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Other urls found in this thread:

Israel destroyed a Russian Submarine killing 14 Russians.

Cool. Any chance of the US turning a blind eye for a few hours and letting the rest of the world rain down nuclear justice on Jerusalem?

your subject and description are both garbage

1) Nothing EVER happens
2) Fuck Zio Christians and Jews

It should be Tel Aviv, I'd still like to visit the holy sepulchre one day.

Nothings happening. Happening Fags are cancelled again

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God I hope so. Probably not sadly.

Wow its fucking nothing yet again

it's not a happening until it has happened

That doesn't explain what Putin is doing and why the EU is meeting

Fucking nothing as always. Not happening. You will die, slowly boiled to death, in the clown world. Nothing is happening ever.

I wish happeningfags could be perma banned.

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happening fags are cancer
>you will never live during a total apocalypse

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A falseflag to distract. Not very clever.

First contact imminent.

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Putin is monitoring an incident with one of his submarines and the EU security council meeting is not even confirmed. Why don't you provide a substantial reason for there to be a happening instead of expecting people to debunk happening larps.

link your sources, why do people not link shit anymore?

>EU commission security council
Hahahaha what. That doesn’t exist.

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It's actually UN security council but they are worthless and just cause problems

>EU security council

That isn't a thing.

a well informed ameribro

The Russians were messing with the data cables that run on the bottom of the ocean.

Some one must have covertly attacked them.

Oh so it's the EU after all

Unmanned Japanese sub discovered in the Laptev sea (east of the barents where the russian sub caught fire).

It's actually happening this time.

Oh so its just goyim killing each other. Why would anybody fucking care

Where's that?

oh look the politicians are pretending like something really serious is happening

5 fighter jets just flew over my house in formation
I live next to a large military installation and see jets sometimes but it's usually only one plane at a time

Sauce? I thought those dirty niggers learned from Hiroshima and Nagasaki.... I was wrong

This. Fuck. Nothing ever happens.

they're not part of our defense protocol,

Ftfy. Also check

was watching a live event with the pm of this country someone whispered something in his ear and he and his people left abruptly
i was just larping about a happening but now im spooked
what the fuck do i do,no woods here to hide in

>politician says no cause for concern
That's exactly when it's cause for concern.

Anyone have eyes on the ground in DC?

get a load of this greatest ally

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Shlomo, your Mohel Rabbi needs help holding down anudder baby boy so he can gargle on his bloody stump.

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well they only need to be right once

>Anyone have eyes on the ground in DC?
Someone needs to make a skyking thread and listen to the chatter.


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oh shit

Are you a strong swimmer?

wait, someone already did...

they're your only defense protocol

I'll check catalog. Brb

>where is a skyking thread when you need it

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why is the vp taking opiods?


nuffin to see hear


Isn't that the main reason we have a large chunk of our Navy and Airforce in that area? Russia has wanted to tap into those things for a while now.

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Big if true



Pease AFB is in southeast New Hampshire, just outside Portsmouth.

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SKY KING 11175 is broadcasting morse code

Not to alarm anyone but I was outside about 30 minutes ago and I saw 2 fighter jets flying close formation high over my city. they didn't look like they were carrying weaponry but I couldn't exactly tell from how high up they were.

Probably nothing but you never know...


>He was scheduled to attend an event on opioids
Based Pence

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4th of July World Wide


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Is there any evidence of this?

Pic related

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I'll believe its happening when it actually happens.

>being this naive

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