femininity however has potential

this followed by purging anime off the face of the earth.

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To the western, reddit-dwelling basedboys the sun and fresh air are mortal enemies.

uwu show his butt!



Hit the gym. Every right-winger has a duty to outweigh antifa by at least 10kg/20 pounds.

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Actually the straight man needs to take back faggotry from the lgbt. A feminine man doesnt make a man female/gay.
Eg. Bowie

Won't ever happen without blood

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State-enforced cultural purity

I basically fuck exclusively traps/trans these days. No shame in admitting it.

I'm not having kids anyway. I take pleasure in ripping these degenerates apart. No matter what sex "experts" and porn says, butt sex is never pleasurable for the receiver. If they want to change "genders" I'm going to make them pay for the privilege. That's what gets me off the most. Listening to these sissy bois scream as I plow their assholes, maybe I'll fuck them straight.

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By making 1 post by this ID threads that belong in the all day.



Here's your (You)

We need a war.

if you have to ask i have bad news for you

Based and definitely

fuck them in the ass to make them humble

Fire up the c130s, it’s time to ship out.

You do realize you're becoming a degenerate yourself by fucking degenerates


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exercise and other testosterone enhancing supplements and activities

Wanna know how I know you’re a boomer?

where the fuck do you find them?? ive only been able to find old bald fatmen in dresses.

>No matter what sex "experts" and porn says, butt sex is never pleasurable for the receiver
feels good to me you faggot

Why? I don't even care anymore. I despise them and their deluded minds. Thinking they are somehow female. The best is when it's their first or one of their first times. They think they are ready. As if fingers or a dildo up their ass will prepare them for it. But it's not the same when it isn't under your control, you do it slowly because it hurts, when someone else mounts them, they want it fast because it feels good.

Yah it's like people cleaning up radiation to prevent others from being irradiated become radiated themselves.

Based and Sheikpilled

I've been saying for a long time that one major push that the American right could make and probably win on is mandatory gun classes in school. At least high schools can have a few BB guns or other small calibers around. You have the argument that 2A should be taught to its fullest, that gun safety is important enough to merit school inclusion, that the NRA/Gun manufacturers will support it for all those guns, etc.

It seems a bit weird to me that you can graduate in the US knowing about civics and the constitution without ever having held a gun.

>it's a jobs and economy problem OP.
you're right that faggot trannys are a symptom, but its a symptom of a dying society. the cause of which seems to remain a mystery. (j*ws)

Very interesting rationalization of your fetish

Is she making money by working as a maid? Why does she feel the need to post that on Reddit?


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the future is bleak

Do you men of culture prefer traps with big masculine penises or small feminine penises?

>that one based canadian

This. Add in martial training of all types.

>How do we restore masculinity?
Easy! Gas jews


>Hello my fellow whites

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this user gets it

Eat onions and cabbages. Don't eat onions and grapefruit.